Search Results for: TTP

Al Qaeda

Why Is Turkey harboring terrorists?

United Kingdom

Abu Suleiman al-Britani, a British-born jihadist of Pakistani origin, reportedly detonated in an Al Nusrah Front suicide bombing at Aleppo Central Prison in Syria earlier this week. He is said to have been a Londoner. The UK has blacklisted the Al Nusrah Front, al Qaeda’s Syrian branch. As many as 20 UK fighters are thought […]


Syria conflict spurs growing jihadist threat in Lebanon

United States

Assistant Deputy Secretary of State Brett McGurk said suicide bombings in Iraq have tripled over the past year, and that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is using a “global network” of jihadists to supply the bombers, who are often foreigners; he also accused Iraq of not doing enough to stop Iran from […]


Security forces killed three Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Jurf al-Sakhar and two more in Mosul, and arrested two security officials tied to the ISIS. The ISIS killed a policeman in Baqubah and a solider near Mosul. “Gunmen” kidnapped the director of a hospital in Baqubah and two oil tanker drivers […]

Boko Haram

Nigeria’s rogue militia that is fighting the Boko Haram


Norwegian Islamist refused referee license


The Islamic Front, led by Ahrar al Sham, and the Al Nusrah Front, jointly assaulted Aleppo Central Prison, reportedly freeing hundreds of detainees. The Islamic Front and Al Nusrah had announced the operation called “Truthful Promise Approaches” in Aleppo. The battle of “Fak Al-A’ani” to liberate the prison started with an Al Nusrah suicide bombing […]


Two suspects in the Feb. 3 suicide bombing of a passenger van were released due to lack of evidence, but a taxi driver who gave the bomber a ride remains in detention. A fourth victim of the Feb. 1 suicide bombing in Hermel died from his injuries.


As a result of Shabaab threats, a telecom provider has shut off Internet services in Mogadishu. Shabaab continues to shell Mogadishu. Shabaab reportedly allowed the resumption of mobile Internet services in Middle and Lower Jubba regions today.


Riots continued for a third day in Mombasa in the wake of the Masjid Mussa mosque raid. Two police officers have pled not guilty to allegations regarding the abduction of Ethiopian ONLF representatives in Nairobi. Police have released the names of two men suspect of involvement in the Westgate mall attack.


Interior Minister Jeddou has claimed that security forces killed Kamel Gadhgadhi, a senior Ansar al-Sharia member and the murderer of liberal politician Chokri Belaid, during an operation on Feb. 4 in which six other terrorists were killed and a large weapons cache was confiscated. Belaid’s widow Basma Khalfaoui said the timing of the claim was […]


Turkey passes law tightening control of internet


A car bomb wounded a political activist in Benghazi, and last night the office of two TV stations in the city was bombed. The body of a special forces member who had been tortured was found near a Benghazi cemetery. Water pumps are being installed to address water shortages in Benghazi due to clashes and […]


Some 50 suspected Boko Haram gunmen attacked the Borno state town of Askira, 200 km south of Maiduguri. While a Police Public Relations Officer confirmed that three people were killed in in a suspected Boko Haram attack, the Borno Police Commissioner insisted that the incident was purely an armed robbery and had nothing to do […]


A young man was killed and 30 people were injured in clashes in the southern province of Ghardaia. Since the clashes started over a month ago, at least 200 people have been injured, including 50 security force members, and over 80 buildings have been torched.

Palestinian Territories

A Palestinian from Gaza recently died fighting in Syria with ISIS. Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired at least two rockets at southern Israel. The Interior Ministry in Gaza recently denied it had ordered the arrest of those who fired rockets at Israel.


Four Palestinians were indicted of charges of planning a terror attack against Israelis at a wedding hall in Jerusalem. The terror cell had already conducted surveillance of the site and was looking into purchasing weapons. Three Palestinians were sentenced for acting as Hamas operatives in the Jerusalem area.


Two security personnel were killed when unidentified gunmen fired upon them in Sharkiya. Security sources claimed that Ansar Jerusalem receives instructions from al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri. The army spokesman said raids in North Sinai resulted in the arrest of seven Islamist militants. A new Islamist alliance is planning on organizing demonstrations and potentially […]

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s religious police ‘contains extremists’

United States

US officials said US drone strikes in Pakistan are being curtailed in deference to Pakistan’s wishes and in view of logistical constraints as the US winds down its combat role in Afghanistan; the officials denied recent reports that the change was to allow Pakistan to negotiate with the Taliban. Officials said the CIA plans to […]


Security forces killed a senior Taliban commander in Ghazni and three fighters in operations throughout the country. The National Directorate of Security captured two would-be Haqqani Network suicide bombers who were planning to attack presidential candidates in Kabul.

Al Qaeda

US to Curb Pakistan Drone Program