Search Results for: TTP

United States

Prosecutors charged Dino Bouterse, the son of the president of Suriname, with attempting to support Hezbollah by providing members of the terrorist group with weapons and facilitating their entry into the US to attack American targets. Secretary of State Kerry said no agreement has yet been reached in negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program, as key […]


ISAF Spokesman Discusses Afghan Election Security, BSA


Anti-Semitism is on the rise, finds survey of European Jewish people


The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood announced plans to form Waad, a new political party in which a third of its membership will be allocated to Muslim Brotherhood members, a third to Islamists, and another third to liberal and nationalistic figures. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham destroyed the al-sheikh Bandar shrine in Raqqah. ISIS […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed five people in two bombings outside a Sunni mosque in Baghdad, two policemen in a bombing in Fallujah, and three soldiers in an attack in Anah. Security forces found the body of a wanted al Qaeda leader near Kirkuk and detained nine wanted al Qaeda fighters […]

Al Qaeda

Somalia: Shabaab ousts traditional elders in favor of loyalists

Al Qaeda

Suicide bombers in Tunisia, from one decade to another


The Army of Islamic State of Libya: Derna’s mystery militia


A US naval convoy crossed through the Suez Canal after increased security was put in place. Security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters clashed in Alexandria. The country will aim to hold parliamentary elections in February or March 2014. The army announced the arrest of a number of suspects in the Sinai, including Salafi jihadists.


The Yemeni Air Force killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a series of air strikes in Al Mahfad area of Abyan province over the past three days. The area is a known stronghold for AQAP.


The separatist Tuareg MNLA claimed that the Malian army violated a ceasefire by arresting several civilians and executing three of them. The Malian army disputed the accusation, saying that after armed bandits attacked a military patrol, three bandits were killed and four were wounded. A witness said the patrol was ambushed while it was responding […]


Abu Qatada continues work from Jordanian prison

Al Qaeda

Accounts Differ to FBI and CBS on Benghazi


Snowden persuaded other NSA workers to give up passwords – sources


Canada added the Al Nusrah Front, which has claimed nearly 600 terrorist attacks in Syria, to its list of terrorist organizations. Dozens of Canadian jihadists are thought to have traveled to Syria to fight. Former Guantanamo detainee Omar Khadr again requested a transfer to a provincial jail from the maximum-security prison where he is currently […]


A lawmaker claimed that Iran has “hundreds” of troops in Syria assisting Assad regime forces; the IRGC countered that “Iran has only advisers in Syria to transfer its military experience to the Syrian army.” Iran entered talks with world powers in Geneva about its nuclear program. The Sunni militant group Jaish-ul Adl claimed the recent […]

Al Qaeda

Former Egyptian militant warns about the Muslim Brotherhood


Security in Afghanistan’s Logar Province on Edge After Jamal Death, Ahead of Loya Jirga


The Taliban killed three intelligence officials in an IED attack in Khost. On Nov. 3, Afghan forces killed nine Taliban fighters while repelling an attack in Ghazni. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s nephew was arrested for the murders of a policeman and a civilian.


NATO plans bigger exercises as it winds down Afghan mission


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed three soldiers in a suicide attack in Ana, four civilians in a bombing in Karbala, two more civilians near Baghdad, and four policemen in an IED attack in Amiriyah. Police killed a suicide bomber in Baghdad. Security forces captured eight ISIS fighters in Ninewa.


Regime and Hezbollah forces recaptured the strategic rebel-held suburb of Sbeineh, south of Damascus, effectively cutting off much of the supply line for rebels in southern Damascus. Kurdish YPG forces took over two more villages in Hasakah after clashes with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and allied rebels. […]


Hezbollah is expanding its reach into Middle East


The secret diaries of Gitmo detainee Abu Zubaydah

Free Syrian Army

Antakya, Turkey: Next Door to War, There’s Money to Be Made


‘No quick fixes’ for Pakistan Taliban violence


Interview: A Continued US Presence In Afghanistan ‘Will Help Prevent Civil War’


Syrians boost Stockholm population growth