Search Results for: TTP

South Sudan

A rebel demand that the government release detainees before the signing of a ceasefire is preventing a deal from being reached. Government troops are moving on Bor, the last state capital still in rebel hands.


The first two of 12 French UAVs have been delivered to Niamey. The Reapers will support French operations in Mali, and are suspected to be earmarked for use in the Central African Republic soon as well.


Suspected Boko Haram gunmen have killed five people in Borno in an attack involving guns and IEDs. A Borno state senator, accused of sponsoring Boko Haram in 2011, was injured when he was caught up in a Nigerian Air Force operation against the insurgents.

Central African Republic

Widespread violence perpetrated by Christian militias, including the destruction of mosques and cannibalism, is being reported. CAR troops who had opposed Michel Djotodia and deserted have returned to their barracks. Djotodia has flown to exile in Benin.


Foreign Minister Lavrov said there is “no clear front” between the Syrian opposition and the terrorists, and claimed that terrorists in Syria, including the Islamic Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, and the Al Nusrah Front, continue to grow in strength. Security forces killed two men in a shootout in Dagestan’s Kizilyurt district […]

Al Nusrah Front

Syria Rebels Turn Against Most Radical Group Tied to Al Qaeda

Al Nusrah Front

Iraq’s Maliki to revive Sunni militia role against al Qaeda

United Kingdom

Police arrested two men at Heathrow airport who had arrived on a flight from Istanbul. The two Birmingham men are thought to have traveled to Syria for jihad in May 2013. A British ship will join the convoy that is removing Syria’s chemical weapons for disposal.


A suicide bomber killed two policemen in the capital of Kabul. Security forces killed three Taliban fighters. Eighty Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Baghlan; another 19 did the same in Herat. ‘Reconciled’ fighters often return to the Taliban at the beginning of the fighting season.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham recaptured much of Raqqah city; the Ahrar al Sham did not oppose ISIS. Rebel and Islamist battalions, including one affiliated with Al Nusrah Front, clashed with ISIS in Raqqah. In Aleppo, the ISIS clashed with Islamist battalions in Jarabalus city and at the Bab al-Salama border crossing; […]


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber killed three people in Tuz. Eight people were killed as security forces clashes with the ISIS in Zaidon. Security forces killed three ISIS fighters in Khalidiyah and captured the ISIS’s finance minister in Ramadi.

Saudi Arabia

A court sentenced to death the leader of an al Qaeda cell that attacked foreigners in Yanbu in May 2004; two Americans, two Britons, and an Australian were killed in the attack. Ten other jihadists were given prison sentences of between three to 10 years.


Yemeni officials said al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed four members of the coast guard in Shahr in Hadramout province; other reports claimed tribesmen killed the security personnel. The military is deploying troops to Dammaj to monitor a truce between Houthis and Salafists.


Supporters of former president Mohammed Morsi clashed with security forces at three Cairo universities. The army spokesman announced the destruction of 10 smuggling tunnels in the Rafah area in North Sinai. Authorities reportedly arrested a person who was in possession of explosive materials in Alexandria. In North Sinai, authorities arrested three terror suspects.


Foreign Minister Davutoğlu claimed that the Assad regime in Syria has not yet begun to fight al Qaeda. The family of Prime Minister Erdogan is being drawn into a corruption probe involving its ties to designated global terrorist Yasin al Qadi, a wealthy al Qaeda-linked Saudi businessman who reportedly entered Turkey illegally several times in […]

Islamic Front

Syrian rebels, al Qaeda infighting escalates on Turkey’s doorstep


Afghan high peace council unaware of secret talks with Taliban


Afghan border police: ‘Rebels receiving arms from Pakistan’


A demonstration was held outside the UN offices in Nouakchott yesterday demanding that Mauritanian Guantanamo detainees Mohamed Ould Sellahi and Ahmedou Ould Abdel Aziz be freed. Cheikh Ould Mohamed Ould Mkheitir was imprisoned last week for writing an article that allegedly defamed the Prophet Mohammed. President Mohamed Aziz has reaffirmed that Mauritania is an Islamic […]

United States

The US doubled the reward to $10 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of those responsible for the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the US Mission in Benghazi. Government agencies are considering possible exemptions to antiterrorism laws to allow greater resettlement of Syrian refugees in the US. A cybersecurity report warned that […]


Australia spying on Syria fund-raisers amid terrorism funding fears


ISAF confirmed that the Taliban downed a US helicopter on Dec. 17, 2013, killing six US soldiers. Police killed three Taliban fighters. Two more Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in Nangarhar.

Al Qaeda

US never saw Pakistan as an ally, writes Gates

Al Qaeda

ASIO spying on Syria fund-raisers amid terrorism funding fears


Taliban talks going nowhere despite secret meetings


Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, head of the Revolutionary Guards’ aerospace division, claimed that improvements in Hezbollah’s missile capabilities now enable the group to hit targets accurately anywhere in Israel. Hezbollah is thought to have recently moved various types of missiles from Syria into Lebanon, including the long-range Scud D missile, the medium-range Fateh missile, the […]


A top Syrian National Council official claimed that discussions are underway with all opposition military forces, including the Islamic Front, to create a “Free National Army” to fight against extremist Islamist rebel groups and the Assad regime. The Islamic Front is reportedly considering the idea, said to involve a complete restructuring of the Free Syrian […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed the chief of intelligence in Anah, an Awakening leader and his family in Baghdad, a police captain in Al Kut, and two soldiers and a policeman in Mosul. Security forces killed three ISIS fighters in Kirkuk, and accidentally killed three civilians in an airstrike in Ramadi. […]