Search Results for: Pakistan

US adds 8 Lashkar-e-Taiba members to terrorism list

The US Treasury Department designated eight Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) leaders today, including the point man for the November 2008 attack on Mumbai. Also designated was the son of LeT chieftain Hafiz Saeed.


Red Cross halts most Pakistan aid after beheading

United States

Pakistan – Terrorism an American concept, says Fazl

United Kingdom

Two convicted al Qaeda plotters, Salahuddin Amin and Rangzieb Ahmed asked the European Court of Human Rights to overturn their convictions due to alleged torture by Pakistani authorities. A leading UK barrister said the case could be the first time the ECHR intervened in judgments of fact, a development he termed “unacceptable.”

Haqqani Network

Pakistan – NWA residents start fleeing over likely operation


The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan’s emir for Bajaur, Mullah Dadullah, and his deputy, Shakir, were among 12 fighters killed in an airstrike in Kunar. Police killed 17 Taliban fighters during raids in Kabul, Logar, Ghazni, and Paktika. The Taliban killed seven Afghan soldiers in Kandahar.

Al Qaeda

Taliban attempts to kidnap family of jailed CIA informant in Pakistan


Badruddin Haqqani Believed Dead in Pakistan Drone Strike

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Our Osama policy under scrutiny


The Taliban killed four security personnel in Paktia, three policemen in Kapisa, and three security guards in Farah. Security forces detained a Pakistani suicide bomber and targeted an al Qaeda-linked Taliban leader in Ghazni.

Al Qaeda

Al Shabaab recruits Somali students in Pakistan


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters. Villagers in Ghazni killed two Taliban fighters. More than 30 missiles launched from Pakistan struck in Kunar province.

Green-on-blue attacks in Afghanistan: the data

As green-on-blue attacks spike, US and Afghan military officials have taken increasingly strong measures to combat attacks on their forces by Taliban infiltrators and disgruntled Afghan troops. In 2012, green-on-blue attacks accounted for 15% of ISAF deaths.

Al Qaeda

US, Pakistan must “divorce” as allies, ex-Pakistan envoy says

Al Qaeda releases biography of slain senior leader

Al Qaeda has released a biography of Atiyah Abd al Rahman, a senior al Qaeda operative who served as Osama bin Laden’s chief-of-staff. Rahman “engineered” the December 2009 terrorist attack on Combat Outpost Chapman that killed seven CIA officials and a Jordanian intelligence officer.


Officials complained about text messages allegedly sent from Pakistan that sparked panic in a number of Indian cities and triggered clashes in Assam. India blamed several Pakistan and Bangladesh-based terrorist groups, including the Harkat ul Jihad al Islami and Jamiat-e-Islami, for launching the “cyberattack” and blocked 245 websites that contain doctored images and videos.