Search Results for: TTP


State TV quoted Iran’s nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi as claiming that Iran has decided to not put 1,000 second generation centrifuges into operation at one of its nuclear fuel enrichment sites. Salehi also said Iran currently has 19,000 operating centrifuges, and is now developing third and fourth generation-type centrifuges, and that Tehran is in […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 18 people in a series of bombings and attacks. In Mosul, a suicide bomber killed eight soldiers, including a brigadier general. Four more soldiers were killed in Garma and four Awakening fighters were killed in Baghdad.


An opposition activist group claimed that regime airstrikes and barrel bombs in and around Aleppo over the past two weeks have killed 471 civilians, 34 rebel fighters, and 12 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters. The UN has completed 24 humanitarian flights to Qamishli via Iraq in an airlift that began Dec. 15, […]


A court sentenced nine al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters to jail terms ranging between two to 10 years in prison. The AQAP fighters were convicted of plotting to assassinate President Hadi by detonating an IED as he traveled to his presidential palace.


Threats Push Tunisia, Algeria to Strengthen Ties

The New York Times whitewashes Benghazi

Left out of the Times‘ account of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi are the many leads tying the attackers to al Qaeda’s international network.


Afghanistan gains will be lost quickly after drawdown, US intelligence estimate warns

Al Qaeda

Congress, in bipartisan tone, disputes report Al Qaeda not involved in deadly Benghazi attack


At least four security personnel were injured in a bomb attack outside a military intelligence headquarters in Sharqiya province; security sources suggested the attack was a car bomb. The army said operations in North Sinai resulted in the destruction of four smuggling tunnels and arrest of three terrorists. Authorities defused a bomb at al Azhar […]


In response to rocket fire from Lebanon, the IDF struck the source of the attack with artillery fire. Prime Minister Netanyahu said Israel holds the Lebanese government and Hezbollah responsible for the rocket attack.

Suicide bomber strikes at Russian train station

The bombing, which was likely executed by the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, took place in a region where Russia will host the 2014 Winter Olympics, and is the second suicide attack in Volgograd since October.


Security forces reportedly arrested several previously detained Salafists on Dec. 27, including Sidi Ould Mamoury. A number of the 29 al Qaeda-linked inmates at Nouackchott Central Prison have gone on a hunger strike to protest “arbitrary measures” such as the denial of parole and the imposition of fines as a condition of their release.


Police seized $2.3 million worth of gold on Dec. 27 while searching for militants and weapons at a checkpoint on a main road near the town of Al-Miknassi, which is close to Sidi Bouzid, a terrorist hotspot. Authorities would not say whether the gold was linked to terrorism, although the checkpoints have been set up […]


The government has filed treason charges against former President Amadou Toumani, who was ousted by a military coup in April 2013. He is accused of “naming incompetent officers and soldiers, whose patriotism was questionable, to high-level posts.” The Defense Ministry recently announced the arrest of Aliou Mahamar Toure, the brutal former chief of Islamic Police […]


Police killed 13 Taliban fighters during operations in Nangarhar, Laghman, Logar and Helmand. The Taliban killed an Afghan soldier in an IED attack. The Interior Minister disputed a British report that the Taliban would retake areas of Afghanistan after ISAF forces withdraw.

United States

New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, who retires in a few days, warned that the city “remains squarely in the crosshairs of terrorists.” Another NYPD official warned that New Yorkers who have traveled to Syria to fight may return radicalized. A 300-member Army rocket battalion is deploying to the Middle East for nine months. […]


From MRAP to scrap: US military chops up $1-million vehicles


Security forces clashed with bodyguards while arresting a prominent Sunni member of parliament in Anbar who has been critical of Prime Minister Maliki. Three of the MP’s bodyguards and two siblings, and a soldier were killed during the fighting. A curfew has been imposed in Ramadi.


Tribesmen in Dhalia clashed with security forces at government buildings; two people were killed. The fighting took place after 19 people were killed when the military shelled a funeral. Tribesmen in Hadramout province bombed an oil pipeline to the port city of Shahr.


Regime aircraft dropped explosive barrels on an Aleppo market, killing at least 25 people. An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham commander was killed in a clash with Kurdish YPG forces in Hasakah. ISIS and YPG forces battled violently in Aleppo’s Efrin district. The Al Nusrah Front and Islamic battalions fought against regime forces […]


Syria’s civil war tests whether borders drawn less than a century ago will last


Afghan MPs Say Security Worse, Worried About Elections


MOI rejects Taliban could retake key territories after NATO pullout


Afghanistan – Boy Trained by Haqqanis Claims He Was Raped


France may ban French comic’s show for ‘anti-Semitism’


US aid to Syrian refugees generally stops at the border


At least one protester was killed during clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters al Azhar University in Cairo. Human Rights Watch called on the Egyptian government to reverse its decision to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Authorities managed to defuse a bomb on a bus in Heliopolis. The army spokesman […]