Search Results for: TTP


Defense Minister el Sisi said he would run for president if he believed it was the will of the people. Sisi urged Egyptians to vote in the country’s upcoming constitutional referendum. At least seven suspects were arrested during security operations in North Sinai. A suspected terrorist was arrested near Ismailia in the possession of four […]


The Deputy Minister of Industry, Hassan Al-Darole, was assassinated in Sirte. Ongoing clashes between members of the Awlad Sulieman clan and Tebu tribesmen in Sebha have killed at least 19 people and wounded 45. The former head of security in Wadi Shati near Sebha was shot dead in Tripoli yesterday. In Benghazi, an army colonel […]


The US Embassy issued a warning to US citizens in Tunisia after the recent designation of Ansar al Sharia Tunisia as a terrorist group. On the night of Jan. 8 and morning of Jan. 9, protesters torched a police station in Sidi Bouzid, and violent protests also took place in Manouba. Calm was restored in […]

ISAF confirms Taliban downing of US helicopter in Zabul

It is unclear if the downing of the US Blackhawk in Zabul province, which killed six US soldiers, was caused by RPGS or “if the low-flying aircraft set off a bomb hidden on the ground.” Last year, the Islamic Jihad Union tested an anti-helicopter fragmentation mine with the intent of bringing down an Apache.


France in Mali: A year of hunting jihadists in West Africa


Report: December helo crash that killed 6 in Afghanistan blamed on enemy

United States

Analysis: Obama’s grand plan for Mideast shrinks


Security forces arrested five suspected members of an international terrorist group in Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkariya in the North Caucasus. Ammunition, grenades, and a homemade bomb packed with shrapnel were seized during the raid in Nalchik, which lies about 185 miles west of Sochi, the site of next month’s Olympics.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda repeats old mistakes as a new act in Falluja’s tragedy unfolds

Al Qaeda

Anbar Residents Await Anxiously As ‘Clan Revolutionaries’ Take On Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda

Massive RCMP probe stopped al Qaeda-linked conspiracy to derail passenger trai


Small troop presence in Afghanistan after 2014: White House


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed four border guards in IED attacks in Haditha and one civilian each in bombings in Ramadi and Fallujah. The ISIS also bombed two bridges in Anbar. Security forces killed


Islamist battalions and the Al Nusrah Front clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham in Raqqah city; ISIS made gains in the city. An opposition activist group claimed that some 500 people, including 85 civilians, have died in clashes between ISIS and Islamist and non-Islamist groups over the past week. A senior […]

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda seeks Libya foothold


Libya Chaos Worsens


Three people, including two soldiers, were injured in an hourlong firefight between soldiers and “mosque security guards” outside a Tripoli mosque. The remains of Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majid al Majid were handed over to the Saudi embassy in Beirut, after a committee confirmed that he died of natural causes. A high-ranking US Defense Department […]


A senior IDF official said recent Hamas operations in the West Bank were being “directed from Gaza via Turkey.” Officials said Israel can now target five times as many targets in a single day as it did during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Due to budget issues, the IDF has been forced to delay […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula freed one of two South Africans who were captured in Taiz in May 2013. The other hostage is expected to be released within days. It is unclear if a ransom has been paid. The central government reportedly has signed a power sharing agreement with the south.


The army spokesman announced the arrest of a number of individuals, including a weapons smuggler, in North Sinai. The spokesman also said that four people were arrested with arms and an explosive belt in Ismailia. Six Palestinians who entered Egypt illegally from Gaza were arrested near Rafah. At least three people were killed during clashes […]

South Sudan

The army has regained control of the key oil city of Bentiu from rebels. Over the past month, fighting has killed nearly 10,000 people.


Seven Somali soldiers were killed by Shabaab in an ambush outside the town of Afgoye near Mogadishu. The Kenyan army claimed to have killed 30 Shabaab militants, including senior leadership, in a strike at a Shabaab camp in Birta Dhere in the Gedo region.

Central African Republic

Michael Djotodia, the Seleka leader who became president of the Central African Republic, has agreed to resign. The announcement was met with impromptu celebrations in the capital, Bangui.


President Jonathan ordered the military to immediately release 165 people apprehended in connection to Boko Haram. All of the suspects are from the three northeastern states under emergency rule: 157 from Borno, nine from Yobe, and one from Adamawa.


Gates: US tried to oust Karzai in ‘failed putsch’

Kenya strikes Shabaab camp in Gedo

The Kenyan Defense Forces claimed to have killed 30 Shabaab militants, including senior leadership, in a strike at a Shabaab camp in Gedo.

United States

In the first of the Obama administration’s accelerated review hearings for Guantanamo detainees, former Osama bin Laden bodyguard Mahmoud Abd Al Aziz al-Mujahid, who was previously deemed a high security risk, has been cleared for release. The FBI is conducting round-the-clock surveillance on jihadist fighters who have returned to the US from Syria, as al […]

Ahrar al Sham

What does rebel infighting mean for Syria conflict?


Taliban killings in Pakistani city may be part of pattern

State Department designates 3 Ansar al Sharia organizations, leaders

The State Department has designated three Ansar al Sharia organizations. Two of them were involved in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya and the third was involved in the Sept. 14, 2012 assault on the US Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia. The State Department says Ansar al Sharia Tunisia is “tied” to al Qaeda’s affiliates, including al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.