Search Results for: TTP


Kurdistan’s “Islamic” parties seek to downplay Islam


A state news anchor’s take on the Syria war


The first week of Geneva II talks ended with no progress. A rights organization accused the Assad regime of deliberately destroying thousands of homes in Damascus and Hama over the past two years. The mother of a British doctor who died in regime custody said regime officials admitted to killing him. The OPCW told the […]


Syrian rocket and artillery fire hit in the Akkar villages, killing a Syrian refugee and injuring four other people, including a Lebanese soldier. Lebanese forces targeted gunmen in the border area. Seeking to deflect criticism for the shelling, Syria’s ambassador to Lebanon said terrorist groups are moving into Lebanese areas, including Sidon, Beirut, Tripoli, and […]

Report: Senior al Qaeda facilitator ‘back on the street’ in Iran

Al Jazeera reports that Yasin al Suri, the head of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network, is facilitating the terror network’s operations from Iranian soil once again. Al Suri was detained by the Iranian government after the US government exposed his network, and the deal between Iran and al Qaeda, in 2011.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed 15 soldiers in an ambush in the town of Shibam in Hadramout province. AQAP fighters also killed two policemen in an attack on a patrol in Al Baydah.


Reaper Drones In Sahel Now Part of ISR Assets of French Armed Forces


Spanish Air Force maintains maritime patrol force in Djibouti


AMISOM troops have disrupted an anti-Mogadishu conference in Baidoa aimed at creating an autonomous state in southern Somalia consisting of Bay, Bakool, Gedo, Lower Jubba, Middle Jubba, and Lower Shabelle. The Sufi militant group Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamaa has urged Shabaab to lay down arms and seek an amnesty deal. In Barawe, Shabaab led a […]


Kenyan security is on high alert following reports of an imminent Shabaab attack. In a boost to Kenya’s regional naval ambitions, an Italian ship-building firm is considering establishing a shipyard in Mombasa.


The son of a colonel in Benghazi’s special forces was shot dead and a friend was injured by gunmen; the attack follows the kidnapping of the son of the commander of Benghazi’s special forces yesterday. One man was killed and two injured in clashes between Benghazi’s Special Forces and the 17 February Brigade after yesterday’s […]

North Korea

Panama to release most of crew of North Korean ship


Indonesian Militants Join Fight in Syria


An IED, thought to have been planted by Boko Haram, exploded in Borno along the Gwoza-Madagali road after a passenger bus drove over it. Seven travelers were killed, and three others were injured in the attack.


A French court is investigating two teenage boys from Toulouse suspected of trying to travel to Syria to join a terrorist group. The father of one of the boys said his son was radicalized over the Internet. Authorities are looking for a teenage girl missing from Avignon who may have gone to Syria. Interior Minister […]


An Indonesian think tank says the Syrian conflict is drawing Indonesian jihadists, particularly those affiliated with Jemaah Islamiyah. The government estimated in December that 50 Indonesians have gone to Syria to fight with the rebels. In Syria, some are said to have linked up with Ahrar al Sham, others with the Islamic State of Iraq […]


Iran can now build and deliver nukes, US intel reports


Belgian Hercules Takes Dutch Weapons to Mali


China launches first Nigerian offshore patrol vessel


US Marines start new rotation of Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Africa

United States

Federal prosecutors said they plan to seek the death penalty for suspected Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Uzbek terror suspect Jamshid Muhtorov, a Colorado resident, filed a court challenge to the use of NSA information in the prosecution of his case. The US blamed Syria for delays in the removal of its chemical weapons arsenal. […]


US Aid to Afghans Flows On Despite Warnings of Misuse


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Helmand province. Two Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed in a pair of suicide attacks in Nangarhar. The US has halted funding for polling of the presidential election after the government accused the US of manipulating the results.


An Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide assault team killed 17 Iraqis in an attack on the Transportation Ministry in Baghdad; the six suicide bombers were also killed. The ISIS also killed three Awakening fighters in Hawijah. The military killed 27 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in Anbar province.


The Islamic State of the Sham clashed with Islamic battalions and rebels in Aleppo, and killed five regime forces in Damascus. Syrian officials said “certain security threats” have delayed the transfer of Syrian chemical weapons out of the country, according to the OPCW. At the Geneva II talks, the Assad regime presented a resolution that […]


Thirty-eight people were killed during clashes between Houthi rebels and pro-government tribes in Arhab and Omran provinces in northern Yemen. Two soldiers and two members of the southern separatist movement were killed during fighting in Daleh.


Anti-terror police in Malindi have killed an Islamist thought to be behind the murder of a police reservist involved in counterinsurgency operations. The US Director of National Intelligence believes that Shabaab militants are planning new attacks on Kenya.


President Mohamud wants the current UN arms embargo freeze extended, as Somali troops still need equipment to fight insurgents, and said increased operations against Shabaab are imminent. In Lower Shabelle, infighting between two clans within the Somali army killed at least 18 people, including two civilians. In Kismayu, locals demonstrated against the relocation of Kenyan […]