Search Results for: TTP


Syria’s Lebanese Ghost Prisoners


In Latakia, the Al Nusrah Front, Ahrar al Sham, and the Islamic Front battled regime forces around Kasab on the Turkish border; an Al Nusrah emir was killed. Fighters from the Al Nusrah Front and the Free Syrian Army are said to be seeking to take Raqqah from the Islamic State of Iraq and the […]


Some 300 Islamist fighters from the Jund al Sham are thought to have fled to Lebanon after Syrian forces captured the Krak des Chevaliers in Homs. As many as 1,000 Lebanese Jund al Sham fighters and their families are said to have survived an ambush near the Bqaiaa crossing in the Wadi Khaled area. Among […]


Iranian Ship, in Plain View but Shrouded in Mystery, Looks Very Familiar to US

Another al Qaeda bigwig killed in Syria?

High-profile jihadists in Syria, including those with known ties to al Qaeda, are reporting that Sanafi al Nasr — one of al Qaeda’s highest-ranking leaders — has been killed.


Turkish Effort to Block Twitter Draws Protest


The IDF announced the discovery of another terror tunnel from Gaza into Israel. Hamas said the tunnel was old and previously discovered. US senators said talks are underway with Israel to work on a new defense aid package. A top IDF official warned that the next major conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will also involve […]

Al Qaeda official in Syria was extremist preacher in Australia

An Al Nusrah Front video released on March 17 features Abu Sulayman al Muhajir, who was an extremist preacher in Australia. Abu Sulayman says he relocated to Syria, where he was part of al Qaeda’s mediation effort in the dispute between Al Nusrah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS). He criticizes ISIS in the video.


Security sources said two Ansar Jerusalem members were killed in an airstrike in North Sinai. Some Ansar Jerusalem fighters reportedly fled to Gaza due to ongoing Egyptian military operations in North Sinai. Unidentified assailants set fire to a garage containing cooking gas cylinders near Gaza. Clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and opponents left at least […]


Missing radioactive material may pose ‘dirty bomb’ threat: IAEA


Inside Hezbollah: fighting and dying for a confused cause


The airport in Tripoli has reopened after a missile attack that was later reported to be a small bomb. A tanker loaded with illicit oil is being escorted back to Libya by 25 US sailors, who have taken custody of three Libyans who had commandeered the ship from its crew. Japan donated $5 million for […]

United Kingdom

Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee said the UK needs to do more to combat extremism in the Sahel-Sahara region, where jihadists have “put down roots,” and that there is no sign yet that African countries are capable of dealing with the increasing threat on their own. A video was released showing British jihadists with the Islamic […]


President Mujica indicated his willingness to resettle Guantanamo detainees, saying, “If the inmates of Guantanamo want to make their nests in Uruguay, they can do it,” but cautioned he “would not be their jailer.” He said he had agreed to President Obama’s request that five inmates be transferred to Uruguay.

Saudi jihadi recounts his time with ISIS

Suleiman al Sabi’ee, a 25-year-old Saudi who returned from fighting alongside the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, described his time in Syria on Saudi TV earlier this month.


Regime forces captured the historic Krak des Chevaliers citadel in Homs from rebel forces, killing at least 11 and wounding over 45; the Islamic Front and the Jund al Sham continued to clash with regime forces in the area, however. In Raqqah, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham forced 600 Kurdish civilians to […]

Al Qaeda

Tunisia’s fake jihadist and the war in Syria

Ahrar al Sham

Defying allies, Qatar unlikely to abandon Syria rebels


After the Syrian army’s capture of the Krak des Chevaliers in Homs, a number of rebels have fled into Lebanon, including at least 45 wounded who reached Wadi Khaled and were taken by the Lebanese Red Cross to hospitals in Akkar. Security sources said many of the fleeing fighters were from the Al Nusrah Front. […]

Al Qaeda veteran appears in Al Nusrah Front video, criticizes rival

In a video released on March 18, the Al Nusrah Front identifies Abu Firas al Suri as a leader within the group. Al Suri, who has a long al Qaeda pedigree, was dispatched to Syria from Yemen to try to mediate the dispute between Al Nusrah and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham.

Saudi Arabia

A court sentenced 13 men to prison terms of up to 14 years for supporting terrorism, training at al Qaeda bases, and recruiting for jihad abroad. Among the nine Saudis, two Jordanians, an Egyptian, and a Syrian, some had financed terrorism in Iraq. Saudi officials decided to stop issuing tourist visas, in order to keep […]