Search Results for: TTP


Israel Air Force Plan Shoots for 10-Fold Boost in Bombs on Target


Rice Offers a More Modest Strategy for Mideast

United Kingdom

Scottish independence could impair anti-terrorism efforts


Altered Images: How activists cried foul over ‘suicide bomber’ photo


Tunisia’s ‘sexual jihad’ – extremist fatwa or propaganda?


Iran Executes 16 Sunni Insurgents in Retaliation for an Attack

United States

A news report found that the staff of the US’ inspector general for Afghanistan will be unable to visit sites in 80% of the country in 2014, so that monitoring of billions of dollars’ worth of US-funded reconstruction projects will be delegated to private contractors. A US Marine reservist facing a military inquiry into his […]


Multi-national troops strike back against Mali terrorists


Opposition sources said at least 15 Hezbollah fighters were killed in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta. Kurdish YPG forces clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and rebels in Raqqah and in Hasakah, and took over the Tal Kawjar crossing on the Iraqi border from ISIS, which had […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas is reportedly planning a response to upcoming protests in early November in Gaza. Hamas leader Saleh Aruri, known to operate in Turkey, said Hamas will not give up on “the resistance” and will work to develop it. Commenting on reports that PA forces detained members of a Hamas cell preparing drone attacks from the […]


Ansar Jerusalem released a video detailing its Sept. 5 assassination attempt on Egypt’s Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim. Three people wanted in connected with recent attacks in el Arish were arrested. A complaint against former interim vice president Mohamed el Baradei for “betrayal of trust” was dismissed. Schools in the North Sinai resumed operations after being […]


Egypt’s ‘War on Terror’: The dangers ahead


France Begins New Anti-Islamist Sweep in Mali

Saudi Arabia

Saudi women’s driving kicks off without arrests


Taliban Mines One of Biggest Threats in Afghanistan: NATO

Saudi Arabia

Angry Over Syrian War, Saudis Fault US Policy

European Union

In Spy Uproar, ‘Everyone Does It’ Just Won’t Do


Assailants tried to kill the deputy head of crime prevention in Benghazi and wounded his brother; the two men are cousins of the city’s recently assassinated military police chief. A kidnapped Benghazi immigration officer was murdered. An explosion in front of a Benghazi school being used as a training center for election workers destroyed several […]

United States

Reza Olangian, of Los Gatos, Calif., was charged in federal court in New York with trying to buy surface-to-air missiles for Iran. The dual US-Iranian citizen was arrested in Estonia a year ago and extradited to the US in March. The White House is urging Congress to refrain from imposing new sanctions on Iran. The […]

United States

Exclusive Documents: State Department Lacks Basic Cybersecurity

Islamic Jihad Union

U.S. Tells Suspect for First Time It Used NSA Surveillance in a Criminal Case