Search Results for: TTP


Ahmed Abdi Godane is thought to be on the run after having narrowly escaped death twice in the past month. AMISOM and Somali troops killed seven Shabaab militants in a surprise attack on the town of Hagar in Jubba. The Deputy Governor of Lower Shabelle was injured in one of two bomb attacks in Mogadishu […]


A Kenyan policeman has been shot in Ukunda in what is suspected to be a retaliatory Shabaab attack for the Masjid Mussa mosque raid. In Mandera, police arrested three armed men who had infiltrated from Somalia. According to the Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces, the FBI is in possession of the bodies of the […]


The army spokesman said operations in North Sinai had resulted in the arrest of 37 militants. Jihadists who have returned from Syria were reportedly being targeted in operations in North Sinai. Six people suspected of carrying out attacks in Sharkiya against policemen last week were detained. Shadi el Menai of Ansar Jerusalem has reportedly entered […]


In Homs, Syria, some decry UN aid effort as benefiting ‘terrorists’


Imagery of the Week: Drone Aprons at Niamey


The interior security minister said the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa was responsible for the killing of 31 Tuaregs on Feb. 7 in an incident initially reported by the UN mission as a clash between Peul and Tebu tribesmen. President Keita recently rejected allegations that the Malian government has used al Qaeda-linked […]


Caribbean Airlines warns of Guyana flights threat


Tengiz Guketlov, a Caucasus Emirate leader in Kabardino-Balkaria, issued a statement yesterday claiming that six killings in Stavropol in January were in retaliation for the killing of 35 allegedly innocent local Muslims by security forces. He denied that the six deaths were connected to the Islamist terror group’s threat to disrupt the Olympics in Sochi. […]


Becoming Bad News: Taliban Threats to Pakistani Journalists


Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan finalizes 15-point draft for talks


Australian officials admitted to a “fairly major breakdown” in border security following reports that convicted terrorist Khaled Sharrouf has fled the country. He is thought to be now in Syria. Up to 200 Australians are estimated to have traveled to Syria to fight with the rebels, and about half are said to have joined al […]


Ukraine places anti-terrorist forces on alert


The Taliban killed seven soldiers in an IED attack in Farah and wounded 11 people in a suicide bombing in Paktika. Control of the prison at Bagram has been transferred to Afghanistan’s Interior Ministry.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed six policemen in Tuz, two policemen and a civilian in Mosul, a soldier in Kirkuk, and a civilian in Baghdad. Security forces killed three ISIS fighters north of Fallujah and three more ISIS fighters in Ramadi.


Islamist fighters took over the Alawite village of Maan in Hama, and an Al Nusrah Front suicide bomber detonated at a regime checkpoint in the province. Regime forces clashed with Islamic battalions in Homs, and 611 civilians were evacuated from besieged areas. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham prepared for an attack by […]


A senior intelligence officer was killed in a bombing outside of the Oil Ministry in Sana’a; one report indicated that three people were killed. Houthi rebels and tribesmen in Arhab signed yet another peace agreement.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas deployed members of its Izz al Din al Qassam Brigades to stem rocket attacks against Israel from Gaza. Fatah officials said the organization planned to select a deputy for current leader Mahmoud Abbas. Hizb-ut-Tahrir accused the Palestinian Authority security forces in the West Bank of arresting a number of its members.


The army spokesman said raids in North Sinai resulted in the death of three militants and arrest of 10 others. The spokesman also said the total number of militants killed in Friday’s airstrikes in North Sinai was now 20, with 70 injured. Security forces in Ismailia reportedly thwarted a suicide bombing attack at a Central […]


The Israeli Air Force targeted a Gaza-based terror operative with links to the Sinai-based jihadist group Ansar Jerusalem. Prime Minister Netanyahu denounced Iranian claims that they will soon send warships toward the US.


Hezbollah’s second in command said the group intends to keep fighting in Syria. He said suicide bombers are targeting both Hezbollah and the Lebanese Army, and that jihadists have been present in Lebanon since before Hezbollah entered the conflict. A Lebanese businessman was released by his captors, who had demanded a $3 million ransom.


The Interior Ministry said four “very dangerous” terrorists were arrested last night in Borj Luzir in Ariana governorate. During the raid targeting suspects in the murders of Chokri Belaid and Mohamed Brahmi, one terrorist and two security force members were injured. Those arrested were: Ahmed Melki a.k.a. “the Somali,” Bilel Amdouni, Mounir Jemaii, and Ameur […]


Former Attorney General Abdulaziz Al-Hassadi was murdered in Derna yesterday, and a judge in the city escaped an attempted assassination. The local council office in Adjadbiya was torched by a petrol bomb attack. Two bombs in Benghazi destroyed a restaurant and eight cars; one explosion took place near a congressman’s house. A Salafist imam said […]

Ajnad Misr

‘Volunteer jihadists’ pose security dilemma in Egypt


Eying Taliban, Pakistan military moves into strategic Swat Valley

United States

Sniper fire on Silicon Valley power grid spurs ex-regulator’s crusade


Afghan soldiers desperate for pact with US, criticize President Karzai for delay


UNAMA said civilian casualties have increased by 14%; ISAF said that the Taliban are responsible for 90% of the civilian casualties. The incoming commander for ISAF Joint Command said that securing the elections is the number one priority. The Taliban killed one person in a bombing in Jalalabad.