Search Results for: TTP


Five Taliban fighters and two civilians were killed in a Taliban suicide assault on the guest house of an American charity in Kabul. The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Helmand. The NDS broke up a suicide attack in Jawzjan.


Forty-four soldiers and four insurgents are reported to have been killed during clashes in and around Fallujah. Security forces killed two “gunmen” in Latifiyah. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham bombed two bridges near Ramadi and Haditha.


The Al Nusrah Front, the Islamic Front, and rebels battled regime forces in Latakia. Activists claimed that opposition forces have blocked regime reinforcements from reaching Latakia. The Al Nusrah Front and the Islamic Front clashed with regime forces in Hama, in Idlib, and in Deir Izzour. Arabs in Raqqah allied with the Islamic State of […]


Moroccan king attends prayers led by reformed Salafi-jihadist

Al Qaeda

Syria spillover taints Turkey poll in border province


Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives and two soldiers were killed when the military raided a safe house in Dalea province. The AQAP operatives were plotting attacks before security forces conducted the raid.

Al Nusrah Front

Who are the ‘media activists’ covering the Syrian war?


The Army confiscated a large cache of weapons and bomb-making materials during a raid in Akkar. Security forces launched launched raids in Tripoli after masked gunmen killed an Army officer and a policeman in separate attacks. Dai al-Islam al-Shahal, a leading Salafist, urged Sunni youth to defend their rights. Hezbollah is said to be revising […]


Escalating attacks jangle nerves ahead of crucial Afghan vote


NATO appoints anti-war protester as next secretary general


The Muslim Brotherhood said presidential candidate Abdel Fattah el Sisi is afraid to campaign publicly due to the potential for backlash from the public. Security officials denied that a wall was being built around el Arish in North Sinai; Ansar Jerusalem has threatened to attack anyone involved in the purported project. The Interior Minister said […]


The IDF opened fire on two purportedly armed individuals trying to tamper with border infrastructure along the border with Syria. The two suspects were reportedly killed. A planned release of Palestinian prisoners was delayed and may not occur.


During a shootout in the Mombasa suburb of Likoni, police killed two suspects in last week’s attack on a Likoni church. Authorities are seeking to transfer the trial of accused Shabaab member Sheikh Abubakar Shariff Abubakar a.k.a. Makaburi from Mombasa to Shimo La Tewa prison for security reasons. Somali community leaders in Kenya agreed to […]


Assassins in Benghazi targeted intelligence officers over the past two days, killing one and injuring two others in three separate attacks. A Benghazi security official was injured in a separate attack, and robbers killed a Sudanese shop assistant in the city. The renegade tanker Morning Glory moved from Tripoli to Khoms; its owner has not […]


The government has signed a peace agreement with a Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the country’s largest Muslim rebel group, giving greater autonomy to Muslim areas of Mindanao, to be called Bangsamoro, in exchange for the MILF’s surrender of its weapons. The accord, reached after the loss of 120,000 lives in 40 years of conflict, and […]


Kenyans enhance vigilance as threats of terror attack rise


United Nations warns of increasing militant links between Iraq, Syria


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 26 people in a series of bombings in Baghdad, and killed two soldiers in Karma and a policeman in Tikrit. Security forces killed 13 ISIS fighters in airstrikes in Al Qaim and a military emir south of Fallujah.


The Al Nusrah Front, the Ansar al Sham, and the Sham al Islam continued to battle regime forces in Latakia; the regime responded with bombardments. Al Nusrah and the Islamic Front clashed with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham over oilfields and facilities in Deir Izzour. ISIS fought against Al Nusrah, Islamist fighters, […]


Masked gunmen killed an army officer in Tripoli. Suspected car bomb expert Sami Ahmad Atrash died following a shootout in Arsal with police; authorities are conducting raids in Arsal in search of terrorists linked to Atrash. After an Islamic Jihad initiative, Fatah agreed to a memorandum of understanding with Islamists in Lebanon, including Hamas, the […]


Low turnout at Hamas rally sign of declining support?

Boko Haram

Nigeria’s Boko Haram insurgency ‘affects millions’


Exclusive: Pakistan Taliban agrees to ceasefire to help Afghan allies

Al Qaeda

Digging Trenches: Al Shabaab in Kenya