Search Results for: TTP


The Suqour al-Sham, an Islamist brigade in the Islamic Front, agreed to a truce with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham; the Free Syrian Army-linked Syrian Revolutionaries’ Front, which has clashed with the Islamic Front, condemned the ceasefire as illegitimate. The Al Nusrah Front and Islamic battalions clashed with regime forces in Reef […]


Lebanon – Tripoli residents leave as security crumbles


Caretaker Interior Minister Charbel said the army cannot monitor the movements of a drone seen hovering over the Maarab residence of Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea, because of a lack of radars. Six men, including Sunni cleric Omar Atrash, have been accused of involvement in the Jan. 2 and Jan. 21 suicide bombings in southern […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 23 people in four bombings in Baghdad. Two of the attacks used suicide bombers, and both occurred near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A suicide bomber killed seven policemen and three soldiers in Tikrit. The ISIS also killed a soldier in Sharqat and two more soldiers […]


Four Yemeni soldiers were killed and seven more were wounded after gunmen attacked a checkpoint outside of the vital Balhaf liquified natural gas facility in Shabwa province. A special forces commander was gunned down in Aden.


A manhunt is underway for two alleged Shabaab members who escaped police at the Masjid Mosque raid on Sunday and are suspected of efforts to radicalize Muslim youth in Mombasa. Sources in Kenya claim that the gathering at the mosque was being used to bring together newly recruited jihadists from cells in Eldoret, Kisumu, and […]


Somali and AMISOM troops have removed Shabaab forces from the areas around Gendershe, Dhanane, and Jilib in Lower Shabelle. In Gedo, Somali forces claim they will soon launch a campaign against Shabaab positions with the help of Ethiopian AMISOM peacekeepers. Uganda has sent an additional 1,600 troops to join AMISOM efforts.


President Jonathan has formally sworn in the new heads of the armed forces. At the ceremony, new Chief of Defense Staff Air Marshal Alex Badeh said he would end the Boko Haram insurgency before Nigerian general elections in 2015. Badeh has also issued a press statement claiming that his promise to end the insurgency by […]


The army said it has not been ordered to move against forces blockading the eastern oil ports. Qaqaa Brigade commander Abu Othman Milaiqtah set off gunfire in front of the Congress building because he had to wait for a meeting with President Abu Sahmain. Foreign Minister Abdelaziz announced the destruction of all of Libya’s usable […]

US adds 3 senior Haqqani Network leaders to terrorism list

Two of the Haqqani Network leaders have close ties to al Qaeda; one of them has traveled to Saudi Arabia to fundraise as recently as late 2013. The other is a member of the Miramshah Shura and coordinates operations with the Taliban.

Al Qaeda

U.S. curtails drone strikes in Pakistan as officials there seek peace talks with Taliban

Al Qaeda

How academics got the Muslim Brotherhood wrong


Old Tensions Resurface in Debate Over U.S. Role in Post-2014 Afghanistan


Police claimed to have a killed a possible mastermind of the Volgograd bombings, identified as “Mirzayev,” head of the “Kadarskaya gang.” He is said to have been killed during a shootout with security forces in Izerbash in Dagestan.

ISIS confirms death of senior leader in Syria

Abu Bakr al Iraqi, who is also known as Haji Bakr, served as a top lieutenant to Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and as the military commander for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham before he was killed in Syria earlier this year.

United States

US officials said they have sharply curtailed drone strikes in Pakistan at the request of the Pakistani government, which asked for a pause while it tries to negotiate with the Taliban. The Chair of the House Intelligence Committee charged that the Obama administration’s revisions to the drone targeting criteria, which permit strikes only against al […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed four soldiers in two suicide attacks in Mosul, and three civilians in an IED attack in Qayyarah. Security forces killed an ISIS leader near Mosul, and have surrounded Fallujah and Karma.


Two people were killed in a bombing that targeted a military bus in Sana’a; 10 soldiers were wounded in the blast. Houthis and Salafists agreed to yet another ceasefire in the north.

Al Qaeda

Meet Chechclearr, the Web-savvy foreign Islamic militant in Syria


The first UN report on the fate of children in Syria over the past two years details “unspeakable” abuses, including torture by government forces and the use of child soldiers by the opposition. Turkey has reportedly refused entry to some 2,000 refugees, mainly women and children, who have fled clashes with the Islamic State of […]


A judge issued an arrest warrant for Sunni preacher Omar Atrash, suspected of links to al Qaeda car bombings and attacks on Lebanese forces. The army is considering using antiaircraft weapons to shoot down a drone that has been hovering over the residence of Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea in Maarab. Geagea escaped an assassination […]


Attacks drive demand for ‘terrorism’ insurance in Lebanon

Al Qaeda

Congressman: Obama’s drone war rules let terrorists go free


UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon Discusses Syria


The Foreign Ministry requested that Qatar hand over Islamists who have fled to the Gulf power. Two Egyptian soldiers were wounded when an explosive device detonated in the Sinai. Authorities reportedly thwarted a plot to target an installation along the Suez Canal. An army officer was shot dead by gunmen in Sharkiya. Security officials expressed […]


The head of the Shin Bet said failed peace talks with the Palestinians will not necessarily result in another intifada, and warned that Egyptian military efforts to deal with the Sinai terror threat have not eradicated it. President Peres said Israel appreciates Secretary of State Kerry’s Middle East peace efforts. A Palestinian was indicated over […]