Search Results for: suicide assault


Four Nepalese security guards and three Afghans were killed in a Taliban suicide assault in Kabul. Three Taliban fighters and a member of the Afghan Local Police were killed in a clash in Kunduz. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Farah.


The Taliban killed six policemen and 11 civilians in IED attacks in Kandahar and Uruzgan. A Taliban suicide assault team penetrated security at the presidential palace and CIA station in Kabul before being killed.


The Al Nusrah Front claimed a seven-man suicide assault in Damascus and another bombing in Damascus. An Al Nusrah Front fighter was killed in a clash at a checkpoint in Reef Damashq. Pro-regime popular committees executed a man in Hama. The commander of the Ahfad Muhammad battalion from Reef Deir Izzor was killed in an […]


Al Qaeda killed three policemen in a suicide assault in Hawija and eight other Iraqis in other attacks throughout the country. Two policemen and six al Qaeda fighters were killed in a clash in Al Khor in Anbar province on June 21.


The Taliban launched suicide assaults in Kabul and Zabul; all 13 members of the two suicide teams were killed by police. The Taliban beheaded two boys in Kandahar and killed an ISAF soldier in the east.


Eight Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Zabul. The Taliban killed six civilians in IED attacks in Helmand. Six Taliban fighters and two children were killed in clashes in Kunduz. The Red Cross has withdrawn some of its personnel after last week’s suicide assault on its office in Jalalabad.

Afghan NDS disrupts Kabul terror plot

Afghan intelligence forces stormed a militant safe house in Kabul City late on May 29. Afghan forces arrested six would-be suicide bombers and killed a seventh suspect. Suicide vests and other explosives were seized in the operation.


The Taliban claimed credit for a suicide assault on the governor’s compound in Panjshir; six memebrs of the assault team and a guard were killed. Three members of a suicide assault team and a guard were killed during an attack on a Red Cross office in Jalalabad.


French special forces and Nigerian troops killed the last two members of the Mokhtar Belmokhtar group’s suicide assault team that attacked a military barracks in Agadez. Two cadets were also killed during the raid. In all, 10 Islamist fighters, 24 Nigerien troops, and a civilian were killed in the suicide assaults in Agadez and at […]


A Taliban suicide assault team targeted a UN-linked NGO compound in Kabul; five Taliban fighters, a Nepalese guard, and an Afghan policemen were killed during the fighting, which lasted for seven hours. The Taliban killed four policemen in an attack in Helmand.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa claimed credit for a pair of suicide attacks. In one attack, five members of a suicide assault team assaulted a barracks in Agadez, killing 18 soldiers and a civilian. In another attack, a suicide bomber attacked workers at a uranium mine in Arlit.


More than 20 Iraqis were killed in a series of bombings and attacks across the country. Three Iraqi soldiers were killed in a complex suicide assault in Tarmiyah. Security forces arrested three wanted terrorists in Samarra. An al Qaeda operative was sentenced to life in prison for attacks that killed civilians.

Canadian terror plot linked to al Qaeda in Iran

Chiheb-Esseghaier-Linkedin.jpgA senior police official said two suspects involved in a plot to blow up a train received “support from al Qaeda elements located in Iran.” A Linkedin page of one of the suspects displayed al Qaeda’s black banner.


The Taliban killed 10 policemen and 34 civilians in an attack on a courthouse in Farah; nin members of the Taliban suicide assault team were also killed. Four Afghan soldiers were killed while defusing an IED in Kunar. An Afghan Local Police commander and three policemen were killed in an IED attack in Paktika.


Five policemen and eight Taliban fighters were killed after the Taliban launched a suicide assault on a police headquarters in Jalalabad. The government freed 26 inmates from Bagram Prison just one day after the US transferred control of the prison. Australia will withdraw 1,000 of its 1,500 troops from Afghanistan by the end of the […]


Insurgents killed nine Iraqis in a car bombing in Basra. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed last week’s suicide assault on the Justice Ministry.