Search Results for: TTP


A senior official at Benghazi University confirmed that its Kufra campus has been closed for the past two weeks due to security threats and damage to the buildings. Defense Minister Al-Thinni agreed to the demands of protesters, including Tuaregs asking for Libyan identity numbers, who have blockaded the Sharara oil field since October.


The Test for Diplomacy With Iran

Al Qaeda

Jihad Jane: Despite cooperation, US seeks ‘decades’ in prison


Egypt and the Threat of Islamic Terror


Counterterrorist forces from Detachment 88 killed six “Islamist militants” and detained one more during a raid on New Years Eve in Ciputat on the outskirts of Jakarta. The jihadists are suspected of plotting to attack the Myanmar Embassy and a Buddhist temple.


Year 2013 proves Russia, US able to work together: Kremlin


Afghans’ Planned Prisoner Releases Anger US


US sources said reports that Lebanese security forces captured Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majid bin Muhammad al-Majids are credible. The leader of the al Qaeda-linked group was reportedly arrested in Lebanon on Dec. 29; one report also alleged he had recently pledged allegiance to the Al Nusrah Front in Syria. The FBI is assisting with […]


An opposition activist group claimed to have documented the deaths of over 130,000 people in the Syrian conflict so far. A member of the Syrian National Coalition alleged that President Assad had told Russia he aimed to take control of 80 percent of Syria prior to the Geneva II talks. The Vatican plans to host […]


Twenty-three Iraqis were killed in violence throughout Iraq over the past 24 hours. Forty Sunni members of parliament resigned in protest after a senior lawmaker was detained in Ramadi. Prime Minister Maliki said he would turn security in Anbar over to the police.

Saudi Arabia

The Interior Minister said authorities will deport expatriates who engage in illegal fundraising, but praised legitimate channels such as the National Campaign to Support the Brothers in Syria. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice warned against celebrating the New Year.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide assault team attacked a headquarters in Aden; three soldiers were killed while repelling the attack. An AQAP terrorist involved in a 2011 suicide assault in Yemen was given the death sentence.


Interior Minister Ibrahim said 90% of those behind the Mansoura attack have been arrested. North Sinai security forces defused a roadside bomb. Authorities increased security around churches in Cairo and Giza in preparation for the New Year. A former Muslim Brotherhood official said Ansar Jerusalem and the al Furqan Brigades are branches of the Brotherhood. […]


The Defense Ministry designated a Belgium-based NGO as a Hamas front organization. A court convicted a Palestinian in the murder of two Israelis, including an infant, in a 2011 rock-throwing incident. Prime Minister Netanyahu said Palestinian celebrations following the recent prisoner release show that the Palestinian Authority has failed to educate for peace.


President Putin said Russia would continue its fight against terrorists “until their complete annihilation.” After two recent suicide bombings in Volgograd, some 5,200 police officers have begun conducting an antiterrorism operation in the city, and have detained 87 people after examining 1,500 buildings and searching over 1,000 people. In Dagestan, a homemade bomb killed a […]


A French Catholic priest kidnapped by Boko Haram has been released. In a statement, French President Francois Hollande highlighted the “personal involvement” of his Cameroonian counterpart, President Paul Biya.


Lower Shabelle has experienced a wave of violence as Shabaab targets AMISOM and Somali troops with IEDs. The mayor of Galkayo in the Mudug region has accused Shabaab of carrying out an attack that wounded his deputy.

South Sudan

Although President Kiir has said he will not enter into a power-sharing agreement, he and rebel leader Riek Machar will meet for peace talks in Ethiopia. The African Union has said it will impose “targeted sanctions” in response to violence.


Behind Assad’s Comeback, a Mismatch in Commitments

Caucasus Emirate

Russia terror analysis: Volgograd and an Olympics under threat


Muslims In Daghestan, Azerbaijan Call For Boycott Of New Year Celebrations


Egyptian presidential advisor: Brotherhood ideology a crime against society


Al Qaeda documents show obsession with keeping receipts, down to a $0.60 cake


Hamas rejects terror label of Egypt Islamists


Maiduguri airport is to be closed until March 2014 after Boko Haram insurgents destroyed crucial equipment. The Nigerian military is issuing letters of retirement to senior officers, including 40 generals, to take effect in January 2014.