Search Results for: Pakistan


A senior Iranian member of parliament cast doubts on the uranium fuel arrangement. The interior minister will meet with officials in Pakistan to discuss the recent attacks by Jundallah.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has posted a message mourning the death of Pakistani Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud, declaring that his loss “is a price chosen by the nation to pay willingly and with open heart in return for the watering of the tree of Islam with what it needs of blood, until it […]

Taliban kill general in Islamabad attack

An emergency personnel checks an army jeep with bullet holes splattered on the windshield after it was attacked by gunmen in Islamabad. A brigadier general was killed in the attack. AP Photo. The Taliban have struck again in Islamabad, and have killed another senior Army officer. The BBC reports: A Pakistani army brigadier and his […]

Al Qaeda commander reported killed in US airstrike

Reports indicate a senior Egyptian operative may have been killed in North Waziristan. One report appears to be confusing Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s top leader in Afghanistan and chief financier, with Abu Musa al Masri, an al Qaeda commander.

Another former Gitmo detainee killed in a shootout

Former Guantanamo detainee Yousef Mohammed al Shihri was killed in an Oct. 13 shootout at a checkpoint along the Saudi-Yemeni border. He was reportedly dressed like a woman and planned to commit a suicide attack. Prior to being transferred from Guantanamo, al Shihri allegedly made it clear that he hated all Americans.

Predators, Taliban, and civilians

Click image to view The Long War Journal’s data related to the US air campaign in Pakistan. Peter Bergen and Katherine Tiedemann have published an analysis for the New America Foundation about US drone strikes in Pakistan. Citing previous analyses of drone strike statistics, including the recent report in The Long War Journal, Bergen and […]

Why would the Taliban attack an Islamic university?

The Taliban have taken credit for yesterday’s suicide attack at the International Islamic University in Islamabad. As noted in yesterday’s report on the attack, the Taliban have no problems with striking at mosques and other religious institutions and events. I’ve received several questions as to why the Taliban would strike at an Islamic university. Dawn […]


Iran: Pakistan offers full cooperation in southeast bombing probe

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard commander points finger at US, Britain for suicide attack

An Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps poster. Photo from Trends Magazine. Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, is blaming the US and Britain for yesterday’s suicide attack that killed five senior IRGC commanders, including Brigadier General Nour Ali Shoushtari, the deputy commander for the IRGC’s ground forces, Brigadier Rajab […]


Tehran claimed US and British involvement in the suicide bombing of IRGC members by Baluchi rebels. The Iranian press urged Pakistan to crack down on Sunni rebels along the shared border. The ‘P5+1’ will meet with Iran today to further talks over sending Iranian uranium abroad for enrichment; Tehran claimed it will continue to enrich […]

Taliban raise funds in Kurram and Arakzai

With the Pakistani military focusing on eliminating the Taliban in South Waziristan, the Taliban are countering by openly raising money in Arakzai, Kurram, Kohat, and Bannu. From Dawn: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan has started a fund-raising campaign in the Arakzai Agency and parts of the Kurram Agency and Hangu. Sources said the TTP men were asking tribesmen […]


Pakistan’s ISI trying to revive militancy in Indian Punjab

David Rohde: Taliban no longer ‘Al Qaeda lite’

Click to view slide show of the Haqqani Network. Pictured is a composite image of Siraj Haqqani. New York Times reporter David Rohde writes about his kidnapping by the Haqqani Network and seven-month captivity. Rohde tells us three things that longtime readers of The Long War Journal and more recently Threat Matrix already know: 1) […]

Al Qaeda

Pak troops begin ground offensive in Waziristan

Analysis: What lies ahead in Waziristan

The military is set to take on the Taliban in South Waziristan, where the military has failed four times in the past. The operation will pit the Army and Frontier Corps against the Taliban’s best fighters on terrain the Taliban have owned for years.

United States

Pentagon ramps up direct military aid to Pakistan

Let’s blame India

The body of a government worker at the Federal Investigation Agency killed by a Taliban assault team is carried out by rescue workers.. EPA photo. Before the smoke even cleared from the terror assaults on three police centers in Lahore, a senior police official has pointed the finger at India’s intelligence agency for masterminding the […]


Pakistan spies stoke violence – Afghan advisor

Who is Colonel Imam?

Colonel Imam. Photo from the Irish Times. Pakistan’s The News provides a [likely unintentional] humorous rebuttal to Hamid Mir’s report that Ilyas Kashmiri was a member of the Special Services Group, Pakistan’s elite commandos. This is with reference to Hamid Mir’s report (Sept 20) titled “How an ex-commando became a terrorist”. It is total disinformation […]

United States

Mustafa Abu Yazid, the chief of al Qaeda in Afghanistan, reportedly had been in contact with Najibullah Zazi, the Afghan who has been arrested for plotting to conduct backpack bomb attacks in the United States. The two communicated through an intermediary. Zazi was recruited by al Qaeda and trained in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

The Taliban

Hakeemullah Mehsud, the new leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, said his fighters would array against India if operations in the tribal areas ended. “We are fighting the Pakistan army, police and the frontier corps, because they are following American orders. If they stop following their orders, we will stop fighting them […]

Al Qaeda

In a videotape released on the Internet, Ayman al Zawahiri said that Pakistan’s Army serves the US and NATO and is attempting to stave off their defeat in Afghanistan. Zawahiri said the Pakistani Army “has completely become a tool for the crusaders against its own public, neighbouring countries and the Islamic world.”