Search Results for: Pakistan

United Kingdom

An immigration court granted the appeal of Abid Naseer, who is fighting his extradition to his home country of Pakistan. Naseer is an al Qaeda operative who was plotting attacks in England. The court said Naseer’s human rights could be violated if he is returned to Pakistan.


Pakistan seen restricting data obtained from Mullah Baradar


The government released a Pakistani man who was detained after setting off explosive detectors at the US embassy in Santiago. Mohammad Saif ur Rehman Khan must remain in Chile and check with the authorities weekly as the government investigates the incident.


Chile charges, frees Pakistani in US embassy case

United States

Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad may have trained in a terror camp in Pakistan’s Mohmand tribal agency. Shahzad is thought to have received $4,000 during a secret meeting at a Dunkin Donuts on Long Island.


US intelligence officials believe Iran is allowing al Qaeda operatives based in the country to move freely into neighboring countries. Members of al Qaeda’s top leadership circles based in Iran, including Saif al Adel, al Qaeda’s top strategist, are thought to be free to travel to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

United States

Pakistani official: No, we didn’t capture Mullah Omar


President Ahmadinejad told the US to “leave the region; leave Afghanistan; leave Iraq; withdraw to your borders and mind your own business.” An Afghan man assaulted Pakistan’s ambassador to Iran in Tehran. Seven foreign firms that have invested in Iran have received US government contracts.


Police detained Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman, a Pakistani man who attempted to enter the US Embassy in Santiago. Rehman was detained after a detector was set off by traces of explosives. Rehman reportedly is in Chile to study tourism and was applying for a visa to the US.

Another ‘al Qaeda guy’ dies in Afghanistan

On April 27, blogger Michael Yon asked military commanders if they could recall if any “al Qaeda guys” were killed or captured in Afghanistan. Our list, here, names several, as well as some Afghan commanders killed in US airstrikes in Pakistan. And here is another, Abu Dijana San’aani, a Yemeni who served as a bomb […]


Militant factions with global aims are spreading roots throughout Pakistan

Taliban: Next Afghan push coming Monday

A new statement from the Taliban’s info-machine (Voice of Jihad English site – non-terrorist site) gives a heads-up about a new operation, “Al-Faath,” allegedly kicking off May 10. The last announcement of a new operation (“Nasrat”) came almost exactly a year ago (via, or PDF from non-terrorist site). It was a reasonably short statement […]

Al Qaeda

Arrest in security scare at Karachi airport

United States

Attorney General Eric Holder and White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan admitted that there are direct links to failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad and the Pakistani Taliban. “It looks as though he was operating on behalf of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan,” Brennan said. “We’ve now developed evidence which shows that the Pakistani Taliban was behind […]

Obama admin finally admits Taliban/Times Square links

After a week of attempting to deflect consideration of connections between failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad and the Taliban, top Obama administration officials have now admitted that a link does indeed exist. From FOX News: Despite conflicting claims over the past week from military and law enforcement officials, as well as Taliban leaders, Attorney […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Agencies warn of potential attack on US embassy

United States

Holder: Pakistani Taliban behind Times Square plot

Al Qaeda

US urges swift action in Pakistan after failed bombing

When the Taliban emails

I have a cover story in in this week’s edition of The Weekly Standard. Titled “The Taliban in My Inbox,” the story details the surreal encounter with the Taliban on May 2. I’ve had quite a few questions on how the release of the Taliban tapes went down, and this article will hopefully answer those […]


India warns US against military aid to Pakistan

United States

US eyes Pakistan assistance after Times Square plot


Afghan security forces detained 16 terrorists, including six Pakistanis as well as Haqqani Network and HIG fighters, over the past several weeks. The terrorists were plotting suicide attacks in Kabul. Afghan and Coalition forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained a commander in Farah; and detained a Haqqani Network commander and two fighters, and two […]

Taliban denial of links to Shahzad doesn’t match known facts

The top spokesman for the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan has recently denied any links to the failed Times Square bomber, Faisal Shahzad. From Daily Times: “We have no connection with Faisal Shahzad,” Azam Tariq, a spokesman for the TTP, told Daily Times over the phone from an undisclosed location. “We don’t know him… […]