Search Results for: TTP


Seventeen people were killed as Shia Houthis and Sunni Salafists clashed in the northern province of Amran. Thirteen people, including a colonel and five soldiers, were killed as the military battled with tribesmen who were halting repairs on the country’s main oil pipeline.


Afghanistan’s Worsening, and Baffling, Hunger Crisis

Al Qaeda, tribal allies ‘control’ Fallujah

While the military and allied tribes organize to retake areas of Ramadi and launch operations in other cities and towns, Fallujah, a city that once represented the seat of power for al Qaeda in Iraq, has again fallen under control of the group.


Majid al Majid, who headed the al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades, died in a Badaro military hospital where he was receiving kidney dialysis. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham claimed the Jan. 2 suicide bombing of a Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut and threatened further attacks. Unknown assailants set fire to a historic 80,000-volume […]


One soldier was killed and two others wounded when an IED exploded in North Sinai. Three people believed to be responsible for the attack were arrested. Authorities defused an explosive device found near a government building in North Sinai. The government said it planned to confront the Muslim Brotherhood with “full force.”


Mystery in Hezbollah Operative’s Life and Death


The Congress denied reports that its head, Nuri Abu Sahmain, has been arrested. A military intelligence officer and a special forces soldier each survived assassination attempts in Benghazi yesterday. The UK Foreign Office identified the Briton killed near Sabratha as Mark De Salis, an engineer and resident of Tripoli.

United States

The State Department ordered a further drawdown of US Embassy personnel in Juba, South Sudan due to deteriorating security. Three US Senators warned Kabul against releasing Bagram detainees and urged Afghanistan’s president to sign the bilateral security agreement. A recent study raises questions about the Obama administration’s claim that only the Assad regime could have […]


Turning border police into lifesavers in Afghanistan’s remotest places


At least 32 people were killed as the military and tribes in Anbar battled the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Fallujah, Ramadi, and other cities and towns in the province. An ISIS commander known as Abu Abelrahman al Baghdadi is said to have been killed during the clashes. The ISIS is still […]


A mass demonstration against both the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham and the Assad regime took place in Aleppo city. ISIS clashed with rebel groups in various locations in Aleppo province. The Islamic Front and the Syrian Revolutionaries Front called on ISIS to leave the town of Atareb in Aleppo. The Islamic Front […]


After the Jan. 1 interception of a truck in Hatay carrying weapons bound for Syria, the police who stopped the vehicle, as well as Hatay counterterrorism officers, were relocated. The Adana prosecutor filed a criminal complaint alleging obstruction of justice by government officials, including the Interior Minister and Turkish intelligence, for preventing a search of […]


The army said DNA tests confirmed that the suspect arrested on Dec. 26 is Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majid al Majid, and called him one of the “most dangerous wanted men.” Authorities identified the bomber in yesterday’s suicide attack in Beirut as Qotaiba Mohammad al-Satem, a Lebanese man who reportedly had fought alongside the Islamic […]


Authorities have detained over 700 people in Volgograd following two suicide bombings in the city at the end of December. Officials have said that the two bombers were men from the North Caucasus; other reports alleged that one was an ethnic Russian who had converted to Islam. No group has claimed the attack.


At least eleven people were killed during clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. Four soldiers were wounded by explosions targeting armored vehicles near Sheikh Zuweid. Two civilians were killed by unidentified gunmen in mysterious circumstances in North Sinai. A Swiss couple was found murdered at their home in a Red Sea resort.

South Sudan

Rebels and the government are holding preliminary ceasefire meetings in Ethiopia even as they continue to fight at home. Rebel leader Riek Machar said his troops will refrain from attacking the capital city of Juba in an attempt to reach a “negotiated settlement.” The US said it will give $49.8 million in additional humanitarian assistance […]


Reports suggest a large number of Ethiopian troops have moved into Baidoa in Bay region. Somali officials have donated blood in an attempt to help victims of the Jazeera hotel attack.


Authorities arrested four terrorists in Sidi Bouzid on Jan. 1; detonators and explosives were seized along with weapons and cash. The Congress started debate on Tunisia’s draft constitution.


The Taliban killed six people in a bombing at a market in Logar. Police killed four Taliban fighters while repelling a complex assault in Ghazni. Security forces captured a would-be suicide bomber and an associate during a raid in Nangarhar.

Free Syrian Army

Silence continues over abduction of Syrian human rights lawyer


Hezbollah Upgrades Missile Threat to Israel


Chatah’s assassination marks rise of extremism in Lebanon