Search Results for: Pakistan


Pakistan taxes Afghan-bound goods, NATO still exempt


Pakistan – Lives at risk as terrorist threat to shrines remains

Taliban mourn death of ’eminent commander’ at Gitmo

In a piece last week, I noted that a former Taliban commander, Awal Gul, died of an apparent heart attack at Guantanamo on Tuesday, Feb. 1. The Taliban have now released a statement online concerning Gul’s death, calling him “the prominent Jihadi commander of Nangarhar province” and lamenting the “martyrdom of the eminent commander.” Much […]

Al Qaeda

Powell on drone strikes in Pakistan

Al Qaeda

US said to reduce civilian deaths after increasing CIA Pakistan strikes


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar. The Taliban attempted to assassinate Kandahar’s chief of police, for the second time in three days; the suicide bomber killed only himself. Officials in Parwan said the Taliban are plotting attacks from Pakistan.

Former Taliban commander dies at Gitmo

Awal Gul, a former Taliban commander, died of an apparent heart attack at Guantanamo on Tuesday. According to the US military’s declassified files, Osama bin Laden allegedly gave Gul $100,000 to help al Qaeda members escape Afghanistan after 9/11.


22,000 Pakistanis flee fighting near Afghan border


US general sees success even if Pakistan doesn’t act

Bahadar flexes Taliban muscle in North Waziristan

Just in case you weren’t sure who really runs the show in Pakistan’s tribal agency of North Waziristan, Taliban supremo Hafiz Gul Bahadar sent the locals there a reminder: He is. Bahadar issued pamphlets notifying the locals that the Taliban are the law, and will “punish” kidnappers and car thieves, and even burn down their […]


Pakistani nuclear arms pose challenge to US policy


Pakistan – Saeed slams Pope, pledges to fight for blasphemy law

Lashkar-e-Islam exact revenge for death of Taliban commander in Predator strike

Ibn Amin, from a ‘wanted’ poster released by the Pakistani government in 2009. The Lashkar-e-Islam, a Taliban-like group based in Pakistan’s Khyber tribal agency, recently assassinated four of their own after accusing them of providing the means for the US to kill a dangerous Taliban commander linked to al Qaeda. According to The News, a […]


New estimates put Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal at more than 100


Police arrested a Pakistani man linked to an al Qaeda support cell. The Pakistani forged documents for al Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Taiba. He is linked to a cell of seven Pakistanis arrested in Spain and three more arrested in Thailand.


Pakistan seeks US security for gas pipeline

Saudi Arabia

A CNN investigation “found that hundreds of millions of dollars of Saudi money had been funneled to leading Islamist politicians and political activists overseas.” The Muslim Brotherhood is then filtering the funds to al Qaeda, while Taliban supporters based in Saudi Arabia send money to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

US consular employees kill 2 ‘gunmen,’ civilian in Lahore

This story bears watching. The Pakistani reaction to the US consular employee’s killing of two “gunmen” who attempted to attack and possibly rob him, and the subsequent death of a civilian struck by another consular vehicle coming to his rescue, has the potential to spark violent protests against US and other Western nations in Pakistan, […]

ISAF kills senior IMU leader in Afghan north

Nurullah Bai had close ties to al Qaeda and senior Taliban leaders in Takhar, and was involved in a drug trafficking network that operated between Badakhshan province and Tajikistan.


Protest in Rome against Pakistan’s blasphemy law


Russian intelligence believes members of the suicide team that attacked an airport in Moscow spent time in Pakistan and Iran. Female “Black Widows” are thought to be involved in the attack. Prime Minister Putin said it is unlikely the attack is linked to Chechnya.