Search Results for: TTP

Taliban assassinate Karachi police chief

The Mohmand branch of the Taliban accused Chaudhry Aslam Khan, slain chief of the Crime Investigation Department in Karachi, of being “involved in torturing Mujahideen in prison” and killing them.


Growing Opium Is All the Sinai Bedouins Have Left


A Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan suicide bomber killed the head of the Crime Investigation Department in Karachi and three policemen. The Taliban accused him of executing and torturing their followers in prison. Ten Taliban fighters and three soldiers were killed during a Taliban assault on an outpost in South Waziristan.


Three members of a Taliban suicide assault team and a policeman were killed during an attack on a police station in the capital of Helmand. Two ISAF soldiers and a civilian were killed in a helicopter crash in the east. The government will free 72 of the 88 Taliban prisoners deemed by the US to […]

Saudi Arabia

A Saudi court convicted 15 of 22 men accused of providing support to al Qaeda, including fundraising, weapons training, sheltering known terrorists, fighting in theaters of jihad, and forging documents. They were sentenced to terms ranging from two to 15 years.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed 21 people, including four soldiers, in an attack at a military recruiting station in Baghdad. Another ISIS suicide bomber killed four SWAT officers in Ramadi. ISIS fighters killed four Awakening fighters and a policeman near Tikrik, and three policemen in Mosul. The military killed […]


Nuclear Materials Report Shows Better Safekeeping


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham clashed with Islamist and non-Islamist rebels in Raqqah, Idlib, and Aleppo, and is said to be preparing numerous suicide attacks in Deir Izzour. In Hasakah, ISIS and rebel groups, including the Islamic Front, issued a joint declaration creating a unified sharia council and a joint operations room. […]


A military prosecutor accused five Syrians of membership in the Al Nusrah Front. Security forces arrested Arsal native Hussein al-Hujeiri, who is wanted for kidnappings and attacks on soldiers. The acting state prosecutor said Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majid al Majid died of natural causes. Hezbollah reiterated its opposition to the formation of a neutral […]


In response to mortar fire, the IDF struck Palestinian terrorists and a terror site in Gaza. Security officials said they are concerned that Hamas’ ability to hold a ceasefire is waning. A meeting between Israeli and Palestinian peace activists in the West Bank was canceled as a result of attacks by anti-normalization Palestinians.


Authorities arrested an alleged member of the al Furqan Brigades as well as two Palestinians found with photos of Hamas’ Izz al Din al Qassam Brigades on their computers. At least four explosive devices in North Sinai were defused. Courts sentenced 113 Muslim Brotherhood supporters to multi-year prison sentences, while an Egyptian-born American was arrested […]


Shabaab has forbidden the use of Internet through mobile handsets and fiber optic cables in Somalia. In a statement released on its Facebook page, it said that any firm or individual who does not comply will be seen to be working with the enemy.


Taliban Commander Released From Bagram A Year Ago


Afghan president: Release prisoners US wanted held


Prime Minister Laarayedh announced his resignation but said he would oversee the government until a new one is formed. Two armed terrorist groups infiltrating into Kasserine last night retreated after clashing with security forces. The Interior Ministry is seeking the arrest of Algerian terrorist Khaled Chaïeb a.k.a. Lokmane Abou Sakhr, said to be hiding in […]


Georges Nasr, the head of the Benghazi office of the UNSMIL mission, died suddenly at his home in Lebanon. The kidnapped son of a Benghazi newspaper editor was freed. An explosion in Derna destroyed shops and a cafe. A prolonged shootout ensued in Sebha when gunmen attacked soldiers who were guarding the main hospital. The […]


Moroccans assess Benkirane government performance


How Syria’s chemical weapons are being destroyed


Up to 38 Boko Haram fighters were killed in an attempted attack on a military base in Damboa, Borno state. Nigerian soldiers also recovered three vehicles, one of which was laden with IEDs.


Police launched an investigation after six corpses were found with gunshot wounds in or near four cars outside the North Caucasus gateway city of Stavropol; at least two of the cars were booby-trapped. Three suspects have been named, two of whom are Islamist militants. A Russian woman wearing a suicide belt was reportedly arrested on […]


Israeli military lifts veil on its Iran listeners


Afghan Islamic Scholars Show Divide Over BSA

Al Qaeda in Iraq

In Iraqi City Under Siege, More Support for Militants Than Officials

Ahrar al Sham

Pushing Back Against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: The Islamic Front

Al Qaeda

US military veterans ‘frustrated’ by Falluja standoff