Search Results for: Pakistan


NATO wants relations with Pakistan back on track


Free to pursue jihad: Saeed appreciates Pakistan’s unique freedoms

Son of infamous al Qaeda family killed by Ethiopian forces

Abu al Bara’a Abdul Aziz bin Attash was killed in a clash with Ethiopian forces. Bin Attash was a member of a particularly notorious al Qaeda family that has served the Taliban, al Qaeda, Shabaab, and other allied terrorist organizations.


India rejects Pakistan’s proposal to move artillery from LoC


Pakistan – No more bumpy ride for motorists on Torkham road


Airstrikes Report: Pakistan, US far from same page


Pakistan and India take steps to prevent accidental nuclear war

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq claimed responsibility for the wave of attacks across Baghdad last week that killed 69 people. An al Qaeda group based in the Kurdistan region has threatened attacks against the US, Pakistan, and Afghanistan in revenge for the killing of its fighters in a US drone attack in the Pakistani […]


Mission impossible for Pakistani progressives?


US military urges more trust with Pakistan after probe


Al-Qaida leadership almost wiped out in Pakistan, British officials believe


Pakistan – For a TTP chief’s widow, terrorist activities meant saving her marriage


US Preparing for Pakistan to Restrict Support for Afghan War


AN ISAF helicopter was forced to land in Nahr-e-Saraj after taking small arms fire. Four Taliban fighters were killed and two were detained in Kandahar. Nine Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan fighters surrendered to the government in Kunar.


Pakistan Harboured Osama, Former Army Chief Says


CIA has suspended drone attacks in Pakistan, US officials say


US CentCom cancels briefing to Pakistan on NATO attack

United States

Oytun Ayse Mihalik, a 39-year-old Turkish pharmacist, was indicted on charges of sending money to Pakistan to help finance attacks on US forces. Her arrest is “related to national security investigations in other areas of the United States.” She faces trial in February for making false statements to authorities.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan stops billing US for ‘war on terror’ costs


Hafiz Saeed vows jihad against India will continue