Search Results for: suicide assault


Al Qaeda in Iraq launched a suicide assault on the Tasfirat prison in Tikrit; one guard was killed. Security forces detained a senior terrorist in Baghdad. US special operations forces reportedly have deployed to Iraq to advise and train security forces.

IMU’s leader for Kunduz captured during raid

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan leader directed the group’s operations in the northern Afghan province, and provided training and direction for IED attacks against Coalition and Afghan forces.


Six Harrier strike aircraft were destroyed and two more were damaged, and three refueling stations were destroyed during the Sept. 14 suicide assault on Camp Bastion. An Afghan policeman killed four ISAF soldiers in Zabul. ISAF captured a Taliban commander who downed a Kiowa attack helicopter in Logar on Sept. 5. ISAF reportedly killed eight […]

Afghan policeman kills 2 British soldiers in Helmand

The member of the Afghan Local Police was killed after gunning down two British soldiers in Gereshk district. So far this year, 14 percent of ISAF’s casualties have been caused by green-on-blue, or insider attacks.


Insurgents killed 58 Iraqis, including soldiers and policemen, in attacks in Amara, Basrah, Nassiriyah, Dujail, Baquba, Samarra, Kirkuk, and Tuz Khurmato. One attack, a complex suicide assault against a military base in Dujail, killed 11 Iraqi soldiers. A court sentenced fugitive Vice President Hashemi to death.

US adds Haqqani Network to list of terror groups

After pressure from Congress, the State Department finally added the group, which has links to the Taliban, al Qaeda, and the Pakistani military and intelligence services, to the US list of foreign terror organizations.


Six Taliban fighters were killed in a suicide assault on the Kamra Air Force Base in Punjab; one Pakistani soldier was also killed. “Gunmen” dragged 20 Shiites off a bus in Giglit and executed them.


The Taliban killed 36 Afghans in a suicide assault in Zaranj, the capital of Nimroz province. The Taliban also killed 15 Afghans in a bombing at a market in Kunduz. The Pakistani military killed one border policeman in an attack on Afghan border posts in Kunar.

IMU announces death of emir, names new leader

usman_adil.jpgThe al Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan has announced the death of its emir, Abu Usman Adil, in a drone strike in Pakistan in April, and named Usman Ghazi to replace him. Adil was responsible for ramping up the IMU’s activities in Afghanistan.


Seventeen members of a Taliban suicide assault team were killed in attacks in Kandahar; three policemen and three children were also killed. A suicide bomber wounded 25 people in Jawzjan. The Taliban assassinated Ghazni’s attorney general. President Karzai wants the release of all of the Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo.


A five-man Taliban suicide assault team took control of a lakeside hotel in Kabul for 12 hours; the five Taliban fighters and 18 Afghans were killed during the attack. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in separate attacks in the south.


Eleven Taliban fighters and three Afghan policemen were killed in two suicide assaults in Kandahar. The Taliban killed eight Afghans in an IED attack in Helmand and an ISAF soldier in the south.

Jihad in Seattle

Homegrown Islamic extremists targeted US military personnel in the northwestern city.


Six policemen, a civilian, and four Taliban fighters were killed during a suicide assault in Farah. The Taliban assassinated a senior police commander in Kunduz. The US added a Taliban financier who has funneled money to both al Qaeda and the Taliban, and a Haqqani Network operative who serves as a top aide to Badruddin […]


A suicide assault team killed two policemen and three civilians in Paktika; the six suicide bombers were also killed. The Taliban killed eight Afghans in Helmand and four policemen in Badghis. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Uruzgan, Paktia, and Ghazni.


A Taliban suicide assault team attacked a civilian compound in Kabul, killing five people just hours after President Obama left the country. The Taliban announced the beginning of its 2012 spring offensive, and killed two ISAF soldiers in the east. Security forces killed 25 Taliban fighters.

Taliban announce start of Al Farooq spring offensive

The “Al Farooq Jihadi spring operation” offensive will begin on May 3, and will target foreign and Afghan security forces, Afghan political and government officials, the Afghan High Peace Council, and anti-Taliban militias.