Search Results for: TTP

Israel Defense Forces soldiers train in northern Israel

Hezbollah drone attack injures 18 IDF soldiers

Hezbollah increased its attacks on northern Israel with barrages on June 27 and June 28. It also carried out a series of drone attacks on June 30, injuring 18 IDF soldiers, one of them severely. The IDF responded to the attacks with a series of airstrikes on half a dozen locations in southern Lebanon.

Generation Jihad Ep. 185 — Cognitive Combat

Bill is joined by his colleague Bradley Bowman to talk about a new FDD monograph edited by Brad, “Cognitive Combat: China, Russia, and Iran’s Information War Against Americans.” They discuss ways in which America’s adversaries are waging information warfare against it, how the U.S. can defend itself in the information domain — and how it can go on the offensive.

Chasiv Yar Ukraine

Key Russian division gets new commander amid stalled offensive at Chasiv Yar

A June 22 message on a Telegram channel affiliated with the Russian 98th Guards Airborne Division seems to indicate Major General Yevgeny N. Tonkikh has been replaced as the division’s commander. The reason for the change is unclear, though it could be tied to stalled Russian progress in the city of Chasiv Yar, among other possible reasons.

Generation Jihad Ep. 184 — PSA for Israel: take our weapons, not our advice

Bill and Wednesday co-host Will Selber explain why Israel is not fighting an insurgency in Gaza as they unpack (and dismantle) a recent Foreign Affairs article authored by David Petraeus et al: “Israel’s War of Regime Change Is Repeating America’s Mistakes: But Israel Can Still Learn From America’s Successes” — wait, what successes? Israel should learn from our mistakes by repeating our mistakes?

Israeli troops conduct exercise in northern Israel

IDF trains for war in the north as Iranian proxies threaten attacks from Iraq and Yemen

Israeli IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Israeli President Isaac Herzog visited northern Israel on June 25 and June 26 as Israel prepares for a possible war with Hezbollah. An Iranian-backed militia in Iraq launched a drone targeting Israel’s southern city of Eilat, and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant continued his trip to Washington to shore up support and discuss the Iranian threat.

Generation Jihad Ep. 183 — Day after tomorrow in southern Lebanon?

Bill and Joe unpack recent headlines related to Israel’s defensive war in Gaza and simmering tensions in its north with Hezbollah, including the IDF chief of staff saying that Hamas brigades in Rafa have been dismantled; thousands of Iran-backed fighters offering to join Hezbollah in a battle against Israel; officials from the Islamic Republic meeting with the Taliban about taking joint action against Israel; how long Egypt will tolerate Israeli forces at its border; and why the Israeli government has yet to share a clear plan for Gaza almost 9 months into the war.

IDF Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi

Israel’s operations in Gaza are headed for a new phase

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant traveled to Washington, DC, where he discussed the next phase in Israel’s operations in Gaza. Separately, IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi praised the IDF for its progress in defeating Hamas in Rafah and uncovering tunnels in the area.

Generation Jihad Ep. 182 — When terrorists act like terrorists

Bill and Behnam discuss new sanctions that dropped this week, including Canada’s designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the U.S. designation of a proxy militia in Iraq; the Houthis sinking yet another ship; and threats made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah to conduct attacks in Cyprus. And an update on the Gaza floating pier because Bill.

Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi

Ukraine’s new Unmanned Systems Forces takes shape

Ukraine announced the commander of its nascent Unmanned Systems Forces (USF), Colonel Vadym Sukharevskyi. Sukharevskyi detailed various plans for the USF and how Ukraine plans to continue leveraging unmanned technology in its conflict with Russia.

Lieutenant General Herzi HaLevi

Hezbollah publishes drone footage of Israel as Nasrallah issues new warnings

Israel-Hezbollah tensions increased on June 18 and June 19. Hezbollah released drone footage showing sites in northern Israel, and the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, threatened Cyprus and warned it against letting the IDF use its bases. IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Herzi HaLevi and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant held discussions with Israel’s Northern Command to discuss the situation.

Taliban flag

Turkish charity leaders meet with Taliban officials

A recent meeting between Turkish aid organization representatives and the Taliban’s deputy prime minister highlights renewed economic and investment interest by Turkish entities in Afghanistan. The Taliban’s growing ties with Turkey are a worrying development as Afghanistan remains a haven for terrorists and narco-state.

Generation Jihad Ep. 181 — Al Qaeda’s leader has a new rallying cry. We should listen.

The (still technically unofficial) leader of Al Qaeda, Saif al-Adel, wrote an article under a pseudonym calling for people around the world to flock to Afghanistan for training to conduct attacks against “the Zionists.” Clear efforts by Al Qaeda to capitalize on the conflict in Gaza — but is the threat credible? Does al Qaeda in Afghanistan even have the means? Yes and yes, say Bill and Will Selber, LWJ contributor and retired Middle East Foreign Area Officer. They discuss how we give an enemy time and space to innovate and then ignore their threats at our own peril.

INS Komemiyut

IDF increases naval strength with new logistics support vessel

The Israeli Navy took delivery of the INS Komemiyut, a new logistics support vessel (LSV), on June 16, the second of these new landing craft in the past year. The vessels are capable of transporting troops and large vehicles, expanding Israel’s operational range and joint-operations capability.

Generation Jihad Ep. 180 — Meanwhile in the West Bank…

The Islamic Republic of Iran tightening its noose around Israel can be evidenced by activity from the Houthis and in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and — lest we forget — the West Bank. How does the West Bank threat compare to the Gaza threat? Who holds power in the West Bank, and which terrorist groups are active there? Top of the list? Islamic Jihad. They discuss Joe’s recent research on the senior members of Islamic Jihad that were killed in a counterterrorism operation in the West Bank and losses suffered by the group’s Syria branch in Lebanon. 

IDF soldiers in southern Gaza

IDF presses forward in Rafah after recent losses

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) lost 11 soldiers in several days of fighting in Gaza. In one of the deadliest incidents since the IDF’s ground operation began, eight soldiers were killed by an explosion targeting their armored personnel carrier on June 15. The IDF continues operations in Rafah against Hamas and other terrorist groups.

Generation Jihad Ep. 179 — Uncertainty: It’s the new weapon, weapon of choice

Bill and Behnam unpack a recent DIA report on the impact of Houthi attacks on international shipping and discuss everything the Houthis have been able to do with the limited resources supplied by Islamic Republic of Iran (and considering the bang for their buck, why wouldn’t they continue to supply weapons?); the perilous pattern of the U.S. ignoring when its enemies scream from the rooftops what their intentions are; and the credibility of claims made by the Houthi leader that an attack against Israel is being planned with help from the Islamic Resistance in Iraq — should we believe him? 

Analysis: The grave consequences of the UN’s failure in Lebanon

In a significant escalation, Hezbollah pummeled northern Israel on Wednesday with more than 200 rockets in the terror group’s largest single-day attack since the start of the war in Gaza. If the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) does not execute its mandated mission by stopping Hezbollah attacks on Israel and ensuring the group withdraws north of the Litani River, the steadily intensifying violence on Israel’s northern border could become a full-scale war with massive loss of life.

IDF soldiers training in northern Israel

Hezbollah continues wave of rocket fire as IDF trains for a northern war

Hezbollah launched more than 100 rockets at Israel on June 13, a day after it launched more than 215 rockets. The continuing escalation, the largest in eight months of war, led to calls by Israeli mayors for Israel to decide about confronting the increasing threats. Iran’s acting foreign minister warned Israel against attacking Lebanon as IDF brigades train for a possible war in the north.