Search Results for: TTP

Al Qaeda

Transnational threat of foreign fighters requires global response, INTERPOL Chief tells Baghdad conference


IDF Chief Benny Gantz said that if necessary Israel can carry out operations in Iran. The IDF was recently instructed to continue budgeting for a potential strike against Iran’s illicit nuclear program. Defense Minister Ya’alon apologized to Secretary of Defense Hagel for his recent comments regarding US policies in the Middle East.


The army spokesman said 38 suspected militants were arrested in operations in North Sinai. He also announced the destruction of 13 smuggling tunnels in Rafah. Investigators said the Ansar Jerusalem cell targeted yesterday in the Nile Delta was planning attacks for the coming days.


At Trial, Son-in-Law Recalls a Cave Meeting With Bin Laden on 9/11


Terror suspects Abdiaziz Abdullah Abdi and Isaak Noor Ibrahim were arraigned on charges relating to a Shabaab plot to bomb buildings in Mombasa. Two other suspects, Mohammed Daayo, a Somali national, and Shadrack Nicholas, a Kenyan, were arrested in Mombasa on March 18. The alleged mastermind of the plot, said to have been arrested on […]


Terrorists and National Guard officers exchanged gunfire at a customs facility in Kef. Security forces killed three terrorists and arrested six more during a March 17 raid on a house in Jendouba; two soldiers were wounded during the raid, and weapons and an explosive belt were found. Two soldiers were wounded in a clash with […]


Security forces killed three suspected terrorists in the mountainous Kabylie region yesterday, and seven others were reportedly killed over the weekend after they entered the country from Tunisia. An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander was killed recently in Tizi Ouzou. Seven people have died in clashes between Arabs and Berbers in the historic […]


Assistant Defense Minister Stuart Robert said that Caner Temel, who died in Syria in January while fighting for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, was an Australian soldier who had gone AWOL in 2010. He was among six fighters allegedly recruited for al Qaeda-linked groups by Hamdi Alqudsi, 39, a disability pensioner in […]


Militancy on rise in Egypt


Syria Documents: Nasrallah sent message to reassure Israel


Security forces killed 21 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters in the Hamrin Mountains over the past several weeks, eight in Baghdad , and five more in Babil. More than 37 people were killed during fighting and attacks in Baghdad, Fallujah, and areas north of the capital.


The Foreign Ministry denounced the US’ closure of Syria’s Embassy and consulates. The first UN aid convoy from Turkey crossed into Syria for Qamishli. The OPCW said Syria has shipped nearly half of its chemical weapons out of the country for destruction, including all of its mustard gas. Many civilians were injured when the Al […]


Lebanese factions seek unity against terrorism threat


Sniper fire in an Alawite neighborhood in Tripoli killed one person and injured six others, including a child. Sniper fire also caused the closure of a highway between Tripoli and Akkar. Gunmen fired RPGs at an army post in Qibbeh, injuring several soldiers. Two rockets landed in Hermel. The Army deployed to the Sunni town […]


Turkish Airlines denied allegations that it carried weapons to Boko Haram in Nigeria, after a leaked audio recording surfaced in which an airline executive purportedly asked a Turkish intelligence official whether the cargo might be used to kill Muslims or Christians. Justice Minister Bozdağ denied the possibility of conditional release for jailed Kurdistan Workers’ Party […]


Libya violence reaches new heights


The Interior Ministry said security forces carried out a raid against a major terror cell in al Qanatir al Khayriyah and that at least five Ansar Jerusalem members were killed. At least one person was killed during clashes between security forces and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. A court sentenced 26 people to death in absentia on […]


Exclusive: The mysterious journey of the Libya oil tanker


Mohammed Al Douri, a leading Islamist in Derna who was an associate of wanted ex-Gitmo detainee and Ansar al Sharia leader Sufian Bin Qumu, was shot dead on March 17; a Benghazi group has reportedly begun killing extremists on its “hit list.” Gunmen in Tripoli kidnapped a former Interior Ministry official. An officer in the […]

Al Qaeda

What Pakistan Knew About Bin Laden


Authorities are investigating claims by Shabaab that the suicide bomber in an attack in Bulo Barde yesterday was a 60-year-old Norwegian national of Somali origin, Abdullahi Ahmed Abdulle. In its latest threat assessment the PST warned that activities of radical Islamists in the Oslofjord area, including radicalization, recruitment, and fundraising, are raising security risks. Officials […]