Search Results for: TTP


Syria Seen as Most Dire Refugee Crisis in a Generation


The fine print of the Iran nuclear agreement


Mujadadi Claims He Will Leave Afghanistan if BSA Not Signed


Terror-linked group met in UK parliament


Mali votes in parliamentary elections amid high security


Syria conflict: Children ‘targeted by snipers’


Turnout was low in parliamentary elections today. Demonstrators protested in Kidal against the elections, and gunmen stole ballot boxes and election materials in Goundam and Lere, near Timbuktu. Tuareg separatists smashed car windows in Gao, and destroyed ballot boxes in Tataye. Sixteen people were killed in clashes between ethnic Peul and separatist Tuareg near the […]


Iran nuclear deal fuels anger, jitters in Mideast


The PET intelligence agency estimated that about 80 Danes have gone to Syria to fight since 2012; it said at least seven have been killed in Syria and some 40 have returned. The agency warned that most of the recruits come from “Islamist” environments, and that an increasing number of them have ties to criminal […]


The PST intelligence agency said at least 30 to 40 people have left Norway to fight in Syria, including two teenaged girls from a Somali-Norwegian family. Norway is bolstering security at its onshore gas facilities in the wake of this year’s deadly In Amenas attack and the Utoya massacre in 2011.


Secret US-Iran talks set stage for nuke deal


Palestinians sit tight, count down to end of talks


NSA Report Outlined Goals for More Power


Iranian officials and the EU announced that a deal has been reached between Iran and the six world powers on the Iranian nuclear program. It provides that Iran will suspend enrichment of higher-grade uranium for six months in exchange for $6 billion to $7 billion in US sanctions relief as well as renewed trade in […]


Seven Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation inside a mosque in Nangarhar. The Afghan government accused ISAF of killing two civilians in a night raid; ISAF said the two people killed were Taliban fighters. The Taliban killed an Afghan soldier in an IED attack in Khost.


The Islamic State of Iraqi and the Sham killed 23 people in a series of bombings and attacks. In one attack in Tuz Khurmatu, a suicide bomber killed 12 people. Security forces in Mosul captured a senior ISIS commander who operates in Baghdad.


The Al Nusrah Front and other Islamist groups captured Syria’s largest oilfield, in Deir Azzour province; it is not known if it is operational. Regime airstrikes in Aleppo killed 40 civilians. Gunmen in Hama failed to assassinate National Reconciliation Minister Ali Haidar but killed his driver.


Afghanistan’s Loya Jirga delegates back US jurisdiction over troops


A government official admitted that the militias recently told to leave Tripoli were allowed to take their weapons with them. An Iraqi professor was kidnapped in Derna. Militias have been given until Dec. 31 to vacate their Tripoli bases, including prisons; break up as a military unit; and, as individuals, join the security forces or […]


As Syrian Chemical Attack Loomed, Missteps Doomed Civilians


Iran Is Playing Obama, Says Savvy Saudi Prince


A gag order was imposed on a number of high profile cases including one involving former president Mohammed Morsi. A military source denied reports that a grad rocket was fired from the Sinai toward Israel. Influential cleric Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi described the current government in Egypt as “thugs who kill people and steal their […]


The Turkestan Islamic Party released a message claiming that the Oct. 28 car crash in Tiananmen Square was a “jihadi operation.” In the message, TIP leader Abdullah Mansour warned of further Uighur attacks on Chinese targets, including the Great Hall of the People.


President Karzai rejected a US ultimatum to approve the Bilateral Security Agreement by the end of the year. Security forces killed 12 Taliban fighters during operations in Kabul, Balkh, Wardak, Logar, Nimroz, Kandahar, and Helmand. “Gunmen” kidnapped and then executed two health workers in Helmand.