Search Results for: TTP

United Kingdom

Former Guantanamo detainee Moazzam Begg was arrested with three other people in Birmingham on suspicion of facilitating terrorism overseas. He has advocated against arresting British jihadists who fight in Syria.


Hospital officials said that 722 people have been killed during military shelling of Fallujah since the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham and allied tribes took control of the city. Security forces killed 16 ISIS fighters in Fallujah and nine “militants” north of Baqubah. Iraq will purchase $195 in weapons from Iran in violation […]


Islamic battalions killed at least 15 regime soldiers in Quneitra. The Al Nusrah Front, Islamic Battalions, and Al-Mujahedin army clashed with regime forces in Aleppo, killing 18 soldiers and NDF fighters. In the city of Aleppo, Al Nusrah, Jaysh al Mujehidin, and Al Jabha Al Islameyya created a joint military operations room. The Islamic State […]


Syrian Conflict Pries Open Internal Debate on Cyberwar


The Al Nusrah Front in Lebanon warned Lebanese military forces to stay out of the group’s conflict with Hezbollah. A military prosecutor filed charges against 21 people accused of membership in a network of al Qaeda-linked groups; only four of the 21 have been detained. Israeli warplanes hit a target in eastern Lebanon near the […]


The army spokesman said operations in North Sinai over the weekend had resulted in the death of 14 militants and the arrest of 23 others. The spokesman also said an Ansar Jerusalem member was killed during a firefight with forces. Prime Minister Beblawi announced that the current Egyptian cabinet had resigned. A court upheld the […]


The bodies of seven Egyptian Christians who had been dragged from their Benghazi home and shot in the head were found on a beach outside the city. The Qatari Embassy denied that six men arrested in Benghazi last week were Qataris, and said there were no Qatari citizens in Libya except embassy staff. Derna residents […]


IDF Military Intelligence expanding to cope with jihadi threat from Syria


Boko Haram militants attacked again in the largely Christian village of Izghe in Borno yesterday, burning the remainder of the village to the ground. Militants from the al Qaeda-linked terror group also attacked Mairari village in Borno, killing two residents and setting homes, shops, and vehicles on fire. The opposition APC party denounced President Jonathan’s […]


The head of Norwegian intelligence expressed concern about the growing threat posed by Norwegian jihadists in Syria. At least 40 or 50 Norwegians, including about a dozen women, are known to have traveled to Syria to fight; they have most often joined extremist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham. The […]

United States

Secretary of State Kerry issued a statement yesterday denouncing Boko Haram’s attacks in Nigeria and expressing US support for Nigerian authorities in their battle against the group; the US is providing counterterrorism assistance, he noted. Secretary of Defense Hagel is announcing proposed cuts to the Pentagon budget that will involve reducing the army to some […]

Senior Taliban commander gunned down in North Waziristan

Asmatullah Shaheen Bhittani, a senior leader who was appointed interim emir for the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan after Hakeemullah’s death, has been gunned down in the Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan.

Free Syrian Army

Top Military Body Against Syria’s Assad Is in Chaos, Undermining Fight

Saudi Arabia

Saudi religious police to monitor social media?


The Taliban killed 20 Afghan soldiers and captured eight more after overrunning a military outpost in Kunar province. The attack may have been facilitated by Afghan soldiers sympathetic to the Taliban. The government denied that the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan executed 23 Pakistani Frontier Corps troops inside Afghanistan.

Al Nusrah Front

Syrian rebel, friend of al Qaeda leader, killed by rival Islamists

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is reportedly seeking Pakistan’s help in the provision of antiaircraft and antitank weapons for Syrian rebels. The Grand Mufti called on Saudi Arabians to donate to the Saudi National Campaign to Support Brothers in Syria. Between June 2012 and June 2013, the fund distributed over $114 million in support of displaced Syrians in […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 26 oil protection policemen south of Mosul, two policemen in Mosul, and a policeman in Madain. An ISIS suicide bomber targeted a police checkpoint in Anbar. Security forces killed 25 ISIS fighters in Anbar and 12 insurgents in Jurf al Sakhar. The military killed five civilians […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down a colonel in military intelligence in the town of Ataq in Shabwa province. “Gunmen” kidnapped a female Czech doctor in Sana’a, but then released her shortly afterward.


Kadyrov Launches New Assault On Chechens’ Collective Historic Memory


Taliban Say Talks Over US Soldier’s Release Suspended


Entrepreneurship Remains Alive in Syria


Abu Khalid al Suri, al Qaeda’s chief representative in Syria, was killed in Aleppo; the Islamic Front announced his death. An activist group said Suri was killed when at least one Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham suicide bomber detonated in an Aleppo office, killing six Ahrar al Sham fighters and injuring one of […]


An RPG was fired at the Tunisian Consulate in Benghazi, which was attacked by Ansar al Sharia in June 2012. Gunmen murdered the son of a prominent doctor in Benghazi who had escaped an assassination attempt months ago. Benghazi Medical Centre staffers went on strike after gunmen stole their cell phones and a TV. A […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham briefly took control of the town of Sainiyah and killed four policemen and two Awakening fighters. The ISIS shot down a helicopter and killed four crewmen in Karma; and killed five soldiers in a suicide attack near Ramadi; a regiment commander and three soldiers near Baqubah; and […]