Search Results for: TTP


A suicide bomber killed two civilians at a cultural center in Kabul. Yesterday, a suicide bomber targeted presidential candidate Abdullah Abdullah. Pakistan claimed that the 23 Frontier Corps personnel who were executed by the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan were killed inside Afghanistan.


Security forces killed 20 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in Sulaiman Bek, 12 fighters in Babil, seven more in Ramadi, five ISIS operatives, including the governors of Mosul and Ninewa, and two “gunmen” in Mosul. The ISIS killed 16 civilians in Musayiab, three soldiers in Fallujah, a soldier in Ramadi, another soldier […]


The UN Security Council will vote tomorrow on a resolution for cross-border aid access and an enforceable halt to bombardments in Syria. The Islamic Law Council of Deir al-Zor told women to wear the hijab, as the council is “obliged to promote virtue and prevent vice.” Al Nusrah, ISIS, and Islamic battalions fought against regime […]


The pro-Assad Arab Democratic Party issued a 48-hour ultimatum to Lebanese authorities to arrest the killers of Abdel-Rahman Diab, the father of a suspect in the August 2013 twin car bombings in Tripoli. Following Diab’s death, clashes erupted in which two people were killed and five wounded; nearly all schools in Tripoli closed for security […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is thought to have gunned down a Salafist cleric in Hadramout who has been critical of the terror group. Human Rights Watch released a report stating that a drone strike in Rada’a in December 2013 targeted a wedding party and all 12 people killed were likely civilians.


In their first phone conversation in six months, President Erdogan and US President Obama “agreed on the importance of close cooperation … to address the growing terrorist presence in Syria.” Authorities removed 207 officers from their posts in the Ankara police counterterrorism unit today. The ruling AKP party is seeking to restructure Turkey’s national intelligence […]


New photos of the Nasr City terror cell were published by the Egyptian media. Officials claimed that senior members of Ansar Jerusalem were killed in North Sinai airstrikes. Security sources said three people tied to the Taba tourist bus bombing have been arrested. Gunmen carried out three separate shooting attacks in the Sharkiya area in […]


Turkish gov’t to expand powers of national intelligence agency


Ansar al Sharia in Libya issued a statement vowing it will no longer accept oppression, denouncing democracy, calling for sharia law, and threatening that the hands of “our people in Benghazi” and in other areas “are on the triggers.” Turnout was low in the election for a constitutional drafting committee. In Derna, gunmen shot a […]


Army units on Mount Chaambi are investigating the source of a loud explosion heard yesterday. The day before, a roadside bomb detonated near an armored vehicle on Mount Chaambi. A TV show on a private channel has sparked controversy for airing views of terrorists and their associates, including the father of recently slain Kamel Gadhgadhi, […]

New photos of Nasr City cell members published

Members of the Nasr City cell proudly display their loyalty to al Qaeda as they await trial in Egypt. The cell has multiple ties to al Qaeda. And one of its leaders, Muhammad Jamal al Kashef, trained some of the fighters who participated in the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

United States

The Homeland Security Department has issued a warning, based on “very recent intelligence,” about shoe bomb terror plots targeting US-bound passenger flights. Ahmed Muhammed Haza al Darbi, a Saudi detainee at Guantanamo, pled guilty to helping with an al Qaeda plot to attack oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz between 2000 and 2002. Jose […]


The Secret Battles Between US Forces and Chechen Terrorists


Authorities recently announced the arrest of six suspected terrorists in Osh on Feb. 14. Some of the suspects allegedly trained in international terrorist group camps in Syria and fought there before returning to Kyrgyzstan. The suspects were said to be planning attacks in Osh and Bishkek. Kyrgyz fighters are known to have traveled to Syria […]


Graft charges test West’s ties to Somali leader


Salim Idriss, the recently sacked head of the Free Syrian Army, rejected the dismissal; several top FSA commanders expressed support for him as their leader. Thousands of Syrians are fleeing to Lebanon at Arsal. Islamic battalions and the Al Nusrah Front clashed with regime forces in Hama and in Aleppo. Regime forces fought against Islamic […]

Al Nusrah Front

Abdullah Azzam Brigades alive and well, despite key arrests


The al Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades conducted a double suicide attack at the Iranian Cultural Center in Beirut, killing at least eight people and wounding 128. The group also threatened further attacks against Iran and Hezbollah if their forces are not withdrawn from Syria and jihadists are not freed from Lebanese prisons. The army released […]


Residents quietly flee Beirut’s southern suburbs


The army carried out extensive bombing campaigns in North Sinai reportedly targeting Ansar Jerusalem fighters. A military source admitted that Egyptian authorities do not know the identity of most Ansar Jerusalem members. A court hearing for those suspected of killing more than 20 Egyptian policemen in August 2013 took place.


Denmark ‘cautiously optimistic’ over Syria chemical weapons


Officials and residents say Shabaab is conducting attacks almost nightly in Mogadishu and patrolling districts at night; the al Qaeda-linked group now controls some districts entirely. At least seven people have been killed and many more have been detained as a result of raids by security forces in Kismayu. Ahmed Ibrahim was appointed the interim […]

Al Qaeda

Timbuktu waits for peace dividend