Search Results for: suicide assault


President Karzai claimed the US is in peace talks with the Taliban. A suicide assault team killed nine people in Kabul. The Taliban killed nine security guards and torched 15 fuel and supply trucks in Ghazni and killed two ISAF troops in the south.


An al Qaeda suicide assault team dressed as policemen killed nine people in an attack on the Diyala provincial council in Baqubah; Iraqi troops killed the five attackers. Insurgents killed a government employee in Baghdad and a policeman in Mosul.


Two African Union soldiers and a Somali soldier were killed as Shabaab attempted to overrun a base in a suicide assault in Mogadishu. Three Shabaab fighters were killed during the failed assault.


A suicide assault team killed three policemen in Paktia; four Afghans were wounded in suicide attacks in Kabul and Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured al Qaeda, Taliban, and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Zabul, Khost, Logar, Baghlan, Faryab, and Jawzjan.


The Taliban killed four security officials in a suicide assault in Kandahar and killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban, HIG, and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Uruzgan, Parwan, Kandahar, Ghazni, Wardak, Logar, and Faryab. A Taliban fighter in Sar-i-Pul was killed after locals refused […]


Security forces detained 20 wanted men in Basrah and Maysan. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed it carried out last week’s suicide assault on the Salahadin provincial center that killed more than 50 people.


An al Qaeda in Iraq suicide assault team killed 53 people during an assault on the Tikrit provincial center. Insurgents killed two civilians in Baghdad. Security forces arrested 12 wanted men in Basrah.

Video: Taliban execute civilians in Jalalabad bank

Warning: the images in this video are graphic; the Taliban are seen executing civilians. TOLOnews published video of the Taliban’s attack on the Kabul Bank branch in the eastern city of Nangarhar on Feb. 19. The footage of the massacre was captured by the bank’s security cameras. A clean-shaven Taliban fighter wearing what appears to […]


A Taliban suicide assault team killed 18 Afghans during an attack on a bank in Jalalabad. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in attacks in the south and the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Helmand and Kandahar.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed 16 police officers and three civilians in an attack on a police headquarters in Kandahar. The Taliban kidnapped two policemen in Kunar. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Badghis, and detained 20 Taliban fighters in Kandahar and five more in Farah. Helmand’s governor accused Iran and Pakistan of […]

More on the death of Bekkay Harrach

Bekkay Harrach, who is also known as Al Hafidh Abu Talha al Almani, in an al Qaeda propaganda video. In the Comments section of the LWJ report on the death of al Qaeda/Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader Bekkay Harrach, some readers speculated that the IMU is being deliberately misleading about how he died (the IMU […]


Three Australian Muslims of Somali or Lebanese origin were convicted of plotting to carry out a suicide assault against an Army base in Sydney. They can face life in prison. Two other men were acquitted of terrorism charges.


US Vice President Joe Biden said the US would be out of Afghanistan in 2014 “come hell or high water.” Taliban suicide assault teams killed 13 soldiers and policemen in attacks on military recruitment centers in Kabul and Kunduz. The Taliban also killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and […]


A suicide assault team killed 18 people in an attack on a police headquarters in Karachi. US Predators killed six Haqqani Network fighters in North Waziristan. Pakistani aircraft killed six Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban torched two NATO supply trailers in Mastung.


A four-man Taliban suicide assault team was killed after breaking into a UN compound in Herat. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Paktika, and Kunar.

Siraj Haqqani sheltering in Kurram, near area of US helicopter strikes

The operational leader of the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network is thought to have been in the same area in Pakistan where US Apache helicopters carried out cross-border attacks last month. Siraj’s presence in part sparked the Pakistani military’s outrage over the incursion.