Search Results for: TTP


The government denied rumors that foreign forces have entered through Libya’s southeastern border. Three journalists were beaten near Sebha by alleged pro-Ghaddafi fighters before being released. Heavy clashes continued south of the Tripoli suburb of Janzour. Five ministers from the Islamist Justice and Construction Party resigned from the government.


The UN peacekeeping mission in Mali said five of its troops were injured when their vehicle ran over a land mine 20 miles outside of Kidal. A 395-member contingent of Chinese troops has arrived in Mali to join the UN mission.


Police killed Eldar Magatov a.k.a. Saifullakh, a wanted senior Islamist militant, in shootout during a raid on a home in Dagestan. Security forces also conducted two other simultaneous raids in the districts of Kizlyarsk and Khazavyurt in Dagestan.

United Kingdom

Foreign Secretary Hague demanded that the perpetrators of mass torture and killings in Syria blamed on the Assad regime and disclosed by a recent report be brought to justice. Ofcom, the communications watchdog, cleared three British broadcasters of breaching the broadcasting code for airing an interview with hate preacher Anjem Choudary, former leader of banned […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan ‘disappointed’ with US aid being linked to Shakil Afridi’s detention

Al Qaeda

Syria’s Assad accused of boosting Al-Qaeda with secret oil deals


Turkish intelligence service trucks reveal secrets


The UN withdrew its invitation to Iran to attend the Geneva II talks, after pressure by the US, Saudi Arabia, and the Syrian opposition. As part of the recent nuclear agreement, Iran suspended sensitive enrichment activities and world powers lifted some sanctions in response.

Caucasus Emirate

Is Doku Umarov Really Dead? Assessing The Circumstantial Evidence


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham has imposed a harsh version of Islam throughout Raqqah city and destroyed shrines in a mosque; the ISIS issued four decrees for Syrians in areas under its control in Raqqah province. ISIS took over the al Jarah military airport in Aleppo from an Islamic movement, and clashed […]


Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for the firing of a rocket at Eilat from the Sinai. At least one rocket was also fired from Gaza and landed in southern Israel. A cabinet committee rejected a bill that would label so-called “price-tag” attacks as terrorism. Defense Minister Ya’alon signed a security cooperation agreement with his Kazakh counterpart.


The army spokesman said security forces arrested 19 terrorists in operations in North Sinai. The spokesman also announced the destruction of nine smuggling tunnels in the Rafah area near Gaza. A number of Sinai tribes continued to hand over weaponry and ammunition to the army. The security alert was reportedly raised in the Sinai for […]


Geneva deal doesn’t stop Iran’s bid for a bomb: Israel


A militant Islamist group released a video threatening attacks at the Sochi Olympics and claiming two suicide bombings in Volgograd last month. Russian authorities are reportedly looking for as many as four ‘black widow’ suicide bombers, three of whom are from Dagestan, who may be targeting the Sochi Olympics, including Ruzanna (Salima) Ibragimova, who has […]


Gruesome Syria photos may prove torture by Assad regime


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is said to be regrouping and moving freely between bases in Libya and neighboring countries; one base is in the Akkakush mountains near the Algerian border. The lack of a functioning military and police force is hampering efforts to maintain security, as clashes continue in the south. The Sarir […]

Al Qaeda

Desert gives al Qaeda refuge after Mali defeat

United Kingdom

Counterterrorism police arrested a man at Stansted airport as he arrived from Turkey. An appellate court rejected the case of a Pakistani man whose father was killed by a US drone strike. Five of seven terror suspects to be freed from security restrictions later this month are deemed highly dangerous and likely to engage in […]

United States

Despite concerns about terrorism at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, heightened by the release of a threatening video by Islamist militants, the US is sending a relatively small security contingent to the games. The US wants the UN to disinvite Iran to the Geneva II peace talks unless Iran endorses the Syrian transition plan […]


Kabul restaurant attack throws aid work into peril


The Taliban killed 20 Frontier Corps personnel and wounded 30 more in a suicide attack that targeted a military convoy in Bannu. Eight people were killed in an explosion at a bazaar near Army General Headquarters in Rawalpindi.


Afghan Officials Suggest Pakistani Link to Massacre


The end of an era in Kabul: Taliban attack on cherished restaurant shatters illusion of oasis


The Taliban killed three policemen and two soldiers in Sar-i-Pul, Kandahar, and Uruzgan, and three civilians in Helmand. The Taliban denounced the US’s offer of peace talks. President Karzai said the US must end airstrikes in Afghanistan before the Bilateral Security Agreement is signed.