Search Results for: TTP


A letter from the emir of Ansar al Sharia Tunisia, Seifallah Hassine a.k.a. Abou Iyadh, was published on its website yesterday, urging young members to be steadfast despite efforts by security forces against the group. The retrial of 20 persons suspected in the attack on the US Embassy in Tunis on September 2012 is likely […]


Tripoli airport was closed after missiles were fired at the runway and the control tower. An official of the Central Bank in Tripoli was kidnapped. A Tunisian diplomat was kidnapped in Tripoli on March 21. Staff blockaded the Military Intelligence headquarters in Tripoli to protest the appointment of Salah Badi, a former Air Force officer, […]


Turkey shot down a Syrian jet, claiming it violated Turkish airspace; the plane crashed in Syrian territory near the contested Kasab crossing. Hezbollah claimed to have killed three rebel car bomb experts in Qalamoun along with four of their bodyguards in an ambush. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham launched an offensive to […]


During a clash in Beirut between Salafists and Hezbollah-linked supporters of the Assad regime in Syria, one person was killed and 15 were wounded. Fugitive Salafist preacher Ahmad al-Assir released a video accusing two Lebanese political blocs of seeking to kill him and suggested that Sunnis defect from the Lebanese army. A Maronite bishop escaped […]


Hamas rally in Gaza takes aim at Egypt, Israel and Abbas

Boko Haram

Nigerian Army Facing Questions as Death Toll Soars After Prison Attack


Two or three suspected Shabaab gunmen stormed a church in Likoni, outside Mombasa, and fired at the congregation, killing the pastor and three worshipers and seriously injuring 10 others, including three children. Witnesses claimed that the gunmen shouted in a foreign language.


Gunmen killed a soldier in Benghazi today and a navy recruit in Derna on March 21. Gunmen robbed a bank van in Derna of $600,000. An Italian who worked for a construction company in Tobruk was kidnapped. In Zawia, the military’s former Chief of Staff was abducted and then released. The forces of Ibrahim Jadhran […]


At least 20 people were killed when suspected Boko Baram militants detonated a bomb at a busy market in Bama in Borno state yesterday. Two days earlier, the terror group reportedly attacked a market in nearby Nguro Soye, killing as many as 30 people. Secondary schools in Borno have been closed indefinitely due to Boko […]


The al Qaeda connection in the Merah Affair


Targeted killings on the rise in Afghanistan’s eastern province of Nangarhar


Afghan Interior Ministry Links Haqqani Network to Hotel Attack, Calls for International Support


The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front’s Ahrar al Sham battled regime forces for control of the Kasab crossing along the Turkish border. The leaders of the western and central rebel fronts announced a battle to liberate the coast in Latakia. Syrian state media accused Turkey of allowing and assisting the Islamist forces to […]


Fears linger despite lull in n. Lebanon fighting


Border guards arrested four people who illegally entered Jordan from Syria, and wounded four more in a clash at the border. Authorities said three other people who had been fighting with groups in Syria voluntarily surrendered upon entering Jordan. Over 760 refugees crossed over at illegal entry points into Jordan from Syria in the past […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five policemen and two civilians in a double IED attack in Tikrit. Yesterday, the ISIS killed 29 people in a series of attacks throughout the country. In one of those attacks, a suicide bomber killed six policemen at a funeral for another officer in Ramadi. Eight […]


Security forces thwarted an attempt to detonate an explosive device on the road leading to the el Arish airport. Some security sources said the intended target of the bomb was Sedki Sobhi, a top Egyptian general. Unidentified gunmen reportedly opened fire on a radio building in el Arish. The Egyptian military used Apaches above el […]


At least 12 people were killed as Yemeni military forces clashed with Shia Houthi rebels near Amran. Yemeni tribesmen bombed a pipeline in Marib, halting oil exports.


In a complaint to the UN, Syria accused the Turkish military of allowing and providing cover for the Al Nusrah Front and the Ahrar al Sham brigade to attack Syrian forces from Turkish territory near Kasab. Interior Minister Ala said two Albanians and a Kosovan who killed a gendarme and a policeman at a checkpoint […]


Thousands join rare Algeria rally


The US sailors who escorted the renegade oil tanker Morning Glory back to Libya have handed it over to the Libyan navy. Hours earlier, 16 people were killed in clashes between Libyan troops and separatist rebels in Ajdabiya, the hometown of Ibrahim Jathran, whose forces are blockading eastern oil terminals. The Tunisian ambassador denied reports […]


A fire destroyed Bamako’s main market, burning down 2,000 shops yesterday. On March 20, the French military claimed to have killed about 40 Islamist militants, including some senior commanders, in Mali in recent weeks.


Belgium raised its terror alert level to “high” as a result of the planned visit of US President Barack Obama and visits by other dignitaries between March 20 and April 3 for the European Union’s summit on Africa. A Belgian security official said no threats have been perceived and that the heightened alert is “the […]