Search Results for: TTP


The Afghan Army cut a peace deal with the Taliban in the Sangin district in Helmand, and turned over several checkpoints to the jihadists. Three Taliban suicide bombers were killed in an assault on a NATO supply base at the Torkham crossing in Nangarhar.


Have Afghan forces intentionally surrendered turf in Sangin to the Taliban?

South Sudan

Soldiers loyal to President Kiir fled Jonglei state after an attack by mutinying forces. Wanted opposition leader Riek Machar denied he tried to stage a coup, and accused Kiir of seeking to purge dissenters.


Shabaab has denied involvement in a recent attack that killed three Syrian doctors and three of their Somali counterparts. Somali forces will no longer decline to search foreigners, specifically Westerners and Caucasians, during security checks.


The US ambassador denied the existence of any US military bases in Tunisia, but said al Qaeda-linked groups such as Ansar al Sharia continue to threaten Tunisia. At a gathering yesterday in Sidi Bouzid marking the third anniversary of the start of the Tunisian revolution, the outlawed group Ansar al Sharia and an allied organization, […]


A local council office and the car of a local leader were both bombed in Derna on Dec. 16, and a helicopter reportedly used by the military crashed into the sea off the coast of Derna, killing all aboard. The head of the Tripoli Local Council said the removal of militias is going so slowly […]

State Department designates head of Al Nusrah Front branch in Lebanon

The State Department added Usamah Amin al Shihabi to the list of specially designated global terrorists. Al Shihabi is the head of the Al Nusrah Front’s “Palestinian wing in Lebanon.” Leaked State Department cables reveal that the Jordanians previously accused him of training a terror cell that targeted Americans.

US adds Belmokhtar’s brigades to terrorist lists

Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s al-Mulathameen Brigade is behind terror attacks in Niger, Algeria, and Mali. Its “aliases,” the al-Murabitoon Brigade and al Mua’qi’oon Biddam, have also been added to the US’s lists of terror groups.


Israel benefits from Hamas’ decline

United Kingdom

Family members said that well-known British jihadist Ifthekar Jaman a.k.a. Abu Aburahman died in Syria while fighting alongside the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Michael Adebowale and Michael Adebolajo, who are accused of murdering a British soldier in Woolwich and have denied murdering him and attempting to murder a police officer, told the […]


In remote Afghan areas, cease-fires catching on

United States

Secretary of State Kerry said the US will provide $40 million over a three-year period to the Philippines, to be split between the Philippines Coast Guard for maritime security and the Philippines National Police for counterterrorism efforts. He reiterated that the US does not recognize China’s recently claimed air defense zone over the East China […]


Six ISAF soldiers were killed in an aircraft crash in Zabul; the Taliban claimed they shot down a helicopter. The Taliban killed two Afghan Border Police officers in an IED attack in Kandahar. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters, including Pakistanis, in Ghazni.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 10 Shia pilgrims in attacks in Mahmudiyah and Baghdad. In Mahmudiyah, a suicide bomber detonated his explosives-laden belt in the midst of a crowd of worshippers. Security forces detained five ISIS fighters in Abu Ghraib.

Syrian rebel leader was bin Laden’s courier, now Zawahiri’s representative

Abu Khalid al Suri, Ayman al Zawahiri’s representative in the Levant, also serves as a senior leader in Ahrar al Sham, a Syrian rebel group that often fights alongside al Qaeda’s two official branches. According to the Spanish government, al Suri was one of Osama bin Laden’s most trusted couriers and may have delivered surveillance tapes of the World Trade Center to al Qaeda senior leadership in Afghanistan prior to 9/11.


A Syrian National Coalition source said Western nations are now signaling that they may prefer the Assad regime to remain for a transitional period in order to avoid possible chaos and an Islamist takeover. The Islamic Front denied reports it was meeting with the US ambassador; an Islamic Front official claimed that the group will […]


An explosives-laden jeep detonated close to a Hezbollah military camp in Shouba near the Syrian border, killing the driver and injuring two Hezbollah fighters. The head of the Christian political party Lebanese Forces blamed Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria for bringing suicide bombings to Lebanon. French Ambassador Patrice Paoli warned that Lebanon’s ongoing political stalemate coupled […]


Dragged off the bus in Tripoli and shot: the latest spillover from Syria’s brutal civil war


The army spokesman said forces killed a member of Ansar Bayt al Maqdis during operations in North Sinai. Defense Minister el Sisi said operations “to eradicate terrorism and cleanse the Sinai” will continue. An explosive device went off in a residential area of eastern Cairo. A policeman was shot and killed during clashes with Islamist […]

Palestinian Territories

Hamas is allowing Salafi jihadists in Gaza to conduct non-military activities in Gaza. According to a Salafi jihadist source, a reconciliation agreement with Hamas is not finalized, but “taking shape.” Hamas has purportedly expressed interest in joining a unity government with Fatah to prepare for currently unscheduled elections.


Israel opts for restraint in face of Lebanese provocation

South Sudan

While the government claims that it has contained violence in Juba, 73 soldiers have been killed and the US has ordered the evacuation of all non-essential personnel. Presidential guards raided the home of former vice-president Riek Machar, whose current whereabouts are unknown. Three members of the Dinka Bor ethnic group were killed in Bor.


Fighting between two clan-based militias within the Somali Armed Forces has entered its fifth day, leaving at least 35 people dead, including 20 soldiers. At least two people have been killed in clashes between Shabaab and Somali forces in Wanlaweyn. Somalia’s defense minister promised that Shabaab will be eradicated in 2014.


The Independent National Electoral Commission said it would refuse to hold elections in 2015 in states under emergency rule. The governor of Borno state objected, saying that suspending elections during emergency rule because of Boko Haram would be a setback in the fight against terror.