Search Results for: Pakistan


Hafiz Saeed still using Pakistan for ‘hate India’ campaign: SM Krishna


Security officials captured Emrah Erdogan, who is wanted by the Kenyan government for joining Shabaab in Somalia. Erdogan, a German national who is also known as Salahuddin al Kurdi, attended terrorist training in Waziristan, Pakistan.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Al Qaeda battleground


Pakistan should bite the bullet in NATO routes row: US official


US pulls negotiators from Pakistan, no supply deal


Obama Increases Pakistan Drone Strikes as Relations Sour


US, Pakistan beginning to look more like enemies


Tribal fighters from the Islamist Ansar Dine and the secular Tuareg MNLA clashed in Kidal after 500 people protested the imposition of sharia law. The two groups seized northern Mali in March and formed a pact in May. The president of Niger said militants in northern Mali are being trained by jihadists from Pakistan and […]


Millions of Dollars of US Gear to Combat IEDs Wasted in Pakistan

Haqqani Network

Dempsey voices Pakistan frustrations over Haqqani network inaction


CIA gets nod to step up drone strikes in Pakistan


Islamic militants threaten war on Pakistan over Kashmir


UN backs probe into US drone civilian casualties in Pakistan


Panetta: US losing patience with Pakistan on militancy


Pakistan is the Mother of Terrorism, Afghanistan the Victim: Afghan Analyst

On drones and their ability to defeat al Qaeda

The drones are a tactic, not a strategy, and fail to address the key issues of radical Islamist ideologies, state support of terrorism, and al Qaeda’s ability to exploit ungoverned spaces.

Al Qaeda

Abu Yahya al-Libi of Al Qaeda Said to Be Killed