Search Results for: Pakistan


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Logar, Wardak, Khost, Paktika, Nangarhar, Kunduz. Fifteen Taliban fighters reconciled in Herat after their commander was killed. The government officially requested that Pakistan turn over top Taliban commanders in their custody.


Pak judge conducting trial of 26/11 suspects transferred

The Gitmo Files: Fazul Mohammed continued to seek bin Laden’s direction

Abdullahi-Sudi-Arale.jpgLeaked Guantanamo threat assessments highlight Osama bin Laden’s influence over East Africa al Qaeda (EAAQ) and its leader, the recently slain Fazul Mohammed. The files also contain striking details about the ties between EAAQ and Somalia’s Islamic Courts Union, the predecessor of Shabaab.


Afghan officials claimed Pakistan will target sanctuaries of Taliban leaders who refuse to engage in peace talks with the Afghan government. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Ghazni, Helmand, Wardak, and Badghis. The Taliban killed two school boys in Paktia.


Pak should be happy Afghanistan has India’s help: Karzai


Afghanistan: Pakistan to target insurgents

Al Qaeda

Panetta warns Pakistani intelligence officials on collusion with militants


Hopes are low as Afghanistan’s Karzai visits Pakistan


Karzai calls on Pakistan to eradicate militants

Al Qaeda

New challenge for US-Pakistan ties

Al Qaeda

Pakistan reduces US military trainers

Al Qaeda

Ilyas Kashmiri wanted to create Laskhar-e-Osama, target embassies

Al Qaeda

US plans to sabotage Pakistan nuke facilities: Ahmadinejad

Al Qaeda

Pakistan army steers clear of ‘global terror epicentre’

Al Qaeda

Pakistan: Slain journalist’s brother-in-law concerned for family’s welfare

US Predators strike 3 targets in South Waziristan

The strikes took place in areas controlled by Mullah Nazir. “Punjabi Taliban,” Arabs, and Uzbeks are said to be among those killed. Al Qaeda commander Ilyas Kashmiri is also reported to have been killed in the same area just four days ago.

Al Qaeda

Ustadz Ahmed Farooq, al Qaeda’s spokesman and propaganda chief for Pakistan, may have been killed in the June 2 Predator strike that killed Ilyas Kashmiri.

Al Qaeda

Kashmiri killing: Worrying times for Pakistan militants

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaida commander’s death increasingly certain

Al Qaeda

Officials probe apparent death of Pakistani militant