Search Results for: TTP


A suspect has been accused of planning the Westgate mall attack in Nairobi. Police have arrested a number of radical Muslim youth who attempted to forcefully take over a mosque in Mombasa. Those arrested are believed to be sympathizers of the slain Sheikh Aboud Rogo.


In Mogadishu, a Ugandan university lecturer was gunned down by unknown attackers, and a Somali MP was killed near the Presidential Palace when an IED planted in his vehicle detonated.


Thousands of Eritreans ‘abducted to Sinai for ransom’


Niger’s president says Libya risks becoming like Somalia


Authorities have discovered a mass grave in Diago, just north of Bamako, containing the bodies of 21 people. An investigation is proceeding to determine whether they are the remains of 21 soldiers who disappeared during a failed counter-coup in April 2012.


President Hollande said the French contingent of 650 troops in Central African Republic will be doubled within days, but that the intervention would differ from the Malian one, as in CAR, France will serve as a “gendarme.” Foreign Minister Fabius said the CAR operation was to help stem mounting sectarian violence, and Defense Minister Le […]


US efforts stall in capturing suspects in 2012 Benghazi attacks, officials say

United Kingdom

Jordan Horner a.k.a. Jamal Uddin, 19; Ricardo MacFarlane, 26; and an unnamed 23-year-old, all members of a self-styled “Muslim Patrol” in east London, were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 12 to 17 months for harassing, intimidating, and assaulting people in an attempt to enforce sharia law. Horner, a Muslim convert and associate of hate […]

United States

The US Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction said the Pentagon’s Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan has not been able to track the flow of US funding for Afghan forces, which is handled by the Afghan finance ministry. The Pentagon announced that Noor Uthman Mohammed, a Sudanese detainee at Guantanamo, will soon be repatriated. Noor had […]


Last night, the Islamic State of Iraq took 15 people hostage during a suicide assault on a mall in Kirkuk. Two hundred guards at the Badush prison resigned due to threats from the ISIS. Security forces detained five Ansar al Sunnah operatives in Salahaddin and discovered a bomb factory in Fallujah.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and Islamic groups clashed with regime forces on the Damascus-Homs highway in Reef Dimashq. Regime forces battled Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions on the outskirts of Maaloula. ISIS has kidnapped 51 Kurdish civilians in and around Minbej city in Aleppo, and has seized […]

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda emerges amid Egypt’s turmoil

Al Qaeda

Pakistani CIA informant: ‘Drone attacks are the right thing to do’


Morocco justice chief calls for vigilance against terror


America in Afghanistan: Filling stations in the sky


Highway 1 shows the difficulties ahead in Afghanistan


A Sinai tribal figure said there are some 1,000 al Qaeda-linked fighters in Sinai, some of whom are foreigners. The Azazmeh tribe organized a conference in North Sinai in support of the army’s operation in the area against Islamic militants. Authorities are investigating the presidential pardons that were granted under former president Mohammed Morsi. The […]


Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Secretary of State Kerry to discuss the Iranian nuclear program and negotiations with the Palestinians. Authorities were on high alert over fears that Hezbollah may seek to carry out an attack following the recent murder of a senior commander. A criminal investigation will be opened against any IDF soldier entering […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed 52 people in a suicide assault that targeted and breached the Ministry of Defense in Sana’a. Two German and two Vietnamese doctors, and one Indian and two Filipino nurses were among those killed in the attack.

Shabaab strikes in Puntland

A Shabaab suicide bomber carried out an attack on a security convoy in the coastal city of Bossaso. Two foreigners believed to be working for Saracen International survived the attack.


Shabaab carried out a suicide attack in Bossaso. In Beledweyne, Shabaab fighters unsuccessfully attacked an AMISOM base, with both sides believed to be using heavy artillery. Nearby, in the Mahas region, pastoralists have begun fighting back against Shabaab attacks aimed at stealing their livestock. A total of 139 Somali soldiers have completed their EU-led urban […]


Ronnie Smith, a US citizen who taught chemistry at an international school in Benghazi, was shot dead in the city. Gunmen in Benghazi also shot and killed an Army cadet and a special forces soldier. The head of Benghazi’s Presidential Guards lost a leg when his car was bombed.


Algerian military helicopters killed Khalil Ould Addah a.k.a. Abu Bassen, a Mauritanian who served in a key position in al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, in an attack in Tamanrasset province. Addah was killed along with four associates as they drove in two all-terrain vehicles across the desert from Mali on their way to a […]


Tracking Central Asians’ Trails To Jihad In Syria


Russian force training to counter militants from Syria: Chechen leader


Who Took Out Hezbollah’s Hassan al-Laqqis?

AQAP launches suicide assault on Yemeni defense ministry complex

A suicide bomber created a breach in the outer wall of the Ministry of Defense, and a team of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters stormed several buildings. A Western doctor and a Filipina nurse are said to have been executed during the assault that resulted in the deaths of at least 20 people.


Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said security forces are training to counter threats from jihadists who claim “that after Syria they will migrate to the North Caucasus and engage in terrorist and subversive activities.” Chechen authorities have banned funeral ceremonies for anyone killed in Syria; a senior Chechen immigration official was sacked because his daughter had […]


Spanish authorities recently agreed to extradite Moroccan terror suspect Mohamed El Bali, who is accused of plotting attacks and coordinating the activities of the Al Mouahidoun and Attawhid jihadist cells, which were dismantled in May in the Moroccan provinces of Nador and Fnideq. Spain and Morocco have created a joint police panel to coordinate on […]