Search Results for: TTP


Single-minded Islamic Jihad grows in Gaza’s shadows


By a slim majority vote, the congress authorized the Libya Revolutionaries Operation Room, which briefly kidnapped the prime minister last month, to continue providing security for Tripoli. The National Oil Company is sending a tanker to Tobruk to try to lift the blockade from eastern oil and gas export terminals. Protests at the Mellitah gas […]


Security forces killed an armed terrorist and arrested eight more in a raid in Kebili province. Two policemen were injured during the operation, and 12 more suspects were detained for questioning. In the ongoing sweep, security forces seized grenades, a truck bomb, five cars, communications equipment, and a large quantity of cash.

United Kingdom

Home Secretary May is considering banning terror suspects on Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (TPims) from visiting mosques, after a recent suspect absconded from a mosque wearing a burka. May also wants to amend law so as to be able to revoke a terrorist’s passport even if doing so would leave him “stateless.” Trial began […]

United States

Basit Javed Sheikh a.k.a. Abdul Basit, a Pakistani man from Cary, North Carolina, was arrested at Raleigh-Durham airport as he tried to fly to Lebanon via Canada. He was charged with aiding a terrorist group, as he allegedly has been attempting to provide foreign fighters for the Al Nusrah Front in Syria. The US military […]


Nasiruddin Haqqani, a top leader in the Haqqani Network, was gunned down in Islamabad, Pakistan. The Ministry of Interior claimed that 28 Taliban fighters were killed during operations throughout the country. Tribal leaders and clerics oppose the Bilateral Security Agreement with the US.


A suicide truck bomb near the Kurdish Red Crescent in Aleppo killed 11 civilians and injured over 23 more. Fighting raged in Aleppo between regime and Hezbollah forces and Islamist fighters; and between Kurdish forces and Islamists. In Hasakah, the Al Nusrah Front is said to have beheaded two men, and the Islamic State of […]


Iran and the US blamed each other for failing to come to an agreement about Iran’s nuclear program in recent talks. An investigation shows that the business empire controlled by Supreme Leader Khamenei is worth about $95 billion, some 40% more than Iran’s total oil exports last year, which amounted to $67.4 billion.


Insurgents killed five Iraqis in separate attacks in Mosul, Diyala, and Salahaddin. The bodies of two men who were tortured and then killed were found in Mosul and Salahaddin.

Al Qaeda

The sons feared lost to al Qaeda in Syria


How British and American aid subsidises Palestinian terrorism


Terror victims find witness in case against Bank of China


Gunmen fired on a radio station in the al Masa’eed area of el Arish for the second time in recent days. The army announced the seizure of another weapons cache in Rafah. Clashes between security forces and Islamist militants in the Sinai left two dead. The Interior Minister indicated that a curfew and state of […]


The Shin Bet recently upgraded readiness levels at Israeli embassies in Europe, following an incident in Belgium. The IDF will soon issue an indictment against a Palestinian suspected of killing an Israeli soldier in September. Authorities completed the reinforcement of a 55-mile-long fence along the Golan Heights armistice line with Syria.


Syria rebels recruit at refugee camp


Exclusive: West scorns Assad ‘shopping list’ for chemical convoys


One-Year After ‘Pillar of Defense,’ Hamas is on its Heels


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula offered its condolences for the death of Hakeemullah Mehsud, the former emir of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. Five people were killed and seven more were wounded in a grenade attack in Damar.


Was Arafat really poisoned?

AQAP praises Hakeemullah Mehsud and Pakistani Taliban

In a new statement, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula offered its condolences for the death of Hakeemullah Mehsud, the former emir of the Pakistani Taliban. The terror group praised Mehsud and the Pakistani Taliban for providing haven to foreign fighters.


Khamenei controls vast financial empire built on property seizures


Security forces killed 18 “rebels” in airstrikes in Zabul,


The government has begun the trial of a cell of eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters who plotted to kill President Hadi. Fighting between Salafists and Houthis has resumed in Dammaj in Sadda province.


Authorities seized a variety of weaponry and arrested a number of Islamist militants during operations in the Sinai. More weapons being smuggled in the country’s western region were seized. Two policemen were killed by gunmen in Ismailia. A bomb exploded near an armored vehicle in North Sinai.


John Kerry’s Middle East dream world

European Union

Iran Balked at Language of Draft Nuclear Deal, Western Diplomats Say


How France Scuttled The Iran Deal at the Last Minute