Search Results for: TTP


Russian and Indian troops took part in counterterrorism war games in the Mahajan range. An Indian news report said that last month Indian authorities alerted Israel that a cell of the Indian Mujahideen was planning attacks on Israeli tourists in Rajasthan. The Indian Mujahideen terror group is said to have recently split into two factions, […]

Al Qaeda

Former Guantanamo detainee was on ground in Benghazi during terror attack, source says


Security forces killed 13 Taliban fighters during operations in Helmand and two senior Taliban commanders in Wardak. Four Taliban fighters died while planting an IED in Paktika; a civilian was also killed in the blast.


A new report estimates that Iran may be only a month away from having enough weapons-grade uranium to produce a bomb; the Obama administration has estimated that Iran is six months away from that capability. In the past 12 months, Iran has nearly doubled its stockpile of medium-grade uranium and has increased its number of […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed nine people in bombings in Yusafiyah and Baqubah, and three soldiers in an IED attack in Tal al Rumman. Security forces launched an offensive against the ISIS in the western part of Anbar; five ISIS fighters, including a Tunisian, were captured in Albu Aitha. Two large […]


State media claimed that Al Nusrah Front emir Abu Mohammed al-Jolani was killed in Latakia; the report has not been verified. Regime aircraft bombarded several villages in Latakia this morning. Regime forces killed some 20 Al Nusrah fighters in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta. A car bomb detonated near a mosque in Reef Dimashq, killing […]

Palestinian Territories

A leader in the Popular Resistance Committees was reportedly targeted in Gaza as part of the group’s ongoing internal divisions. Israeli forces and Palestinian demonstrators clashed in the West Bank. The Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza is closed until further notice. Hamas denounced Palestinian Authority forces for allegedly arresting Hamas members planning attacks against […]


A makeshift grenade was thrown at an Israeli school bus traveling in the West Bank. The IDF would not confirm reports that a Hamas drone plot in the West Bank had been foiled. Israel denied that it was behind a hacking attempt on former French President Nicolas Sarkozy.


Four military dogs killed in action in Afghanistan


The Yemeni air force killed six unnamed “terrorists” in airstrikes in Wadi Mahfad in Abyan province. Three of those killed are said to be local al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commanders who were responsible for suicide attacks and bombings.


Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdulkadir, a top Shabaab leader who was the target of a US Navy SEALs raid in Barawe, spent about a year in Britain in 2007 before returning to Somalia. Somali and Ethiopian forces clashed with Shabaab in Ufurow and Awdiinle; 10 soldiers on both sides were reported killed. Four people were killed in […]


The interior minister fired 15 immigration officers for endangering national security by issuing ID documents to illegal aliens. He said some refugees from neighboring unstable countries have planned terror attacks from Kenyan refugee camps.


The military claimed to have killed 74 Boko Haram insurgents during an air and ground assault on their camps in Borno state; other insurgents are said to have fled, and two soldiers were injured. The military imposed a 24-hour curfew on Yobe state after insurgent attacks in Damaratu. Police banned the sale of all forms […]


On the border with Syria, the land of war


In Syria, fear of spies pervades rebel and government ranks alike


Out in the West Bank with a dead terrorist and a park director


President Hollande said he ordered the recent large-scale joint operation in Mali to help stabilize the country for elections in late November, and warned of the influence of Islamist terrorists evidenced by recent suicide attacks against Chadian peacekeeping troops. Bernard Squarcini, the former head of French intelligence said he was “astonished” that the prime minister […]


Norway rejected the US request to destroy Syrian chemical weapons on Norwegian soil, saying it lacked equipment and could not dispose of the residue in Norway. Foreign Minister Brende offered Norwegian assistance in other areas, including helping with funding, personnel, and inspectors to support the OPCW’s work.


Pakistan’s government approved of and colluded with the US to conduct drone strikes, leaked memos show. Former Prime Minister Gilani denied the reports. Prime Minister Sharif said the strikes violate Pakistan’s sovereignty and again called for an end to the attacks.


The Taliban killed six soldiers in attacks in Jawzjan, Kunar, and Ghazni, and four members of the Afghan Local Police in Badghis. Security forces captured 21 would-be suicide child bombers. The military claimed that 48 Taliban fighters were killed over the past day.


A suicide bomber killed four policemen and three civilians while blowing up a bridge on the border with Jordan. Security forces captured eight al Qaeda operatives, including a senior leader, near the Syrian border. Awakening forces captured six al Qaeda fighters near Rutbah.


Security forces killed two Syrian nationals, one of whom was wearing an explosive belt, in a shootout in Western Bekaa. Two other Syrians were wounded in the clash, which occurred when troops intercepted a van with Syrian plates that was carrying explosives. Six people have died in four days of clashes in Tripoli between supporters […]


Authorities discovered a field hospital in the Sinai thought to be used by Islamist militants. Authorities raised the alert level on the Libya border to prevent the infiltration of militants. A policeman was shot and killed by gunmen in el Arish, and two border guards were injured by an explosive device. An official in Gamaa […]


Authorities are preparing to hand over the bodies of 36 Palestinian terrorists to the Palestinian Authority. Over two dozen Palestinian prisoners will be released by Israel in the coming days as part of ongoing peace talks with the Palestinians. Authorities seized 14,000 crowd dispersal weapons that an importer allegedly sought to sell to the PA.