Search Results for: Pakistan

Al Qaeda

Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda commander in Afghanistan, said the terror group would use Pakistan’s nuclear weapons against the US. “God willing, the nuclear weapons will not fall into the hands of the Americans and the mujahideen would take them and use them against the Americans,” he said. He also said al Qaeda expected the […]

Senior Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban leaders meet with Baitullah

Siraj Haqqani, Abu Yahya al Libi, Abdul Haq, and two senior Taliban commanders met with the Pakistani Taliban chief to advise him to redirect his activities toward Afghanistan. The meeting took place the same week the US and Pakistani military launched airstrikes in South Waziristan and wounded a senior terrorist leader.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda and the Taliban have succeeded in maintaining their coffers through a host of methods, including kidnappings, extortion, taxing drug routes, illegal money transfers from Western countries through hawalas, and falsely inflating prices of products, such as honey from Yemen. Islamic charities are still funneling money to the terror groups.


India’s counterterrorism Multi-Agency Centre reported that there are 42 terror training camps inside Pakistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir that are devoted to attacks inside India and Indian-held Kashmir. There are 17 “active” and four “holding or dormant” camps inside each of the two regions that train and house an estimated 2,200 terrorists.

Analysis: Waziristan operation to focus on Baitullah Mehsud

The Pakistani military appears to have a limited objective in the pending operation in South Waziristan. The Haqqani Network and Taliban leaders Hafiz Gul Bahadar and Mullah Nazir are not being mentioned by Pakistani officials, and efforts are underway to keep them out of the fight.


Pakistan-India: Singh tells Zardari to ‘stop terrorists’

US kills 5 in South Waziristan strike

predator-uav.jpgToday’s strike targeted a vehicle in the Ladha region, which is controlled by Baitullah Mehsud; five terrorists are reported to have been killed. This is the first strike since May 16.

Arakzai Taliban take credit for mosque suicide attacks

Mullah Saaed Hafiz, the deputy commander of the Arakzai Taliban, said the attacks were executed to avenge Pakistani military strikes in Hangu and Darra Adam Khel that killed 47 people, including a pro-Taliban cleric.

Pakistan’s Peshawar transformed by Taliban threat

Al Qaeda

The CIA believes Osama bin Laden is still in Pakistan and thinks the Pakistani military operation may aid in flushing him out into the open. A few al Qaeda leaders and operatives are thought to be relocating to Somalia and Yemen.

Al Qaeda

CIA says bin Laden in Pakistan

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda ideologue and strategist Mustafa Setmariam Nasar is reportedly in Syrian custody. Nasar, also known as Abu Musab al Suri, was detained in Pakistan in 2006 and transferred to various US black sites before being sent to Syria. He is wanted by Spain in connection with the 2004 Madrid train bombings.


Paktika governor: Pakistanis attack Afghan troops


Iran hangs two Jundallah men

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden released an audiotape to coincide with President Obama’s visit to the Middle East. “Obama and his administration have sowed new seeds of hatred against America,” bin Laden said, chastising the US for its support of Pakistani operations in Swat. Yesterday Ayman al Zawahiri released a tape, also criticizing Obama for visiting Egypt.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters ambushed a convoy of teachers in Timezrit. An IED was followed by gunfire; two teachers and eight policemen were killed in the attack. An Algerian extradited from Britain has fled to the Afghanistan/Pakistan region and is thought to have rejoined al Qaeda.

United States

Pakistan: US seeks sustained military effort in FATA


The Lahore High Court ordered the release of Hafiz Saeed despite the government’s presenting evidence linking him to al Qaeda. Pakistan said India’s disappointment at Saeed’s release is “misplaced” and claimed India did not provide evidence that allowed Saeed to be detained. Saeed denied that his group has any links to the Mumbai assault.

Al Qaeda

US officials cite gains against al-Qaeda in Pakistan


Two former directors of Bangladesh’s National Security Intelligence testified that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency and the ARY Group plotted to smuggle weapons into the country to pass along to the Indian terrorist group ULFA. Ten trucks laden with weapons were seized by police during an operation in Chittagong. The two directors were arrested for involvement […]


Iran closed its border with Pakistan. Security forces defused a homemade bomb found on a domestic flight. Iran executed three men for complicity in last week’s mosque bombing in Zahedan and detained “a number of individuals who intended to create insecurity” in the city.

Al Qaeda

Senior al Qaeda spokesman and ideologue Abu Yahya al Libi called for the takeover of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal and for planning to prevent the US from seizing Pakistan’s nukes after a Taliban revolution in the country. Libi made the statements in a book titled ‘Sharpening blades against Pakistan’.