Search Results for: TTP


Three bombings near the Ministry of Defense, the central bank, and a home of former President Salih were reported. Gunfire was heard after the blasts. A German citizen was kidnapped and taken to Marib province.


Caretaker Prime Minister Mikati has reportedly been targeted for assassination by a suicide bomber from the Khaled bin al-Walid Brigades of the Islamic Front; some security officials dismissed the report, but security for Mikati was stepped up in Beirut and Tripoli. Hezbollah MP Ali Fayyad said the government must confront takfiri groups that conduct terrorist […]

United Arab Emirates

The UAE summoned Qatari ambassador Fares al Nuaimi, in an “unprecedented measure,” to protest against the remarks of Qatar-based Egyptian cleric Yusef al Qaradawi, who last month accused the UAE of “standing against Islamist regimes, punishing its leaders and putting them in jail.” Qatar’s foreign minister had said yesterday that Qaradawi’s remarks “do not reflect […]


Hamid Karzai: ‘I saw no good’ with America’s presence in Afghanistan


Authorities said 55 inmates escaped from Tripoli’s Bawabat Al-Jibs prison after overpowering the five guards on duty. The jailbreak reflects the instability plaguing the country; in July over 1,000 prisoners escaped from al-Kweifiya prison near Benghazi. A Maltese ferry company filed a claim for financial damages resulting from extended laytime during the evacuation of US […]


Kerry, Hagel urge ‘transatlantic renaissance’ to confront political and security challenges


Feature: Precarious calm in Algeria’s strife-hit Ghardaia /a>

Ajnad Misr, Egypt’s latest jihadist group

The group, which has thus far limited its attacks to the Cairo area, has been described as “our brothers” by Ansar Jerusalem. Jihadists have increasingly promoted Ajnad Misr’s material in recent days.

United States

At the Munich Security Conference, Secretary of State Kerry and Secretary of Defense Hagel called on European allies to step up their participation with the US in facing joint political and security challenges. Hagel indicated that the Obama administration is seeking to place more emphasis on traditional diplomacy and less on the exercise of military […]


Ansar Jerusalem claimed responsibility for a recent rocket attack on Eilat. The IDF said there was a dramatic increase in terror from the Gaza Strip in January. An Israeli cabinet minister said that if rocket fire from the Gaza Strip continues, Israel may invade and topple Hamas’ government.


Hamas removes its rocket-prevention squads from Israel-Gaza border


Kabul Police Official Links Insurgency to Corruption


After billions in US investment, Afghan roads are falling apart


Aid agencies evacuated hundreds of residents from the rebel-held district of Yarmouk in Damascus. Regime barrel bombs killed at least 23 people in Aleppo city, including eight Al Nusrah Front fighters. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham detonated two car bombs in Aleppo and clashed with Islamist battalions and rebels in the Al-Ra’ii […]


Pakistani Taliban Announces Delegation To Talks With Government


US, Turkey realize al Qaeda threat in Syria


Turkish national intelligence and police reported that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is planning to attack targets inside Turkey with car bombs; it also said Turkish forces destroyed three ISIS vehicles inside the Syrian border on Jan. 28. According to the report, ISIS now controls the Azaz, Jarablus, and Yayladağı border posts […]


A suicide car bomber detonated at a gas station in Hermel, killing at least four people and injuring 21 more. The Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon claimed the bombing, its second in the largely Shiite, Hezbollah-dominated area in the past two weeks. The US Embassy renewed a travel warning for Lebanon due to the series […]


Some 120 Islamist prisoners, including extremist cleric Abu Qatada, began a hunger strike to protest conditions of their detention. Two days ago, Qatada threatened to boycott his retrial on terrorism charges. Over the past several months, Jordanian authorities have arrested scores of jihadists trying to travel to Syria.


In recent days, the Egyptian military has claimed to have killed some 20 Islamist militants in operations in North Sinai. The army said security forces destroyed four smuggling tunnels and explosives in the Rafah area. Unidentified assailants fired three rockets toward a security post in Sheikh Zuweid. Separately, the headquarters of the military prosecutor in […]


A retired Libyan colonel was assassinated in Benghazi yesterday, and the son of another Benghazi security official died from gunfire wounds received a day earlier. A driver for the military police was wounded in a separate attack yesterday. Two soldiers were kidnapped in Benghazi, and the body of a man who had been shot in […]

Al Qaeda

Al-Qaeda now frontline threat to Israel

United Kingdom

French President Hollande said the UK and France have the “same level” Syrian jihadism, with some 600 to 700 people from their respective countries fighting in Syria; Whitehall countered that an estimated 350 Britons are fighting there. Six persons appeared in court for offenses linked to Syria, and two north London brothers, Akram and Mohamed […]

Al Qaeda

Egypt faces new threat in al Qaeda-linked group Ansar Bayt al Maqdis


The military claimed it killed 40 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in the Fallujah area; and the ISIS’ deputy military commander for Ramadi, who was a Saudi, and two bodyguards in Albu Faraj. The ISIS killed a soldier in Mosul. The bodies of three men who were tortured and murdered were discovered […]