Search Results for: Pakistan

Al Qaeda

In a tape released on the Internet, Ayman al Zawahiri called for Pakistanis to “back the jihad and mujahideen with your persons, wealth, opinion, expertise, information and prayers and by exhorting others to help them and preach their message.” He also described the fighting in the tribal areas and Swat as an “integral part of […]

Saga of the sons of Sufi

Yesterday the Peshawar High Court released on bail the three sons of Sufi Mohammed, the leader of the pro-Taliban Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammed [TNSM, or the Movement for the Enforcement of Mohammed’s Law] in Swat and Dir. Sufi engineered the Malakand Accord, which turned large tracts of Pakistan’s northwest over the the Taliban. The release of Sufi’s sons […]

New Taliban chief threatens US

Hakeemullah Mehsud said he would avenge Baitullah’s death and would strike at the US. He has a history of successfully carrying out high-profile attacks inside Pakistan.

The Taliban

Taliban leaders Waliur Rehman Mehsud and Hakeemullah Mehsud gave a joint interview to the press to confirm that Baitullah Mehsud died in a Predator strike. Waliur confirmed Hakeemullah is the new leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan while he would lead the Taliban in South Waziristan. Interior Minister Malik and Foreign minister […]


Interpol has released a ‘Red Corner Notice’ for Lashkar-e-Taiba / Jamaat-ud-Dawa leader Hafiz Saeed after being pressured by India. The notice does not mean Pakistan is required to arrest Saeed. Police detained a Lashkar-e-Taiba operative carrying explosives in Delhi.

When the news is too good to be true

If you want to understand just how the news outlets in Pakistan, particularly the TV news outlets, are manipulated, read “Sensationalism, not journalism” at Dawn, one of Pakistan’s best newspapers. Here is a clip: In unstructured societies like Pakistan, where fixing responsibility and holding accountability is not part of media routines, there is considerable damage. […]

Daniel Patrick Boyd and the alleged NC jihadist cell

The latest issue of the Weekly Standard contains my article on Daniel Patrick Boyd, who authorities say was the ringleader of the alleged jihadist cell arrested in the Raleigh, North Carolina area on July 22. My article — the product of several days of research in the Raleigh area — highlights the two faces of […]

If I had a dollar for every time the Taliban ‘collapsed’

The Pakistani-Taliban-is-collapsing meme has taken hold in the blogosphere. From Hot Air: The death of Baitullah Mehsud appears to have done even more damage to the Taliban terrorist network in Pakistan than first thought. Without their charismatic leader to unite them, the Taliban has begun to splinter across ideological and tribal lines, and the council […]

Don’t expect quick results in Afghanistan

The Obama administration is betting that the ‘surge’ of nearly 21,000 US forces to Afghanistan will produce positive results within the next year. What will happen if the situation doesn’t improve in that year isn’t stated, and leaves much cause for concern. If you are hoping the influx of US forces into Helmand province and […]

The Taliban

Hakeemullah Mehsud has taken command of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. Azam Tariq was appointed the new spokesman. The Taliban shura appointed Hakeemullah to replace Baiullah in a unanimous decision during the two-day meeting in Arakzai.

Siraj Haqqani target of yesterday’s Predator strike

Siraj Haqqani, the military commander of the Haqqani Network and a close ally of al Qaeda and the Afghan Taliban, was the target of the Thursday night Predator strike outside of Miramshah in North Waziristan. On Thursday night I heard that a senior Haqqani Network commander and an al Qaeda operative were the main targets, […]


Seven Pakistani clerics were killed in Puntland; Puntland officials are blaming each other for the deaths. Two civilians were killed during shelling in Mogadishu. Shabaab said it captured weapons en route to rival clans in central Somalia.

Taliban groups reportedly clash in South Waziristan

Turkistan Bhittani, a leader of an anti-Baitullah Mehsud Taliban group, claimed that more than 60 were killed in a battle with Baitullah’s forces in the frontier town of Jandola. The report is unconfirmed.


Indian troops killed four terrorists as they attempted to infiltrate across the Line of Control from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. On Aug. 8, three more terrorists were killed as they attempted to infiltrate from the Pakistani zone. Nine infiltration attempts have been foiled since Aug. 1.

Taliban debunk claim of battle at shura meeting in South Waziristan

Hakeemullah-Mehsud-3-thumb.jpgThe government and a Taliban rival claimed that Hakeemullah Mehsud and Waliur Rehman killed each other at a meeting to decide on Baitullah Mehsud’s successor. Later Hakeemullah and Waliur spoke to the media and denied a clash took place, and claimed Baitullah is still alive.

The Taliban

Three senior Pakistani Taliban leaders denied that Baitullah Mehsud was killed in the Aug. 5 airstrike in South Waziristan. The leaders said the Taliban shura would release a video confirming he is alive. A Taliban commander denied reports that Hakeemullah Mehsud and Waliur Rahman were killed in a clash at a shura meeting.

Al Qaeda

Drone attacks in tribal Pakistan force al-Qaeda into urban areas


Saeed trial acid test for Pakistan: Krishna