Search Results for: TTP


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 15 soldiers, beheading eight of them, in an attack on a military barracks in Mosul. The ISIS also killed a policemen near Mosul and an Awakening fighter in Hawija and another in Tarmiyah. A suicide bomber attacked police and soldiers in Ramadi. Security forces killed 17 […]


A security source said Lebanese forces are pursuing several suspected Sunni terrorists, and that Syrian airstrikes targeted Al Nusrah Front members yesterday in the Bekaa valley. Residents of the border town of Arsal braced for a flood of refugees from Yabroud as a regime offensive there intensified. Special forces arrested Syrian national Jamil Aziz al-Hasan […]


In response to rocket fire, the IAF struck a number of terror sites in the Gaza Strip. An Israeli Arab who received training from the Al Nusrah Front in Syria was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Foreign Minister Lieberman said he is optimistic about peace talks with the Palestinians.


Two Al Nusrah Front suicide bombings in Hama killed at least 30 soldiers, and an Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bombing in Damascus killed 32 people, reportedly soldiers, when two buildings collapsed. Regime forces clashed with Islamic battalions in Deraa, as well as in Idlib, in Aleppo, and in Homs. An American […]


The government transferred 29 wanted al Qaeda operatives to Saudi Arabia; all 29 operatives are said to be Saudi citizens. A presidential committee recommended that Yemen become a federal state with six autonomous regions.


Unidentified assailants detonated explosives along a pipeline in North Sinai. The army spokesman said three militants were killed in the latest operations in North Sinai. Policemen were shot and killed by unidentified gunmen in Ismailia as well as Port Said. Police claimed to have arrested the perpetrator the October car bombing in Ismailia, which Ansar […]


A car bomb intended to target Somali and AMISOM troops in Beledweyne prematurely exploded in Bulo-Burte, killing at least eight Shabaab fighters. The detonation was the second explosives snafu in three days for Shabaab. In Somaliland, officials reportedly arrested a former senior Shabaab commander. Mogadishu’s mayor called for greater cooperation between authorities and civilians, and […]


A spokesman for the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MUJAO) claimed that the group is holding five Red Cross workers kidnapped two days ago on the road between Kidal and Gao. A group of armed MUJAO members stormed into the town of Djebock near Gao yesterday looking for a Tuareg leader, but […]


Two more congressmen resigned; some GNC members reportedly have received death threats telling them to resign. Reports that explosives were found at the GNC yesterday were denied. Men in military uniforms abducted a newspaper editor in Tripoli. Two people were killed and another two were injured in a house explosion in Benghazi yesterday, and an […]


A senior intelligence officer was accused of forming a criminal gang, arms trafficking, and committing grave security lapses that led to the In Amenas terrorist attack in 2013. An Algerian military transport plane crashed in the mountains in Oum El Bouaghi, killing 103 passengers; the crash is being blamed on bad weather. Prime Minister Sellal […]

Pakistani jihadists form Ahrar-ul-Hind, vow to continue attacks

The new group is an offshoot of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan and other jihadist groups. Its spokesman said Ahrar-ul-Hind is based in Pakistan’s “urban areas” and would conduct attacks in Pakistan’s cities despite the outcome of peace talks.

Al Qaeda

Obama administration mulls lethal strike on American in Pakistan

Al Nusrah Front

Al Qaeda’s expulsion of Islamist group in Syria prompts high-level US debate

United States

The CIA is said to be considering a drone strike on an American member of al Qaeda in an unnamed foreign country who is plotting attacks against US citizens overseas. President Obama and President Hollande of France jointly announced new strategic cooperation between their countries on combating terrorism as well as other endeavors. The Pentagon […]


As part of seven promised “confidence-building” measures on its nuclear program due for completion by May 15, Iran agreed to provide information to the IAEA on its detonators. A top IAEA official said progress at the Feb. 8-9 talks was good but much work remains to be done to examine possible military aspects of Iran’s […]


The Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin claimed its suicide bomber killed two ISAF contractors in an attack in Kabul. An ISAF soldier was killed in a gunfight in eastern Afghanistan. The Afghan military said it killed 17 Taliban fighters and detained 16 more during operations nationwide.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda’s organization innovates from the bottom up


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham is said to have withdrawn from Deir Izzour after the Al Nusrah Front and 10 other brigades joined forces against it in the province. ISIS had issued a statement in Deir Izzour proclaiming its innocence and accusing Al Nusrah and Islamic battalions such as Ahrar al Sham […]


Authorities dismissed reports that Hezbollah dismantled an alleged Saudi-backed Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham terrorist cell in southern Beirut. Radwan Ayyoush, a defected Syrian army officer who now leads the Free Syrian Army’s Al-Assi Brigades, was arrested over the weekend with another Syrian after entering Lebanon illegally from Syria near Arsal.


Twenty-two Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bombers and personnel were killed, 15 were wounded, and eight more were captured in a premature detonation near Samarra. An ISIS suicide bomber killed two policemen and two soldiers in Ramadi. The ISIS also killed a policeman in Hit and two guards for a judge in […]


Sochi drone shooting Olympic TV, not terrorists s


Obama and Hollande: France and the US enjoy a renewed alliance