Search Results for: Pakistan


Flood-hit Pakistanis and Afghans may cross to Iran: UNHCR

The Taliban

The US government has designated the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan as a terrorist entity, and has named Hakeemullah and Waliur Rehman Mehsud as specially designated global terrorists. Hakeemullah and Waliur now have $5 million bounties out for information leading to their capture and prosecution.

ISAF continues to hunt IMU commanders in Kunduz

ISAF is definitely hot on the tail of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commanders who are operating in Kunduz. From an ISAF press release today: Afghan and coalition security forces detained two insurgents in Kunduz province Monday in their continued pursuit of an Al-Qaeda-affiliated extremist connected to several insurgent groups in the area including the […]

Al Qaeda leader in Yemen tries to woo Saudi soldiers

Said Ali al ShihriSaid al Shihri, an ex-Gitmo detainee who is one of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s most senior leaders, issued an audiotape earlier this month seeking the support of Saudi soldiers and security officers. Al Shihri’s tape echoes the messaging of al Qaeda cleric Anwar al Awlaki, who has sought to convince Muslim soldiers to serve al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda

Canada’s Operation Samosa and the Pakistani connection

Al Qaeda

Afghan concern about Pakistan is legit: Petraeus


Spanish authorities arrested a Moroccan national for links to al Qaeda. Faical Errai ran a jihadist website, raised funds, and recruited fighters for terror groups in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Chechnya. Spanish authorities have warned that Mokhtar Belmokhtar, an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb cell, is hiring mercenaries to kidnap more Westerners in the Sahara/Sahel.

Pakistan – No proper mechanism for relief items™ distribution: DTCE

Nazir orders Mehsud Taliban to leave Wana

Just days after a suicide attack at a mosque in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, Mullah Nazir has ordered members of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan to leave the area. Nazir believes that followers of Hakeemullah Mehsud were responsible for the bombing that killed Maulana Noor Mohammed, a pro-government and pro-Taliban […]


Petraeus: the US will press militants’ havens in Pakistan


Mustafa Abu Yazid, al Qaeda’s former leader in Afghanistan and top financial official, claimed al Qaeda carried out a bombing at a German bakery in Pune. Yazid, who was killed in a Predator strike in Pakistan in May, created a videotape claiming credit for the attack.

The Taliban

The Pakistani Taliban threatened to attack foreign aid workers delivering relief for the floods that have paralyzed much of the country. “… [T]his horde of foreigners is not acceptable to us at all,” spokesman Azam Tariq said. “… [W]hen we say something is unacceptable to us, one can draw his own conclusion.”


‘Afghan war ends only by targeting insurgency in Pakistan’ – Afghan national security advisor

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda shifting to Pakistan™s urban areas


Pakistan flooding disrupts Afghan war supply lines

ISI shelters top Afghan Taliban leaders. Shocking!

Today’s report in The New York Times on Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate’s detention of Mullah Baradar and other top Afghan Taliban leaders as part of an attempt to sabotage and control negotiations with the Afghan government wins this month’s coveted Captain Louis Renault Award hands down. And to boot, the ISI used the CIA to […]