Search Results for: TTP

Bombing in Mansoura leaves at least 12 dead, 130 injured

The attack comes a day after Ansar Jerusalem said its fighters were prepared to “do jihad against” members of the security forces who do not repent and leave their positions. The number of wounded is the highest in a single attack since the overthrow of Mohammed Morsi in early July.


The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south and kidnapped three construction workers in Farah. Security forces captured three would-be suicide bombers in Laghman and defused 65 bombs in Kandahar.


Regime barrel bombing continued in Aleppo, killing 13 more civilians; barrel bombs were also dropped in the border city of Azaz, killing 15 people. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and other Islamist forces battled regime troops in Aleppo, and rockets were fired by rebels at the Palace of […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five television employees, including an anchorwoman, in a suicide assault on Al Iraqiya State TV in Tikrit. The ISIS also killed five soldiers in a mortar attack in Abu Ghraib and two policemen in an IED attack in Mosul. Security forces killed two ISIS fighters in […]

Palestinian Territories

A rocket fired by Palestinian militants struck in southern Israel, and an Israeli police officer was stabbed near Ramallah. A senior Hamas official said that it is only a matter of time before the start of the third Intifada. Two people were injured by an explosion at a military site in Gaza.


The army spokesman said operations in North Sinai in recent months had resulted in the death of 184 terrorists, a quarter of whom were said to be foreigners. The spokesman further said that 803 people had been arrested as part of the operations in North Sinai. Ansar Jerusalem called on members of the security forces […]


Who runs the Brotherhood?

Al Qaeda

Teenage photographer killed in Syria


Five soldiers and a number of Sudanese shepherds who were kidnapped at the Alowianat checkpoint on the border with Sudan were released in exchange for two detained “smugglers”; there have been a number of kidnappings at the checkpoint. Clashes between Tebu tribesmen and Libya Shield militias in Ajdabiyia left at least one person dead, after […]


Suspected Islamist militants stormed a factory in Kano, shooting at workers and taking the owner, a Lebanese man, hostage; a man and a woman were wounded in the attack. President Jonathan said that recent accusations by former leader Olusegun Obasanjo threatened national security and “set the stage for subversion.”


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham kidnapped at least 50 Syrian Kurdish civilians from a road near Khan al Asal. The rebel Liwa’ al-Salajika group kidnapped seven civilians, including women, from a Kurdish village near al Bab city on Dec. 20. ISIS also kidnapped over 170 Kurdish civilians earlier this month. A truck […]


Afghan forces killed 12 Taliban fighters in clashes throughout the country and captured six more who were involved in attacking supply convoys in Kandahar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in an attack in the east.


Measure would return more Guantanamo detainees to home countries


A bomb exploded on a bus near Tel Aviv; authorities said it was an attempted terror attack. The attack was praised by Palestinian terror groups, but not officially claimed. Amidst reports that the US spies on Israeli leaders, officials called for the release of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard. The IDF is looking into whether recent […]


The army spokesman said security forces operating in North Sinai killed four terrorists, including a leader in Ansar Jerusalem. Forces also reportedly arrested four terrorists trying to flee to the Gaza Strip. Authorities jailed three figures known for their roles in the 2011 uprising against the Mubarak regime. A recent Hamas rocket launch landed in […]


“Gunmen” killed three soldiers and wounded four more in a shooting in Hadramout, and killed a tribal leader in Baydah. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said one of its fighters was wrong for attacking a hospital during the assault on the Ministry of Defense.


Suspected Islamist insurgents injured 27 people in three bombings in Sadao in the Songkhla tourist area yesterday: a car bomb damaged a hotel and 20 shops, and two bombs exploded near police stations. Two other bombs were defused in Sadao, and a car bomb was disabled near a police station in Phuket. In Pattani, an […]

Boko Haram

Nigeria boosts Christmas security against Islamist attacks


Afghanistan – Activists Target Illegal Mining


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed the commander of the Iraqi Army’s 7th Division, the commander of the 28th Brigade, and 16 officers in a triple suicide attack in Rutbah. The commanders were visiting the town after an operation that targeted the ISIS.


The Al Nusrah Front carried out two suicide car bombings outside the al-Kandi hospital in Aleppo city. Islamists and al Qaeda-linked groups took over the hospital, which is near Aleppo Central Prison. Three Hezbollah fighters were killed in clashes with Al Nusrah, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and Islamic battalions in Reef […]