Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistan’s Supreme Court has indefinitely suspended hearings on the release of Lashkar-e-Taiba / Jamaat-ud-Dawa leader Hafiz Saeed. The government was challenging the Lahore High Court’s decision to release Saeed from a loose house arrest after the November 2008 Mumbai terror assault.


India said it has turned over enough evidence to Pakistan to allow it to proceed with the prosecution of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder and leader Hafiz Saeed for his involvement in the November 2008 terror assault on Mumbai. “The evidence provided in three dossiers is, in our view, sufficient to investigate role of Hafiz Saeed,” Indian Home […]

United States

The FBI arrested six US citizens and one Kosovar in North Carolina for plotting acts of terrorism in Israel. All seven “are charged with conspiring to provide support to terrorists and conspiring to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons abroad.” One suspect, Daniel Boyd, “is a veteran of terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan.”

The Taliban

Pakistan’s foreign minister said the government will no longer provide sanctuary to Mullah Omar and the Taliban’s Quetta shura. “They’ve created havoc, made our environment insecure, and wherever they are, we’ll take them on,” Shah Mehmud Qureshi said. “Absolutely, we’ll be taking them on.”

Al Qaeda

Bryant Neal Vinas, the American-born al Qaeda operative caught in Pakistan, provided intelligence that allowed the US to target al Qaeda leaders and training camps in Pakistan’s tribal areas as well as information on a possible attack on a Long Island railway. In January 2009 he pleaded guilty to conspiring to murder US nationals, providing […]

Al Qaeda

US citizen captured in Pakistan gives window into Al Qaeda’s world

United Kingdom

2 Pakistani students held in UK terror raids to be freed


Police detained Mufty Obaidullah, a senior operative in the India-based Asif Reza Commando Force. The group is a criminal-terrorist organization with close ties to Harkat-ul-Jihadi-e-Islami, the Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency. Obaidullah was attempting to expand the network in Bangladesh.

In Pictures: The Haqqani Network


The Haqqani Network is a dangerous Taliban group that operates in both Afghanistan and Pakistan and maintains with close ties to al Qaeda.

Mullah Sangeen Zadran

The Haqqani Network commander has been a major target of US forces. The US has launched attacks against him in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Qari Hussain Mehsud

The notorious Taliban commander trains children to serve as suicide bombers at his camps in South Waziristan.

Hakeemullah Mehsud

Hakeemullah is one of the Pakistani Taliban’s most able and effective commanders and is a rising star in movement.


Seven locations in the state of Maharashtra have been placed under high alert after intelligence detained a Pakistani terrorist in Kashmir. The detainee had photographs of seven locations in his possession, including a bank and train stations in Mumbai. Officials believe another attack might be launched by sea as was the November 2008 strike in […]

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri again urged Pakistanis to fight against the United States and the Pakistani government for backing the “Crusade” and asked Muslims to donate to al Qaeda. “The current ruling class in Pakistan is lining up under the cross of the modern Crusade and competing for American bribes,” Zawahiri said. “Hence, the actual ruler […]


A court convicted Pakistan-born Aleem Nasir of financing and recruiting for al Qaeda in Europe. Nasir also provided binoculars, night-vision goggles, laser range-finders, digital compasses, and radios to al Qaeda fighters overseas.

The Taliban

The US said it would not pursue talks with the Taliban until the group denounces al Qaeda and lays down its weapons. “The Taliban and al Qaeda are linked like this,” US Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke said. “And, unless the Taliban repudiates al-Qaeda publicly, this is a nonstarter.”

The Taliban

A military spokesman denied a report by CNN that Major General Abbas said the Pakistan government can broker a deal between the US and the Taliban. Maulana Abdul Aziz called for the imposition of sharia law and warned of a “bloody revolution” if the government refused to implement it.