Search Results for: TTP


Government troops killed 17 Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters in an offensive in Mindanao against the group, which has been trying to undermine the peace deal between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The clash started yesterday when authorities attempted to arrest 25 BIFF members suspected of kidnapping and murder.

Sinai gas pipeline targeted for 2nd time in 2014

The Sinai-based jihadist group Ansar Jerusalem has targeted gas pipelines in the Sinai Peninsula more than a dozen times since 2011. It recently threatened to increase attacks against economic targets tied to the Egyptian army.

Al Qaeda

Syrian Jihad: Bringing the War Back Home?


Malaysia churches pray to ‘Allah’ despite ban


Pakistani Army attack helicopters killed two people in strikes in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan. The Taliban killed four policemen in Tank, an Awami National Party leader and two people in Peshawar, and five policemen in Swat.


An Afghan Border Police officer killed five of his colleagues in an insider attack in Herat; the attacker joined the Taliban. The US military protested a release order for 37 prisoners to be freed from Bagram; the prisoners are directly involved in killing Coalition and Afghan security personnel.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham beheaded four policemen and an Awakening fighter after overrunning a police station near Tikrit, and launched a suicide assault in Saqlawiyah. The military killed eight civilians in artillery and helicopter strikes in Fallujah.


The US is providing light arms, including antitank rockets, to “moderate” rebels in southern Syria. The US has also resumed the shipment of nonlethal aid, including vehicles and communications equipment, to Syrian rebels in the north, a month after shipments were suspended following the seizure of Free Syrian Army warehouses by Islamist rebels. A recent […]


In Tripoli, new fighting groups have emerged, including the Bilal Ben Rabah Brigades, the Oussoud al-Shaarani Brigades, Jalal Dandashi Brigades, and a Salafist group led by Hussam al-Sabbagh a.k.a. Abu al-Hasan, giving rise to speculation that a crackdown on Islamist groups may be imminent. The Abdullah Azzam Brigades released photos of its joint attack with […]


Some Israeli Defense Ministry computers were recently targeted in an apparent cyberattack. An IDF vehicle traveling along the Gaza border was targeted by an IED. The Shin Bet released its annual for 2013, which found a sharp rise in the number of terror attacks in the West Bank. According to the report, only 74 rockets […]


Unidentified gunmen shot at cars passing along a highway in the Nasr City area. Army chief Abdel Fatah el Sisi is expected to soon announce plans to run in presidential elections, a move supported by the military. Authorities reportedly destroyed 11 smuggling tunnels along the border with Gaza.

Palestinian Territories

Armed Hamas fighters made a rare public appearance in the West Bank city of Jenin. A Gaza-based terror group claimed to have manufactured a new missile launcher that it will use against Israel. Hamas again denied having any connections to violence in Egypt’s Sinai.


Israeli Soldiers Confront Hezbollah Terrorists in Lifelike Simulation


A parliamentary committee investigating the Westgate Mall attack claimed that security agencies in the border town of Mandera have given over control to Shabaab. Discrepancies were found in the testimony of a police officer who claimed he killed a terrorist during the Westgate Mall siege.


Shabaab threatened more violence in response to Ethiopian troops’ formally joining AMISOM. Over the weekend, a US drone strike killed an Amniyat commander in Lower Shabelle, and Puntland forces attacked a Shabaab base in Galgala. In Mogadishu, Shabaab killed five Somali soldiers in a brazen daytime attack, after having attacked a police station the night […]


Libyan Revolutionaries Operation Room head Shaaban Hadia Al-Zway, who was freed in a prisoner swap for five kidnapped Egyptian diplomats, is awaiting repatriation from Egypt; authorities said he had been detained because his Egyptian residency had expired, not for al Qaeda links. A Benghazi media activist escaped an attempted car bombing. Gunmen assassinated the head […]

Al Qaeda

Tough road for Sahel security


Boko Haram attacked twice over the weekend; in Borno, the group killed 52 people in the town of Kawuri, and in Adamawa, the group killed 22 people in an assault on a church. The UNHCR claims that 6,000 people have fled northern Nigeria for Cameroon and Niger as a result of Boko Haram attacks.


Foreign Minister Lavrov ruled out talks with terrorists in Syria, including the Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, and “other al Qaeda branches.” The Foreign Ministry called for the Guantanamo Bay detention center to be closed before the end of President Obama’s term. A UK threat assessment warned that terrorist […]

Zawahiri’s message ‘to our people in Sinai’

In the message, Zawahiri mentions “muhajireen,” or foreign fighters, coming to the Sinai and needing the protection of locals. The presence of foreign fighters in the Sinai has long been speculated, but never conclusively proven to be a widespread phenomenon.

Al Qaeda

Israel extends detention of suspected al Qaeda men


A suicide bomber killed two soldiers and two civilians, including a journalist, and wounded 22 more Afghans in an attack on a bus in Kabul. Teh Taliban claimed credit for the attack. The Taliban also killed six civilians in an IED attack in Helmand and two policemen in another bombing in Khost.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham captured five soldiers in Fallujah and killed three soldiers and four civilians in Kirkuk, three policemen in Qayyarah, a tribal sheikh in Mosul, and the head of the local council in Saadiya. Security forces killed three al Qaeda fighters in Ramadi.


Afghanistan Exit Is Seen as Peril to Drone Mission


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down a senior security officer outside of his home in Hadramout. A Yemeni official claimed that an Iranian diplomat who was kidnapped in Sana’a in July 2013 was found beheaded in Marib; Iranian officials denied the report.


Abu Sayyaf al-Ansari, a Lebanon-based Sunni militant, has reportedly pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. Security measures are being enhanced due to recent threats by Islamist groups, including the Al Nusrah Front, that they will attack targets in Lebanon, particularly those linked to Hezbollah.