Search Results for: Pakistan

Taliban back to old talks message, and trying to appease Afghan north?

What a difference a few days make. This week, we saw the Taliban’s official web page post a statement saying “the U.S. needs to guarantee a withdrawal deadline in writing before we’ll consider talking.” Now, the official Voice of Jihad English-language site has a different, but far more familiar message [Voice of Jihad statement here, […]

Saudi Arabia

Bader Mohammed Nasser al Shihri, a wanted al Qaeda operative, contacted the Pakistani government and is seeking to turn himself in to Saudi authorities. Al Shihri is a Saudi citizen and is on the Kingdom’s list of 85 most wanted terrorists.

Al Qaeda

Coalition and Afghan forces killed Gul Nabi, a mid-level Taliban commander and an al Qaeda associate, during a firefight in the Pech River Valley in Kunar. Nabi “facilitated the movement of Pakistani and Arab fighters into Kunar province.”


Indian gov’t: Pakistan spies tied to Mumbai siege

ISI shelters Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri. Shocking!

This month’s winner of the coveted Captain Louis Renault Award is a simple choice. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Agency is sheltering al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his second in command, Ayman al Zawahiri. Oh, and they’re operating somewhere in Pakistan’s northwest, in the vast region between Kurram and Chitral (note: they are not in […]


Pakistan feels US has let it down

Al Qaeda

A NATO official said Osama bin Laden is in Pakistan’s northwest and is being sheltered by members of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate. Bin Laden is believed to be in the region between Chitral and Kurram.

Al Qaeda

Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaeda terrorist leader, hunted in Pakistan by CIA

Al Qaeda

NATO official: Bin Laden, deputy hiding in northwest Pakistan

Taliban spokesman: Qari Hussain Mehsud is alive

The Pakistani Taliban are denying reports that Qari Hussain Mehsud was killed in a recent Predator strike. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan spokesman Azam Tariq has contradicted news reports about Qari Hussain’s death in a drone strike and described it as part of a campaign to demoralise the Taliban. Talking to reporters from an undisclosed location on Saturday, […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – FO defends military policy in northwest

The Taliban

The Pakistani government reportedly released Mullah Baradar, Mullah Omar’s former deputy, from custody. Qari Hussain Mehsud is rumored to have been killed in a Predator strike in North Waziristan earlier this month.

Reflections on the al Qaeda plot in Europe

Earlier today, I served as a panelist at an FDD event on the current warnings about an al Qaeda plot in Europe. The panel, moderated by Clifford D. May, also featured Frank Cilluffo of George Washington University’s Homeland Security Policy Institute and Tom Joscelyn of both FDD and LWJ. This entry is excerpted from my […]

Qari Hussain Mehsud killed in Predator strike?

Image from an audiotape from Qari Hussain Mehsud, who takes credit for the failed car bombing in New York City. Qari Hussain is a senior leader and master bomb maker in the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan. YouTube has removed the audiotape. I have been hearing rumors that Qari Hussain Mehsud, the deputy to […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan militant variety tests West security: US


Pakistan must bring rich into tax net, says Hillary


Police arrested 15 Pakistani nationals in the southern province of Yala who are suspected of having links to terror groups. One of those arrested transferred money to a “blacklisted” Pakistani group.

Senior Taliban leader killed in raid in Afghan northwest

A Taliban leader in the running to replace the shadow governor of Badghis province was killed in a raid over the weekend, while another senior Taliban military commander in the province was targeted in a strike yesterday.


The head of the Indian Army said that security forces killed between 35 to 40 Pakistani terrorists who were trying to infiltrate Kashmir. “In the last two months, we have had approximately 20 to 25 attempts and the total number of terrorists killed during this period has been about 35 to 40,” General V.K. Singh […]

United States

Blunt US warnings to Pakistan prompted by terrorism fear


Police arrested two Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives in Tongi on the outskirts of the capital of Dhaka. Wazed Khan, a Pakistani national who is an explosive expert for a cell, and a Bangladeshi named Abu Bakar Siddique were captured on Oct. 9; explosives were also found during the raid.