Search Results for: Pakistan


Taliban leave Pakistan, but Afghans repel them

United States

Another suspect has been detained in Pakistan in connection with Faisal Shahzad’s failed Times Square bombing. Pakistani officials are giving no details other than the man’s name, Humbal Akhtar. Akhtar is one of 11 suspects detained in Pakistan in connection with the plot.

Former Gitmo detainee featured as commander in al Qaeda tape

Uthman-Ghamdi-thumb.JPGOthman Ahmed al Ghamdi, a former Gitmo detainee, has risen within al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s ranks to commander. He is featured in a tape, along with other AQAP leaders, that celebrates the Fort Hood shooting and the failed Christmas Day 2009 attack, and also threatens further attacks on America.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Obama wants more effective action against extremists

Al Qaeda

Pakistan™s opinionated media landscape

Al Qaeda

US offered crucial evidence in Pakistani meeting on Times Square plot


Pakistan’s Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s decision to free Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed from prison. The court said the government has not presented any evidence linking Saeed to terrorism or the November 2008 terror assault on Mumbai, India, which was carried out by Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives.


‘Taliban families™ expelled from Swat

Haqqani Network executed Kabul suicide attack

The May 18 suicide attack killed two colonels, two lieutenant colonels, two soldiers, and 12 Afghan civilians. Afghan intelligence also implicated Pakistan’s military intelligence service.

Al Qaeda

Jihadis make their way to Pakistan training areas

United States

US aid group ready to help rebuild restive Pakistan


Chile orders Pakistani back to jail


Pakistan – Terrorists may attack NLC, NATO supply depots: report

Barbaric Taliban twist on executing ‘US spies’

Usually, when the Taliban capture so-called “US spies” whom they accuse of working with the Pakistani government or providing information for the US air campaign in the tribal areas, the victims are shot and killed, or occasionally, beheaded or mutilated in some way. The “spies” almost always have a note pinned to their chests warning […]

Chechens spotted in Taliban’s Nuristan tape

Informed observers have pointed out a few other interesting items from the Taliban’s recently released videotape that showed a “white Taliban” fighter who is very likely a young Nuristani. In the video, you can see Chechens and what appear to be Arab and Pakistani fighters intermixed with the Taliban [LWJ noted from day one that […]

Al Qaeda

“Accord for operation in North Waziristan”

Al Qaeda

Investigations on into Hamid Mir’s links with Taliban


Security forces arrested 14 “militants” accused of plotting a jailbreak. The men were attempting to free Smain Ait Ali Belkacem, an Algerian convicted of plotting to bomb the Paris metro. Police also detained 12 men involved in sending jihadists to Pakistan and Afghanistan.