Search Results for: Iran


The Intelligence Ministry claimed it arrested a “US spy” who was trained in Iraq and Afghanistan. The foreign minister urged Afghanistan not to permit US drones to operate in its airspace.


Russia seized 18 pieces of Sodium-22, a radioactive metal, from the suitcase of a passenger who was traveling to Iran. The military said it would shoot down any US drones that violate its airspace.


Amid Claims of More Captured Drones, a Report on Their Vulnerability


IRGC General Gholam Reza Jalali says Iran will move its uranium enrichment facilities to safer locations underground if necessary. Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz if attacked. Iran and Saudi Arabia held a rare high-level security meeting in Riyadh.


Iran may soon start nuclear work in bunker: sources


The Sunni Awakening Braces for an Iraq Without US


The US Treasury placed sanctions on Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, chairman of Iran’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Revolutionary Guard Deputy Commander Abdollah Araqi. Iran’s judiciary has issued indictments against 15 “American and Zionist” spies.


A “mysterious” explosion occurred at a steel mill in Yazd, killing seven employees, including foreign nationals. Iranian authorities blamed the blast on “old munitions.” Iranian experts are in the final stages of “recovering data” from the US surveillance drone captured by the country’s armed forces, state TV reported.


Iran will not return a US surveillance drone captured by its armed forces, General Hossein Salami, deputy head of the Republican Guard, said in a broadcast on Iranian state television. He described the penetration of Iranian airspace by a US drone as a “hostile act” and warned of a “bigger” response.


Iran displayed footage of the US RQ-170 stealth UAV that the Iranian military claimed it downed over Kashmar. Iranian officials claimed it was brought down using “electronic warfare” and said it would reverse-engineer the aircraft.


Iran blocks US ‘virtual embassy’


Assad Officials Dismiss Protests


US opens an online Iranian embassy


Saudi Arabia may join nuclear arms race: ex-spy chief


Pakistan – In the ‘name’ of God: Violence erupts in sectarian hotbed


Blast That Leveled Base Seen as Big Setback to Iran Missiles

DC court: Iran showed al Qaeda how to bomb embassies

On Nov. 28, a DC district court ruled that Iran and Sudan were culpable for al Qaeda’s 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. The attacks killed more than 200 people and were al Qaeda’s most successful operations prior to 9/11.


The Iranian military claimed it shot down a US stealth RQ-170 drone in eastern Iran. ISAF said one of its UAVs crashed in western Afghanistan and said there was no indication it was shot down.


Top Iranian officials claim that the deaths of military experts at the Bid Ganeh base on Nov. 12 “had no effect on the self-sufficiency unit” of the IRGC. The blast killed at least 36 members of the IRGC, including the “Godfather” of Iran’s ballistic missile program, Major General Hassan Moqaddam. France is temporarily reducing staff […]


Qods Force commander Major General Qassem Suleimani may have played a role in organizing the “protesters” that stormed the British embassy in Tehran last week. The European Union published its latest sanctions list on Iran and Syria, formalizing measures against 180 Iranian people and firms and 23 Syrian targets. The US has urged Turkey to […]


Norway closes Iran embassy


The German Federal Prosecutor’s Office says Iran plans to attack US Air Force bases in Germany to disrupt supplies should Iran’s nuclear program become the target of airstrikes. Israeli officials claim Iran is developing advanced cruise missiles capable of carrying nonconventional warheads. Iran has released 11 hardline protesters detained for storming the British Embassy and […]


A “mysterious” blast damaged parts of a uranium conversion plant near Isfahan earlier this week, despite Iranian claims that the blast occurred during a military maneuver on Monday. New satellite images show the massive destruction of Iran’s long-range missile research base which blew up on Nov. 17 after “technicians performed a volatile procedure involving a […]


British Embassy Assault in Iran Dramatizes Internal Feud


Satellite Views Show Destruction From Blast at Iran Site


Violent protesters in Tehran broke into the UK embassy during a demonstration against sanctions imposed by Britain. Militant students removed the British flag, burnt it and replaced it with Iran’s flag. In the second British diplomatic compound, in Tehran’s north, between 100 and 300 protesters burst in and occupied the property. The state news agency […]


Mystery explosion rocks Iran city


Iran threatened Israel with “150,000 missiles” if Israel launches any military action against the Islamic Republic. Parliament voted to reduce diplomatic relations with Britain. The military claims to have built and deployed three more submarines to its naval fleet.