Search Results for: TTP


IDF fighting new brand of Palestinian terror


Four US military personnel traveling in two SUVs were detained at a checkpoint near Sabratha, west Tripoli, and then moved to the Ministry of the Interior before they were released. One of the SUVs was reportedly set on fire. In Benghazi, a lieutenant colonel was kidnapped and an army guard was attacked yesterday, and a […]


The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in a suicide attack that targeted a convoy in Kabul and killed two civilians in an IED attack in Uruzgan. Security forces captured five Taliban fighters as they were manufacturing suicide vests in Baghlan.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed three Awakening fighters in Kirkuk. Security forces captured seven ISIS fighters in Anbar. The US is sending weapons to Iraq to aid in the fight against the ISIS.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, the Al Nusrah Front, and other Islamist rebel groups clashed with regime, Hezbollah, and NDF forces in Aleppo. A regime ambush near Maloula killed “tens of Islamist fighters” said to be members of Al Nusrah. Residents of the blockaded rebel-held town of Moadamiyeh near Damascus raised Syrian […]


Fallout from Syrian conflict in Lebanon


The US killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a drone strike in Hadramout. Yemeni troops killed 15 civilians in an artillery strike at a funeral of a separatist leader in Al Dhalia province.


A massive car bomb in Beirut killed former Lebanese minister Mohamad Chatah, an opponent of the Assad regime in Syria, along with five other people; many others were wounded in the explosion. President Sleiman deplored the “terrorist crime” that killed a “moderate, pro-dialogue” leader. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called Chatah a “voice for tolerance, diversity, […]


Security sources said they managed to identify the suicide bomber behind the recent attack in Mansoura. The Interior Ministry said the recent bombing in Nasr City was aimed at security personnel. At least three people were killed and more than 260 arrested during clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. The Muslim Brotherhood said […]


Israeli police tighten security measures in West Bank amid increased terror activity

South Sudan

The government has agreed to an immediate truce to end fighting with rebels, but rebel leader Riek Machar said that conditions for a truce are not yet in place. The reports follow warning by neighboring countries that they will soon “take action” to stop the conflict.


The high incidence of extremism in Mombasa’s young Muslim community is being blamed on poverty and marginalization. Two churches in predominantly Muslim areas on the outskirts of Mombasa were attacked with petrol bombs on Christmas Day.


Nigeria is negotiating a security agreement that would allow its troops to cross into Cameroon if they are pursuing Boko Haram. A rapid response military unit has been deployed to the border with Nigeria, and border controls have been tightened.


Shabaab claimed responsibility for a remotely-detonated bomb attack in Mogadishu that killed at least 11 people, including six soldiers. In Gedo, one soldier and at least seven Shabaab militants were killed in Garbaharey after an attack on a military base. There were no incidences of Somali piracy in 2013.


At least three people were killed when a car exploded near a police station in Pyatigorsk in the Stavropol region, which borders the North Caucasus republics. A video showing Caucasus Emirate leader Doku Umarov was uploaded to YouTube on Dec. 19, a day after Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic, declared that Umarov […]

Ansar Jerusalem does not have a Twitter account

The Sinai-based jihadist group had issued a statement in October denying the existence of any social media accounts tied to the group. The account mentioned by Egyptian media outlets itself notes on multiple occasions it is unofficial.


As 2014 dawns, Israel keeps a nervous eye on regional jihadist groups


Hezbollah financing evolves beyond Colombia’s Muslim communities


India Mulls Sending Military Advisors to Afghanistan


Indonesian Christians stage Christmas protest at palace


A group calling itself the “al Nusrah Front in Lebanon” opened a Twitter account on Dec. 24, and published a report of a joint operation by the group and the Marwan Hadid Brigades against Hezbollah “strongholds” in Hermel. Lebanon’s Grand Mufti called on Muslim officials to “save Islam from the aggression of some Muslims against […]


Regime officials reached an agreement to allow food into the blockaded rebel-held town of Mou’adamiya if the rebels hand over their heavy weapons and residents raise the Syrian flag. A car bomb injured several people when it exploded yesterday at a bus station in the Kurdish city of Efrin in Aleppo, which is besieged by […]


During his retrial on terror charges, extremist cleric Abu Qatada said al Qaeda’s two branches in Syria, the Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, should stop infighting and offer “unequivocal submissiveness” to al Qaeda’s emir. “Our brave Jihadists in Syria should unite their ranks and be obedient to Dr. […]


Tribesmen in Hadramout province took control of an oil ministry office after a tribal leader was killed earlier this month. A court upheld the convictions and sentences of six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters.


At least five people were wounded when a bomb exploded near a bus in Cairo. Security sources claimed there is an alliance between Ansar Jerusalem, the al Furqan Brigades, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Gamaa Islamiyya said the government’s decision to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group opens the door to violence. Unidentified gunmen […]


Authorities announced the arrest of a member of Fatah’s al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades who sought to use a trip from Gaza to an Israeli hospital to plan a terror attack. A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed in southern Israel. Protests were held against the upcoming release of a number of Palestinian prisoners.