Search Results for: TTP


An IAF airstrike killed three Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants who had fired mortar shells at IDF forces along the Gaza border. An Israeli Skylark drone crashed in the Gaza Strip. Israel and Jordan plan to launch a joint investigation into the killing of a Jordanian judge at the Allenby Crossing.


The army said 18 suspected militants and criminals were arrested in North Sinai operations. Authorities reportedly seized a workshop used for creating explosives and bombs in Sheikh Zuweid. A number of Arab foreign ministers met in Cairo to discuss ways to combat terrorism. The Interior Ministry said a terrorist suspected of involvement in the Cairo […]

Ahrar al Sham

Siege of Syrian arms depot in Tal Al Jabiyeh exposes chemical weapons fears

Free Syrian Army

Syria war: new push against Assad being planned, reports suggest


Prime Minister Zeidan was sacked by the GNC, and the GNC voted to recall General Chief of Staff Jadallah Al-Obaidi. A North Korean-flagged tanker that illegally took on oil at Essider is on fire in international waters after being shot at by the Libyan Navy. Rebels clashed with government forces in Sirte.


Security forces have dismantled a terrorist criminal network in Fez and Sefrou that used fraud and forgery to finance al Qaeda activities in Syria. The network was headed by an al Qaeda recruiter and included two known terrorists.


French intelligence is questioning seven men and a woman who are suspected of planning to travel to Syria to fight for terrorist groups. The eight suspects were arrested yesterday in and around Paris. An al Qaeda-linked media outlet issued a call on March 7 encouraging “our lone wolves in France” to assassinate President Hollande and […]

United Kingdom

Authorities are investigating reports that four Birmingham schools were targeted for Islamist radicalization; Zahoor Iqbal, a former “achievement mentor” at one of the schools, was convicted in 2008 for supporting terrorism. Police arrested two men and a woman from Manchester, and a man from Oxford, on suspicion of Syria-related terrorism offenses; a Manchester man is […]


Interpol reveals lax passport screening


Taliban Issue Warning, Tell Afghans Not to Vote


US military boosting its presence in Spain


In Its Own War on Terror, Pakistan Piles Up Heavy Losses


Israel Watches Warily as Hezbollah Gains Battle Skills in Syria


Shoe-bomb plots disclosed at trial of bin Laden son-in-law


Among the roughly 150 regime detainees released in the swap for 13 kidnapped Syrian nuns are some rebel fighters; the Lebanese negotiator said the Al Nusrah Front had first demanded the release of 1,000 prisoners. Mohammed Haydar Zammar, the al Qaeda recruiter who helped assemble the “Hamburg cell” that carried out the 9/11 attacks, is […]


The Army is preparing to fend off further terrorist attacks by the Al Nusrah Front and other jihadist groups, in the wake of recent threats and a European terror assessment warning that diplomatic, military, and governmental sites may be targeted. A judge issued arrest warrants for 12 suspected terrorists from the Al Nusrah Front, the […]


Libya key source for illicit arms, fueling conflicts: UN envoy

Palestinian Territories

Hamas claimed that it possesses rockets that can strike remote targets in Israel. Masked gunmen stole about $500,000 from a post office in Gaza. A Salafi jihadist in Gaza said there are currently 4,000 such fighters in the Hamas-run territory.


Israeli officials said they are concerned about future drone use by terror groups in Gaza and Lebanon. A Palestinian involved in a November 2012 bus bombing in Tel Aviv received a 25-year sentence. An Israeli official cautiously welcomed the idea of a joint missile defense system with Jordan and Egypt. The IDF displayed the weapons […]


Israeli security forces killed Raed Zuaiter, a Palestinian judge working in Jordan, at the Jordan river crossing into the West Bank, in an altercation. The parliament is considering a revised antiterrorism bill that makes it a crime to fight with, or seek to join, radical groups. Mohammad al-Shalabi a.k.a. Abu Sayyaf, a Jordanian Salafist leader, […]


Unidentified gunmen fired on a bus transporting soldiers in North Sinai. More than 100 Muslim Brotherhood supporters were released upon orders from Egypt’s prosecutor general. Four members of an alleged al Qaeda-linked terror cell were charged for offenses that included planning attacks against the American and French embassies in Egypt.