Search Results for: Iran


US team eyes Iraq weapons trail back to Iran


Iran is preparing to install centrifuges designed for high-grade uranium enrichment in an underground bunker. Iraqi Kurds accused Iran of building roads inside Iraqi territories.


Panetta Says Iranian Arms in Iraq Are a ‘Concern’


Senior al Qaeda leaders, including Saif al Adel, continue to use Iran as a sanctuary. A top Islamic Revolution Guards Corps official claimed Iran is behind the “Islamic Awakening” in the Middle East.


Academy blocks Iranians from flight training


Iran ‘supporting Shi’ite groups in Iraq that are killing US troops’


IRAN: Commander outlines Revolutionary Guard’s muscular role in politics and economy


Iraq Cracks Down on Iran-Backed Shiite Militias


Iran – Supreme Court upholds death sentence for Christian priest


A senior cleric advocated the spread of the Islamic revolution to the US and Europe. The Maersk Line shipping company will no longer do business at the Iranian ports of Bandar Abbas, Bandar Khomeini, and Asaluyeh.


US military sees Iran behind rising troop deaths in Iraq


Britain accused Iran of testing nuclear-capable missiles; the US said Iran is “bragging” about its missile program. President Ahmedinejad denounced the arrest of four of his followers in the government.


The US, France, and Britain accused Iran of “alarming” violations of UN Security Council sanctions of its nuclear program. Russia and China are blocking a UN report that implicates Iran. The US imposed sanctions on Iran Air, Tidewater Middle East Co., and other firms.


The director of Iranian intelligence claimed Iran arrested 30 “US spies” and an additional 42 people are suspected of helping the US. The Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines bypassed US sanctions by using shell companies.


Parliament has moved to impeach Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, an ally of President Ahmedinejad. Security forces arrested four Jundallah members in Sistan and Baluchistan,


US Secretary of Defense Gates said Iran continues to support Shia terror groups in Iraq. Parliament banned the entry of the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran. The commander of the Basij said the UN is “a colonial institution and a puppet of arrogant powers.”


Seven Iranian soldiers were killed in a minefield on the Iraqi side of the border in the Kurdistan area. Iran launched a second satellite into earth’s orbit.


Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman warned the US against launching “a military intervention in any country of the region, including Syria.” China is encouraginging Iran to continue negotiations over its nuclear program.


Iran’s air force chief claimed that US-made F-14 fighters are still operational as engineers are “reverse engineering” parts for the warplanes. The army chief said it successfully test-fired a domestically made anti-aircraft missile system.


Iran said it is producing and installing new, homemade nuclear centrifuges, and will triple production of nuclear fuel. The Iranian navy is said to have deployed submarines to the Red Sea.


Iran to triple nuke output, use better centrifuges


Foreign Office confirms Iranian support for Syria


Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi was forced to leave Bolivia after Argentina attempted to enforce an Interpol warrant for his arrest for his involvement in the 1994 bombing that killed 85 people. Russia’s foreign minister said there is “no proof” that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly backed President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, putting an end to months of speculation over a rift between the two. Iran said the detention of a diplomat in Egypt was a “misunderstanding that has been resolved.”


Syria to end nuclear secrecy


Egypt’s state security service is interrogating an Iranian diplomat who is suspected of “spying for a foreign country to harm the interests of Egypt.” Iran has denied the diplomat was arrested.


The International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran is developing a triggering device for nuclear weapons, and its nuclear program is recovering from the Stuxnet virus. Iran’s intellignece minister said the “confessions” of CIA spies would be aired on state television.


Watchdog finds evidence that Iran worked on nuclear triggers


The International Atomic Energy Agency said Iran is increasing its uranium stockpiles. The US imposed economic sanctions on seven foreign firms, including Venezuela’s state oil company, for their dealings with Iran.


Don’t provide Iran with a foothold, US told Pak