Search Results for: Pakistan


Afghans welcome Wikileaks revelations, while Pakistan rejects them


Mullen stresses commitment to Afghanistan, Pakistan

2 American troops missing in Kabul as US targets Kabul Attack Network

ISAF did not disclose the nationality of the missing soldiers; the Taliban claimed they captured the troops. The Kabul Attack Network, which has been behind recent attacks in the capital, is backed by the Taliban, the Haqqani Network, and linked to the Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin.


India, Iran distrustful of renewed Afghan-Pakistan ties

Aide to Mullah Omar captured in Afghan south: Report

Abdul Hai Motma’in, the former chief of the Taliban’s Culture and Information department, is said to have been captured in Ghazni province. The Taliban denied the report, and US officials would not confirm it.

Mullah FM alive

Mullah Qari Fazlullah. The Pakistani government has declared Swat Taliban commander Mullah Fazlullah dead numerous times over the past few years, but apparently video footage has now surfaced that shows the Pakistani Taliban commander is alive, albeit recovering from a wound to the leg. Fazlullah was also reported to have been killed during fighting in […]

Al Qaeda

US admits ISI-Taliban links, assures India role in Afghanistan not diminished

Algerian government denies reports of former Gitmo detainee’s mistreatment

The Algerian government has denied reports that it is mistreating Abdul Aziz Naji, a former Guantanamo detainee. Naji was a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba and an expert in improvised explosive devices prior to his detention at Gitmo. His transfer was supposed to entail “security measures,” but an Algerian official claims Naji was outright released.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan denies presence of Bin Laden, Mullah Omar

Al Qaeda

Pakistan, Nato to strengthen political framework

Al Qaeda

Tension ramped up a notch in Pakistan


India claims that the Pakistani Navy directly trained the Lashkar-e-Taiba members who carried out the 2008 terror assault on the city of Mumbai. The information reportedly came from the interrogation of LeT operative David Coleman Headley.

Al Qaeda

Clinton: ‘Principal terrorist threat to US emanates from Pakistan’

Two Gitmo detainees transferred to Algeria, Cape Verde

The Defense Department announced the transfer of two Gitmo detainees today. One of the detainees is an IED expert who was a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba and trained al Qaeda operatives. The other allegedly fought at Tora Bora alongside his son, who was also detained at Gitmo.


Five Pakistanis are among more than 20 suspects detained for involvement in the July 11 bombings in Kampala that killed 74 people. One of the Pakistanis was mentioned in an email to a Shabaab spokesman. Police believe the attacks were carried out by Shabaab suicide bombers.

United States

Clinton raises pressure on Pakistan to fight militants


As Clinton visits, Pakistan seals Afghan trade pact

Al Qaeda

Richard Haass on Afghanistan – time to scale down US ambitions

Al Qaeda

Uganda police say Pakistanis among blast suspects


A senior member of the Iranian parliament said that “Pakistan is terrorists’ shelter” and “Pakistani officials must be held accountable for the issue.” Police arrested 40 people in connection to the Zahedan mosque suicide attacks that was carried out by Jundallah.

Al Qaeda

Clinton to visit Pakistan to discuss its crucial Afghan role